
  • 网络Insurance Assessor;insurance loss adjuster;Insurance Surveyor
  1. 保险公估人的产生与发展是保险市场体系成熟与完善的重要标志之一。

    The origin and development of insurance assessor is one of the most important symbols of the insurance market 's maturity .

  2. 但是在目前的保险体系中,保险公估人尚处于起始阶段,与其他保险中介人相比,存在着发展滞后、市场主体缺位、市场秩序混乱、技术水平低下等问题。

    Among this system of the insurance , the insurance assessor is still at initial stage in our country ; Compared with other insurance intermediary , questions such as market main body omission , market disorder , low engineering level have not been solved at all yet .

  3. 我国保险公估人法律制度初探

    The Preliminary Studies on Legal System of Public Adjuster in Our Country

  4. 保险公估人监管法律问题研究

    Research on Legal Issues of Supervisory of Insurance Adjuster

  5. 一个优秀的海上保险公估人需具备的素质

    The Required Qualities for a Competent Marine Adjuster

  6. 中国保险公估人发展研究

    On the Development of Chinese Loss Adjusters

  7. 保险公估人作为保险中介市场的组成部分,是保险市场成熟的重要标志。

    As an component part of the Insurance market , insurance evaluation bussiness is an important mark for an mature insurance market .

  8. 保险公估人作为保险市场的重要组成部分,在保险业中发挥着重要作用。

    As a main part of the insurance market , insurance assessors play an important role in the development of insurance industry .

  9. 大力发展保险公估人,完善保险市场,是我国保险业发展的内在要求。

    Develop loss adjusters with great effort and consummate insurance market , are the inner urge of the development of our insurance industry .

  10. 从功能上来说,保险公估人制度不仅具有市场功能,同时还具有一定的社会功能和法律功能。

    As far as the function is concerned , the public adjuster system has not only market function but social and legal function .

  11. 我国学者对保险公估人制度从经济学、保险学的角度进行研究的稍多一些,从法律的角度对其研究的相对较少。

    The Chinese scholars mainly study the system of Insurance loss adjuster from the angle of economics and insurance , seldom in the angle of law .

  12. 本文从分工的角度出发,利用专业化和分工的理论对我国保险公估人的发展问题进行了分析。

    Depart from the perspective of division of labor , this thesis analyze the issue of the development of our loss adjusters with the theory of specialization and division of labor .

  13. 保险公估人作为一种保险中介组织,在保险市场中起着独特的作用,其与保险经纪人、保险代理人共同构成完整的保险中介主体。

    As one kind of intermediary organs , loss adjusters play an unique role in insurance market . Loss adjusters , together with insurance brokers and insurance agents , form the complete main bodies of insurance intermediaries .

  14. 另一方面,要通过建立规范的市场准入制度、理清保险公估人与其他市场主体的关系、规范保险公估行为、明确其法律责任等措施,构建公平竞争的市场环境。

    On the other hand , we should build fair competition market environment through building normative system of permitting access to the market , making clear and definite the relationship of public adjuster and other market subjects , regulating the public adjuster behavior , setting definite legal responsibility , etc.

  15. 如今在中国占据主导的销售渠道为间接渠道中的保险代理人、保险经纪人和保险公估人三种渠道和银行保险渠道,而保险代理人和银行保险渠道几乎占据着整个市场。

    The dominant channel is insurance agent , insurance broker and bancassurance of indirect channel , then the insurance agent and bancassurance even take up the whole insurance market .

  16. 笔者通过引用广州保险公估市场的一些数据说明需求方对保险公估人提供的服务总体上是满意的。

    From the findings report of Guangzhou insurance adjusting market we can see that most demanders are satisfied with the services of insurance adjusters .

  17. 其次,保险法中尚无关于公估机构的管理规定,保险公估人的法律地位受到质疑,无序竞争中的公估市场主体不能得到法律制约。

    Secondly , regulation of management of assessors is lack in the law of insurance , the insurance assessor 's legal status is queried , main bodies in loss assessing market can 't be protected by law commonly in the unordered competition .

  18. 随着我国保险市场的逐步完善及保险业的进一步发展,保险公估人制度的建立和发展势在必行。

    With the gradual betterment of Chinese insurance market and the further development of insurance , it has become inevitable to establish and develop the insurance assessors system .

  19. 保险中介人一般是由保险经纪人、保险代理人、保险公估人以及同业协会、精算师事务所、律师事务所等构成。

    Insurance intermediary is generally constituted of insurance broker , insurance agent , insurance public valuator as well as trade association , actuary office , and law office , etc.

  20. 加入WTO,意味着我国正以前所未有的速度推进保险市场的开放,由此带来的市场效应为中外保险公估公司几乎在同一时间起跑,这就决定了我国保险公估人的发展任重而道远。

    With China 's entry into the WTO and its opening its insurance market is opening to the world , Chinese insurance assessors shoulder an important task in the Chinese insurance companies ' competition with the foreign companies .