
  1. 通过分析国内保健品市场的营销环境和泰尔制药有限公司的各种产品组合与SWOT战略分析,确定该公司品牌营销之路的选择。

    The author make a strategic selection of Taier Pharmaceutical Company brand marketing operation through a SWOT analysis of industry environment and Taier Pharmaceutical Company 's products combination .

  2. 第四章,保健品市场的消费行为研究。

    Research on consume behaviors in health-food markets is made in chapter four .

  3. 品牌人性化:老年保健品市场制胜的关键

    Human-based Brand Formulation : the Key to Prospering in Aged Healthcare Products Market

  4. 医药保健品市场调查的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis of Marketing Research in Medical Health-food

  5. 第二章是对上海保健品市场进行分析,包括市场需求量分析及消费者行为分析。

    Chapter two studies the SHANGHAI health care product market including market demand analysis and consumer behavioral analysis .

  6. 我国加入世贸组织后,国内保健品市场进一步对外开放,趋于国际化。

    With the enter of WTO , the Chinese healthy food market opens further , it makes the domestic market global .

  7. 在鱼龙混杂的保健品市场上,充斥了大量的劣质保健品。

    The market of health care products is a place good and bad mixed together and is glutted with shoddy goods .

  8. 国外品牌凭借产品质量及品牌的优势,在中国高端保健品市场上居独占地位。

    With the advantages of product quality and brand , the foreign brands take up a certain portion in the Chinese health food market .

  9. 在我国,保健品市场、房地产市场、保险市场是目前虚假宣传行为泛滥的3个典型市场。

    In China , the tonics market , the real estate market and the insurance market are typically plagued with a flood of false publicity .

  10. 多糖具有丰富的药理活性,且无毒副作用,已广泛应用于临床及保健品市场。

    Polysaccharide has many pharmacological activities with no poisonous effect , it has been applied to clinical side and the market of health products widely .

  11. 目前我国的保健品市场按顾客的购买目的来划分大体可以分为两个细分市场:服用市场和礼品市场。

    According to different aims of purchase , the health-product market of China can be categorized into two market segments , namely consuming market and gifting market .

  12. 亚健康状态警示人们追求科学健康的现代生活保护意识日渐增强在养生保健品市场逐年销量信增。

    Sub health state of alert people to pursue scientific and healthy modern life protection increasing awareness in health care products market sales letter to increase year by year .

  13. 总体来看,优质个人护理用品、营养保健品市场遍布,高中低产品一应俱全,品牌众多、竞争日趋激烈。

    Overall , the high quality personal care products , nutrition health care products market spread all over , including products from soup to nuts , brand is numerous , competition is increasingly fierce .

  14. 在此基础上,对我国城市老年保健品市场营销的现状、存在问题的分析,从产品设计、价格制定、渠道建设和促销四个方面提出具有建设性的意见和建议。

    In this basis , the urban old health care products in China market status and analysis of existing problems , from product design , pricing strategy , place and promotion four aspects of the constructive comments .

  15. 分析了与保健品市场有关的基本概念及发展历程,对保健品市场传统的营销模式与新兴的营销模式进行了比较,并总结了保健品营销模式的特点及发展趋势;

    It has analyzed the related basic concept and the development course of healthy product market , compares the healthy product market tradition marketing pattern with the emerging marketing pattern , and summarized the healthy product marketing pattern 's characteristics and the development tendency .

  16. 目前,市场经济飞速发展,各个行业竞相发展,在保健品市场也日益繁荣,但是中老年保健品行业的信息化、科学化与其它相比则相差千里。

    At present , the rapid development of market economy , the each profession development , in the health care market also flourishs increasingly , but in the elderly health care products industry information , scientific and other than a difference of thousands of miles .

  17. 但与此同时又有很多企业在这样的环境中迅速成长、壮大,甚至占据了中国保健品市场一半以上的市场份额,如安利、完美、天狮等。

    At the same time , there are many companies which in this environment are rapid growing , and even accounted for more than half the market share of nutrition food market in China , such as Amway , Perfect World , Tiens Group and so on .

  18. 当今的医疗保健品的市场竞争日益激烈,正是机遇与风险并存。

    The current healthcare product market is more and more competitive . Yet , opportunity and risk coexist .

  19. 健康、美丽也成为了我国当代女性追求的目标,因而女性保健品成为了市场的宠儿,这为女性保健品的生产和销售提供了良好的机遇。

    Health and beauty also become the focus of modern women in China . This gives a good opportunity of producing and selling women products .

  20. 该公司保健品销售处于市场开拓阶段,对其营销模式进行设计具有现实必要性。

    Sale of the company health produces is placed in the market to expand the stage , so it has the realistic necessity to carry on marketing mode .

  21. 番茄红素已经作为新的保健食品正在迅速走俏国际保健品市场,因此如何提高番茄果实中的番茄红素含量并选育出高番茄红素含量番茄品种显得尤为迫切。

    As a new healthy food , lycopene is rapidly popular in the international healthcare market , how to improve lycopene content in the tomato fruit and breed tomato varieties with high lycopene content is particularly urgent .

  22. 我国维生素市场需求主要体现在饲料和保健品2方面,维生素保健品市场正快速形成,多维和预混料饲料用维生素产品增长快速。

    The market demand of vitamins in China embodies in demands for feed and health care product , market of health care products is rapidly forming , and high-speed growth in products of multi-component vitamins and premixed grade for feed is seen .

  23. 劣质保健品的存在,给优质保健品市场带来了巨大冲击,给优质保健品企业的声誉产生了严重的负面影响。

    The shoddy health care products have a huge impact on the market of high-quality health care products and have a negative effect on the reputation of enterprises of high-quality health care products .

  24. 笔者在保健品行业有多年的工作经验,在北京DHS公司也负责过两年的区域市场的开发,对护眼类保健品市场有一定的了解。

    As a veteran in health products marketing , the author had taken in charge of regional market development for DHS and acquired a quite recognition towards the market for eye-protecting products .

  25. 希望通过本文的研究,探索我国保健品企业营销策略和发展战略的路径及模式,以促进城市老年保健品市场持续健康发展。

    Hope that through this study to explore health care products companies in China marketing strategy and the path of development strategies to promote urban elderly health care products market .

  26. 文章分析了我国老年保健品品牌现状与老年人人性特点之间的矛盾,并对如何构建老年保健品市场的人性化品牌提出了策略框架。

    This paper , after analyzing the confliction , outlines how to formulate a human-based brand in the healthcare product market for the aged .