
  1. 工作质量监控体系主要包括统计数据搜集质量、加工整理质量、存储保管质量及提供质量等四个环节的质量监控。

    Quality monitoring system mainly includes the four links of quality monitoring , which are the collecting quality of statistics data , the processing and sorting quality , the storage quality and the providing quality ;

  2. 人力资源部负责保管内部质量审核的记录。

    Human resources department is responsible for keeping the records of the internal quality audit .

  3. 甲方所提供的材料、设备经乙方验收、确认办理完交接手续后,在施工使用中的保管和质量控制均由乙方负责。

    In the construction , B shall be responsible for the keeping and quality control of A 's material if the material has been accepted by B.

  4. 及时归档、规范整理、集中保管、提高质量。

    Promptly files away , the standard reorganizes , the centralism storage , improves the quality .

  5. 第七条库存盈亏反映出保管员的工作质量,力求做到不出现差错。

    The seventh loss of inventory custodians reflects the quality of the work , do not seek to errors .

  6. 其中电子文件管理系统作为电子文件管理中的重要工具,它决定着电子文件从收集到归档保管整个流程的质量。

    As an important tool in e-document management , e-document management system determines the quality of entire process from collection to filing .

  7. 文件保管控制:依据质量手册及程序要求,制定了各项制度及岗位职责,文件基本到位,今后需不断完善。

    A file storage , control : on the basis of quality manual and procedure requirements , developed the system and post responsibility , basic file in place , the future need to be perfected ceaselessly .