
  • 网络Sponsor;Nomad
  1. 保荐人(Sponsor),是专门从事保荐行为的证券商。

    Sponsor is the security dealers specialized in sponsor activities .

  2. 香港保荐人规则的新变化及其启示

    The Changes in Sponsor Rules in Hong Kong and Its Revelation

  3. 中国南车的首次公开发行由麦格理(Macquarie)和中国国际金融有限公司(ChinaInternationalCapitalCorp)担任保荐人。麦格理和中金公司昨日均拒绝置评。

    China Southern Railway 's IPO is being arranged by Macquarie and China International Capital Corp. Macquarie and CICC declined to comment yesterday .

  4. 兰花丑闻爆发后,sfc曾试图让保荐人承担责任,但包括大型国际银行在内的业内机构称其不合理。

    Last time the SFC tried to put the onus on sponsors in the wake of the orchid scandal , the industry , including the big international banks , called it unreasonable .

  5. 戴姆勒(Daimler)在华合资伙伴北汽的股票将于本周晚些时候在香港开始挂牌交易,上市保荐人希望这将让投资者想起另一只股票,因为与德国卓越制造能力的关系,该股得以大幅飙升。

    When shares in Daimler 's China joint venture partner begin trading in Hong Kong later this week , the listing 's sponsors are hoping that investors will be reminded of another stock that has soared by virtue of its association with German manufacturing excellence .

  6. 中国香港的保荐人制度目前在进行持续的改革。

    The sponsor system in Hong Kong is being reformed constantly .

  7. 因此,立法上还需设置专门条款来加大处罚力度以形成对发行人和保荐人可信的威胁。

    So we should set up special clauses to strengthen punishment .

  8. 保荐人制度下新股发行定价效率的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the IPO Pricing Efficiency under the Sponsorship

  9. 保荐人制&券商角色的更位

    Recommender System : the Replacement of the Role of Stockjobber

  10. 二是对现有保荐人的职能适当分离;

    Second , to properly separate the functions of the present sponsors ;

  11. 保荐人在证券市场中扮演着证券发行上市第一看门人的重要角色。

    The sponsor acts a very important role in the stock market .

  12. 保荐人制度起源于英国,发展于香港。

    Sponsorship system originates England , developing in Hong Kong .

  13. 证券保荐人对第三人的民事责任制度研究

    Research on the Securities Sponsors ' Civil Liability to the Third Party

  14. 保荐人责任问题法律研究

    The Legal Research on the Responsibility of the Sponsor

  15. 主承销商责任的强化&兼谈二板市场的保荐人制

    Strengthen the Responsibility of the Main-consignee & On the Second-board Market Recommender Institution

  16. 首先对保荐人对第三人民事责任进行了界定。

    First of all , sponsors civil liability for the third was examined .

  17. 保荐人在企业发行上市过程中担当了实质审核的责任和信息公开担保的责任。

    The sponsors undertake responsibility of auditing issue of securities and guaranteeing information disclosure .

  18. 我国内地证券市场于2004年2月正式引入保荐人制度。

    In February 2004 , the domestic securities market officially introduced the sponsor system .

  19. 发行人应当配合保荐人和项目负责人的工作。

    The issuer shall cooperate with the sponsor and the project principal in work .

  20. 创业板市场能否成功运作,保荐人的角色至关重要。

    The role of Sponsors is of paramount importance to the successful operation of GEM .

  21. 第三部分位对完善我国保荐人制度的几点思考。

    The third part places on the reflections of improving the system of our sponsors .

  22. 以达到完善我国保荐人制度的目的。

    Thus to improve the sponsorship system .

  23. 保荐人的过错即其是否严格依照保荐规范行事。

    Sponsors of the fault namely whether the act strictly in accordance with the sponsor specification .

  24. 2005年我国修订了《证券法》,以法律的形式正式确立了保荐人制度。

    China amended the Securities Act in 2005 . A law of sponsor system had established .

  25. 提出我国证券市场的健康发展需要保荐人制度的同时,还需要多方参与者的共同努力。

    The article concludes that the development of Chinese security market needs coooeration from different institutions .

  26. 在保荐人的权利条件方面,其权利来源为法律的赋予及保荐协议的约定。真理与约定

    The system should grant some necessary exemption rights to sponsor as well . Truth and Agreement

  27. 另外,有必要对保荐人与其他共同侵权主体进行责任划分。

    In addition , it is necessary for sponsors and other common infringement responsibility divided subject .

  28. 保荐人通过这些行为将影响作用于市场,这必将给保荐人自身以及证券市场带来巨大的风险。

    The sponsor 's actions will have implications on the market and will bring along the risks .

  29. 保荐人制度下我国投资银行信息认证中介功能实证研究

    The Empirical Studies of the Information Certification Function of the Investment Bank under the Sponsorship in China

  30. 也可以通过建立完善的保荐人信息系统,提高整个社会对保荐人的质量辨别能力,从而对保荐人的需求市场施加影响;

    And build complete information system , enhance differentiating ability , hence affect the demand market of sponsor .