
  1. 检查解决SLA中没有涉及的事项的保险策略,这些事项包括收入损失、信誉受损、数据泄露等。

    Review if your insurance policy addresses things that are not covered in an SLA including lost revenue , damaged reputation , or a data breach .

  2. TIPP投资组合保险策略实证分析

    The positive test of the portfolio insurance on TIPP strategy

  3. 研究了2类组合保险策略(复制性卖权策略和恒定比例组合保险(CPPI)策略)对深圳成指的保险效果。

    This paper studies the effect of portfolio insurance on the portfolio of Shenzhen composite index .

  4. 在引入TIPP投资组合保险策略的基础上,对TIPP策略进行了修改,提出VGPI策略。

    This paper revises TIPP strategy , and proposes VGPI strategy on the basis of introducing TIPP strategy .

  5. 本文所研究的投资组合保险策略包括止损策略,复制期权策略,CPPI策略,TIPP策略,同时选择买入持有策略作为参照基准。

    In this paper , our subject portfolio insurance strategies contain stop loss strategy , synthetic put strategy , CPPI strategy and TIPP strategy .

  6. 投资组合保险策略在企业财经管理中的实际应用

    Practical Application of Portfolio Insurance Strategy to Financial Management of Enterprises

  7. 在得出各组合保险策略有效性结论的同时,对各投资组合保险策略在实证中表现出的不同特点进行了比较分析。

    Furthermore , the characteristics of the portfolio insurance strategies were analyzed .

  8. 基于随机占优的投资组合保险策略参数设计

    Parameter Design of Portfolio Insurance Strategies Based on Stochastic Dominance

  9. 动态资产组合保险策略在中国证券市场的应用研究

    Research of the Dynamic Portfolio Insurance Adopting in China 's Security Market

  10. 最后本文根据实证的结果给出了在目前法规限定下适宜的投资组合保险策略。

    Finally the ideal portfolio insurance strategy is given .

  11. 投资组合保险策略的蒙特卡洛实证比较分析

    Empirical Comparison and Analysis of Portfolio Insurance Strategies Based on Monte Carlo Simulation

  12. 摄入维他命是一种很棒的营养保险策略。

    Taking vitamins is a great nutrition insurance policy .

  13. 投资组合保险策略绩效的随机占优检验

    Stochastic Dominance Test of Performance of Portfolio Insurance Strategies

  14. 基于风险分散的农业巨灾保险策略研究

    Risk-based Decentralized Agricultural Catastrophe Insurance Strategy of China

  15. 极值和相关性理论及其在固定比例投资组合保险策略中的应用

    Extreme Value and Copula Theory with the Application in Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance Strategies

  16. 传统的投资组合保险策略尽管能够满足风险方面的要求,但在收益方面并不尽如人意。

    Traditional Portfolio Insurance Strategies can satisfy the demand of risk but not return .

  17. 投资组合保险策略最小风险控制

    Minimum of Risk Controlling About Portfolio Insurance Strategy

  18. 您必须添加一个保险策略。

    You must add an issuance policy .

  19. 投资组合保险策略的产生和发展为投资者规避系统风险提供了理论和技术上的支持。

    Portfolio Insurance Strategies offer to solve the above problem in both theory and techniques .

  20. 组合保险策略绩效实证研究

    Empirical Study of Performance of Portfolio Insurance

  21. 我想制定一个保险策略才是明智之举

    I think it 'd be wise if we set up a little insurance policy .

  22. 基于目标收益导向的动态投资组合保险策略研究

    Goal-Directed Dynamic Portfolio Insurance Strategies Research

  23. 期货市场组合保险策略及其实证研究

    Portfolio Insurance in Future Market

  24. 投资组合保险策略的运作原理

    Principles of Operating Portfolio Insurance

  25. 选择投资组合保险策略时,对整体市场的判断尤为重要。

    When choosing the strategy of investment portfolio insurance , it is particularly important to judge of the overall market .

  26. 运用1998年1月~3月上海证券市场的数据,对风险性投资保险策略&资产组合保险进行了实证分析。

    Data from January to March of 1998 in Shanghai Securities Market are used in the empirical analysis of portfolio insurance .

  27. 结果表明,组合保险策略在市场呈现空头行情时,能够将投资组合损失锁定在一定范围内;

    The empirical study shows that portfolio insurance can reduce the loss in bear market and capture upside in bull market .

  28. 信贷资产组合保险策略定价技术通用性强,可以作为其他产品定价的基础。

    The technology of pricing the insurance strategy of credit portfolio is universal , it 's the pricing foundation of other products .

  29. 我国证券市场的固定比例投资组合保险策略将投资组合分为债券资产和股票资产两部分,在动态调整时刻,股票资产与债券资产按一定的比例进行动态调整。

    In the dynamic time , the ratio of stock assets and bond assets will be dynamically adjusted by a certain percentage .

  30. 投资组合保险策略在中国股市有较强的适应性,其中时间不变性投资组合保险策略的长期表现最好,复制性卖权策略次之。

    Portfolio insurance is suitable for Chinese securities market , Among which TIPP plays best in the long run with SP following .