
  • 网络Competition in the insurance market;the competition of insurance marketing
  1. 保险市场竞争的法律规制

    Regulation of Insurance Market Competition by Law

  2. 财产保险市场竞争格局研讨

    Discussion of Property Insurance Market Competition Pattern

  3. 在这场激烈的市场竞争中,人力资源的竞争已然成为保险市场竞争的核心。

    In this fierce market competition , " HR competition " has become the core competition of the insurance market .

  4. 只有这样,我们才能克服现行保险市场竞争规制模式的不足,在未来竞争中取胜。

    Only in this way can we overcome the defaults in the nowadays-insurance market regulation system and succeed in the future competition .

  5. 保险市场竞争的加剧与金融市场的复杂化威胁着我国保险企业的偿付能力和资本金充足程度。

    Much more competitions in insurance market and increasingly complication of finance products weaken solvency and capital adequacy capability of insurance companies .

  6. 国际保险市场竞争是现代化保险企业之间的竞争,现代化保险企业需要采用先进的企业管理模式。

    Modernized insurance companies should take advanced management patterns because current international insurance marketing competition is based on the modernized insurance companies .

  7. 保险市场竞争日趋激烈,加强保险资金运用已成为保险公司的必然选择。

    The insurance market competition becomes more and more drastic , so it is the necessary alternative for Insurance Corporation to strength insurance funds management .

  8. 随着保险市场竞争的日趋激烈,为推动保险业的持续健康发展,保险资金运用的重要性日趋明显。

    As well as the fury competition in domestic insurance market , the utilization of funds to promote insurance continue development has been shown in evidence .

  9. 面临日益国际化的保险市场竞争,我国保险企业应顺应国际潮流的发展趋势,建立和实施战略管理。

    Facing the competition from the global insurance market , the domestic insurance companies should follow the international tendency , establish and implement the strategy management .

  10. 保险市场竞争规制是现代市场经济发展的客观要求,也是保险业发展的必要条件。

    Regulation of insurance market competition is the result of the development of modern market economy . It is also necessary for the development of insurance industry .

  11. 中国保险市场竞争格局已经形成,随着我国加入世贸组织,保险市场将更加开放。

    The competition in Chinese insurance market has come into being , and with China 's entry to the WTO , the market will be more open .

  12. 随着中国加入WTO,中国保险市场的竞争达到了空前的激烈程度。

    Entry the WTO along with China , the competition of the Chinese insurance market comes to the unprecedented and vigorous degree .

  13. 随着全球经济一体化,国内保险市场的竞争越来越激烈,企业的生存和竞争环境也发生了根本的变化。

    With the global economic being integrated and the domestic insurance market being increasingly competitive , the survival and competing environment of enterprises has also been changed fundamentally .

  14. 目前我国住房抵押贷款保险市场缺乏竞争性机制,从长远来看不利于住房消费信贷的发展和保险公司运营水平的提高。

    Currently , China 's housing mortgage loan insurance market lacks competing mechanism . In the long run , the situation is not beneficial to the development of housing mortgage load business and the improvement of insurance companies'operation .

  15. 第四部分是太平洋人寿保险四川市场的竞争分析和竞争战略。

    Thefourth section analyzed the competition of the market and established the competitive strategy .

  16. 国有保险公司由于市场竞争加剧,保险人才流失现象较为严重,而人才严重流失将导致国有保险公司导致业务发展的停滞,效益水平的下滑,甚至导致公司的生存危机。

    With keen competition of insurance market , the talent outflow cause serious consequences to state-owned Insurance company .

  17. 中国保险市场形成的竞争局面,对广大消费者有利,对保险市场的培育也是有益的。

    It was good for the Chinese consumers and good for the cultivating Chinese insurance market because of competition .

  18. 人才竞争将在相当长的一个时期内直接决定着许多保险公司在市场竞争中的成败。

    Competition for professionals will directly determine the success or failure of many insurance companies in the market competition in a fairly long period of time .

  19. 第四部分是论文的分析部分,是新华人寿保险大连市场的竞争分析和竞争战略,提出了新华人寿保险大连市场的战略选择。

    The fourth section is the analysis part , analyzed the competition of the market and established the competitive strategy . It also choose the strategy in Dalian market .

  20. 随着我国保险市场结构向竞争性市场的转型,保险企业的真正利益所在是要求放松费率管制,保险消费者也有类似的要求。

    With the transfer of market structure toward competing market , the real interest of insurance enterprises lie in deregulation of insurance rate , so does the insurance consumers .

  21. 但是,中国保险业的市场竞争极不充分,整体经营绩效低下,无序、恶性竞争屡禁不止,严重削弱了保险业整体竞争力。

    But the competition of Chinese insurance market ( CIM ) is very deficient , with low performance as well as non-stopped out-of-order and malignant competition . All these problems have weakened Chinese insurance competitiveness seriously .

  22. 对于寿险公司而言,主要绩效来源于承保利润和投资收益,由于近年来中国金融业不断继续开放,保险市场激烈的竞争促使保险费率下降,承保利润随之下滑。

    The performance of the life insurance companies mainly depends on underwriting profits and investment income . In recent years , the premium rate is dropping down because of the competition of the market , which leads to the decline of the underwriting profit .

  23. 保险市场日益激烈的竞争给我国各非寿险公司带来巨大的竞争压力。

    The increasingly intensifying competition has brought about immense pressure on non-life insurance companies .

  24. 目前,国内保险业呈现出市场竞争主体日趋增多,市场集中度不断下降的竞争格局。

    At present , the domestic competition pattern of insurance is that the competitor is increasing day by day , on the other hand , that market concentration degree is dropping constantly .

  25. 在市场行为分析中,发现中国保险市场存在不正当竞争行为,保险费率制定缺乏市场指导,缺乏自主创新,保险企业并购没有完善的制度规定。

    In the analysis of the market conduct , Chinese insurance market that existed improper competition , the lack of development of the premium rate market guidance , a lack of innovation , corporate acquisition is a sound insurance system requirements .

  26. 本文利用寡占理论对我国保险市场中的价格竞争进行了研究,解释了恶性价格竞争的成因,提出了我国保险公司的竞争策略和保险价格管制的重点。

    Therefore , the author uses the oligopoly theory to analyze the price competition of Chinese insurance market in order to advance Chinese insurance companies how to avoid the bad price competition equilibrium and set the price of their product and advance the key points of price regulation policy .

  27. 中国加入WTO后,随着外资公司不断涌入中国保险市场,国内保险市场的竞争愈发激烈起来。

    As the foreign insurance companies constantly pouring into Chinese insurance market after China joined to WTO , the competition in the internal insurance market becomes more and more fierce .

  28. 随着中国加入WTO,2005年中国将全面开放保险市场,我国保险市场竞争格局正在发生着深刻的变化。

    As China joins WTO , China will open the insurance market in an all-round way in 2005 , the market competition pattern of insurance of our country is changing deeply .

  29. 国外成熟保险市场经验显示,当保险市场竞争较为充分之后,承保业务利润已经非常微薄,保险业进一步发展的动力来自于保险资金运用所获得的利润。

    The mature foreign market experience shows that , when the competition in insurance market is complete , and the underwriting profit is slight , the incentive for further development comes from the profit acquired from insurance funds use .

  30. 首先,外资保险公司的进入,加强了保险市场竞争程度,导致保险企业保费利润率的迅速下滑。

    First , foreign capital insurance company of into , enhanced the insurance market competition degree , cause insurance business enterprise insurance fee profit margin dropped quickly .