
  • 网络insurance intermediary;insurance agent
  1. 发达国家保险中介人制度模式及其启示

    Insurance Intermediary System in Developed Countries and Its Implication

  2. 系统而有效的法律法规体系是保险中介人制度良性发展的必备条件;

    Secondly , systematic and valid statutes are essential to develop the insurance intermediary virtuously .

  3. 保险中介人发展较快,保险中介机构呈多元化、专业化趋势;

    The middleman system developing fast with a tendency to specialize and multivariate .

  4. 健全保险中介人组织的内控制度是微观监管的重要组成部分。

    Finally , perfecting internal control regulations is the significant respect of micro-supervision .

  5. 作为保险中介人之一的保险经纪人是保险市场的重要组成部分。

    As one of the insurance intermediary , insurance broker plays an important role in insurance market .

  6. 保险中介人一般是由保险经纪人、保险代理人、保险公估人以及同业协会、精算师事务所、律师事务所等构成。

    Insurance intermediary is generally constituted of insurance broker , insurance agent , insurance public valuator as well as trade association , actuary office , and law office , etc.

  7. 三是保险公司、保险中介、投保人之间的不协调阻碍着保险中介业的发展;

    Third , the incongruities among insurance company , insurance intermediary and the insured hamper the progress of the insurance intermediary industry ;

  8. 参与保险交易各方,包括保险公司、保险中介人和保险消费者都存在着比较严重的信用缺失问题,影响了我国保险业的健康发展,制约了我国保险业国际竞争力的提升。

    All participants of the insurance transaction , including insurance companies , insurance intermediaries and insurance consumers have serious problems of discredit , which influences the sound development of the insurance and has restricted the promotion of insurance 's international competitiveness in our country .

  9. 三是服务创新,不断地改进和提高保险中介的服务质量,进行服务创新,是保险中介人提高市场竞争力的一个重要途径。

    Three , the service innovation , unceasingly the improvement and the enhancement insurance intermediary grade of service , carries on the service innovation , is the insurance intermediary person enhances the market competition strength an important way .

  10. 但是在目前的保险体系中,保险公估人尚处于起始阶段,与其他保险中介人相比,存在着发展滞后、市场主体缺位、市场秩序混乱、技术水平低下等问题。

    Among this system of the insurance , the insurance assessor is still at initial stage in our country ; Compared with other insurance intermediary , questions such as market main body omission , market disorder , low engineering level have not been solved at all yet .

  11. 第二部分各国保险中介制度及监管的比较研究国外的保险业已经十分发达,保险中介人制度也相对比较完善。

    Chapter two : the system and supervision of insurance intermediary in foreign countries .

  12. 一个完善发达的保险市场除了包含保险人、被保险人/投保人两个市场主体之外,还必须要有保险中介人的参与。

    As we all know , it 's essential for a perfect and developed insurance market to include the participation of insurance intermediary besides the main two market subject : insurer and insured / assured .