
  • 网络product extension;line extension
  1. 本文研究得到如下主要结论:(1)基于产品延伸价值的网络口碑传播中,传者的专业性正向影响网络口碑传播效果。

    For the online word-of-mouth dissemination based on product extension values , senders ' profession positively influences the effects of online dissemination .

  2. 而关于品牌延伸,既可以采用产品延伸,又可以采用名称延伸,具体要根据企业所属的行业特点和企业自身的品牌营销战略而定。

    As to brand extension , product extension and name extension may all be applied in term of industry characteristics and brand marketing strategy of enterprises .

  3. 文章给出了产品延伸服务业务的提供机制。

    This paper puts forward a provision mechanism of PSS .

  4. 旅游产品延伸是实现旅游产品转型的重要途径。

    The extension of tourism products is an important way to achieve tourism products in transition .

  5. 对国内品牌全球化过程中的本土化设计可以借鉴跨国公司成功经验采用产品延伸、产品适应、产品创新这三种海外本土化设计方法。

    Product prolong , product adaptation , product innovation are the main three way of oversea design for reference .

  6. 科技创新、良好品牌形象和适度的品牌产品延伸促进泉州三家领军品牌企业快速发展。

    Technological innovation , fine brand image , and moderate brand extension accelerated the fast development of three cited brands .

  7. 研究结果表明,基于价值链的旅游产品延伸与耦合的研究具有一定的适用性。

    The result is that , there is certain applicability in the extension and the coupling of tourism products based on the value chain .

  8. 然而,由于精细化工自身的特点,企业在进行产品延伸时,往往面临着复杂决策问题。

    However , as fine chemical own characteristics in itself , we may face complicated decision problems when making production extensions in chemical companies .

  9. 间断延伸,即产品延伸与原品牌产品相关性较弱,如雅马哈摩托车和雅马哈电子琴。

    Finally , intermittent extension , which means that brand extension is weakly related with original brand products , such as Yamaha motor and Yamaha electronic organ .

  10. 分析家建议电视工业把他们产品延伸到其他市场,可以出口到中国以外的地方,或者出口高附加值产品。

    Analysts have suggested the TV industry send their goods to other markets , export them from facilities outside of China , or export more high-end products .

  11. 与此同时我国企业也面临激烈的国内国际市场竞争,部分企业已将产品延伸至国外市场。

    At the same time , the Chinese enterprises confront with fierce competition in the world . Some of the companies have launched the product and services into the global market .

  12. 国内诸多化工企业为了占领行业发展战略的制高点、增强企业抵御风险的能力,采取进行精细化工产品延伸的策略。

    Domestic chemical companies have taken extension measures of fine chemicals to occupy commanding height of develop strategy in chemical industry and strengthen the ability of withstand risks in chemical companies .

  13. 80%的消费者会关注产品延伸价值,在他们所关注的产品延伸价值中,质量保证是消费者最为关注的方面,其次依次为:售后退换、送货服务、售前咨询、付款方式和产品包装。

    Eighty percent of consumers focus on the product extension values , among which quality assurance ranks first followed by after-sale return service , delivery service , pre-sale consulting , and product packaging .

  14. 因此本文从产品延伸价值的角度来研究影响网络口碑传播效果的相关因素无论是从理论方面还是从现实出发,都很有意义。

    Consequently it is highly meaningful in this paper to research into the related factors that have impacts on the effects of online word-of-mouth either theoretically or practically from the perspective of product extension values .

  15. 本文将耦合概念引入旅游产品延伸的研究,分析旅游产品及其延伸产品的良性互动关系,是对旅游产品延伸研究的有益补充。

    This article introduces the concept of the coupling , researches on the extension of tourism products , and then analyses the interaction between tourism products and augmented products , which will be a useful supplementary study .

  16. 在企业竞争战略中,与产业链上游的技术研发相比,产业链下游的产品延伸服务具有同等重要的作用。

    In contrast with the R & D in the upper section of the industrial chain , PSS in the lower section of the industrial chain are the same important to the firm in the competitive strategy .

  17. 基于产品延伸价值的网络口碑传播中,网络口碑信息越完整、得到认可的信息越多,对网络口碑传播效果的影响就越大。

    For the online word-of-mouth dissemination based on product extension values , the more complete the online word-of-mouth information is and the more approval of the information is received , the more influences on the effects of online dissemination are .

  18. 当前乳品促销已经从中低端产品延伸到高端产品,促销的周期较长,间隔较短,产品类型多样,让利幅度在10%-50%之间。

    Currently dairy promotions were extended from low-end products to high-end products . Promotion cycle was long and the interval was short . Types of promotional products were a wide variety . The discount rate ranged between 10 % ~ 50 % .

  19. 消费者对我国产品品牌延伸态度研究

    The Study of Customer 's Attitudes Towards Chinese Brand Extensions Products

  20. 利用循环经济理念促进化工产品链延伸

    Accelerating Extension of Chemical Industry Products with Circulation Economy Theory

  21. 品牌经营策略包括产品线延伸策略、品牌拓展策略等。

    The brand operation strategy consists of extension strategy of product series , brand exploration strategy and etc.

  22. 通过定义化工产品链延伸,研究了化工产品链延伸机理。

    Through the definition of chemical product chain extension , the paper studied the extension mechanism of chemical product chain .

  23. 同时,我们的产品还延伸到电气安装和标记材料,基本的I/O器件以及各种电子产品和专用工具。

    Electronics and Information Manufacturing Electrical installation and marking material , basic I / O components and a variety of tools round off the range .

  24. 世界各国纷纷立法,在电子行业推行生产者责任延伸制,将产品责任延伸至产品废弃后的回收处理阶段。

    Developed countries have promulgated legislations to implement extended producer responsibility ( EPR ) in electronic industry , which requires manufacturers to undertake tack-back responsibility of end-of-life ( EOL ) products .

  25. 本文试图把市场进入问题的研究从产品市场延伸到劳动力市场,分析了存在雇员经理人进入威胁情况下企业雇佣行为的变化及其特点。

    This paper tries to extend the entry issues from product market to employee market , and analyzes the change and characters of firm 's employment conduct under the risk of employee 's entry .

  26. 旅游产品及其延伸产品耦合程度的高低直接影响旅游产品转型的结果,进而影响旅游产业的发展。

    The degree of the coupling , which is between tourism products and augmented products , will directly affect the results of tourism products in transition , and then affect the development of the tourism industry .

  27. 20世纪70年代后,随着经济全球化进程的不断深入与科学技术革命的不断发展,国际分工从产品层面延伸到产品内工序层面,产品内分工以及建立在此基础上的产品内贸易开始日渐增长。

    From the 1970s , with the accelerated economic globalization and the development of technology revolution , the level of international specialization has extended to products in process from finished goods , which result in the growing of intra-product specialization and intra-product trade based on it .

  28. 从企业战略的高度来看,品牌延伸的决策模式可以分为以下四种:(1)不考虑品牌延伸决策对原品牌的影响,仅考虑新产品能否延伸成功;

    From the perspective of corporate strategy , there are four de-cision-making models in brand extension : ( I ) paying attention to the success of new product in extension , with no consideration of the influence that the decision-making of brand extension may have on the original brand ;

  29. 新矿集团煤炭产品产业链延伸的研究与应用

    Xin Wen Mining Coal Group Coal Productes Industry Chain Research and Applications

  30. 的增加,产品的断裂延伸率减小;

    With the increase of needle depth , breaking elongation rate decreased .