
  • 网络Insurance Group Company;Assurant Group
  1. 据知情人士透露,中国人民保险集团公司(People'sInsuranceCo.(Group)ofChinaLtd.)上周以市场环境低迷为由,推迟了原定7月在香港筹资40亿美元的IPO计划。

    Last week , People 's Insurance Co. ( Group ) of China Ltd. postponed its US $ 4 billion Hong Kong IPO that was planned for July because of weak market conditions , according to people familiar with the situation .

  2. 因此,应从以下几个方面对保险集团公司社会责任信息披露状况加以改善。

    Therefore , information disclosure situation of corporation social responsibility of insurance group company should be improved from the following several aspects .

  3. 在集团控股模式下,如何有效整合集团现有资源优势,实现综合经营、发挥协同效应,是保险集团公司进一步加快发展所面临的重大课题。

    To have a further development under the model of financial holding company , insurance group companies have to encounter some important issues , one of which is how to achieve a diversified operation and produce a synergistic effect by integrating various resources available effectively .

  4. 进一步利用Malmquist指数分析发现,保险集团及子公司的全要素生产率略有下降,其主要原因是技术退步。

    Through further analysis using Malmquist , this article finds out that total factor productivity of insurance groups and their subsidiaries declines slightly mainly due to technological regress .

  5. 综合经营趋势下国有保险集团金融控股公司化分析

    State-owned Insurance Groups Turning into Financial Holding Companies amid the Trend towards Comprehensive Operation

  6. 保险(集团)公司开办私人银行业务的优越性分析

    Analysis of the Superiority of Insurance ( Groups ) Companies in Private Banking Business

  7. 本系统是为阳光保险集团股份有限公司开发的阳光保险综合绩效考核系统。

    This system is developed by Sunshine Insurance Group Co. , Ltd. Sunshine Insurance comprehensive performance appraisal system .

  8. 知情人士表示,美国国际集团希望通过分期付款和其它一些灵活选择,使潜在买家更容易向其资产提出竞价,从而增加该保险集团作为独立公司存活下来的机率。

    People close to the situation said AIG was looking at instalment payments and other flexible options to make it easier for potential buyers to bid for assets and increase its chances of surviving as an independent company .

  9. 外国保险公司所在的集团公司设立的代表机构。

    The representative office established by a group to which a foreign insurance company belongs .

  10. 风控经理应如何评估一家银行、保险集团或任何其他公司存在的风险?

    How should risk managers assess the dangers that beset a bank , insurance group or any other company ?

  11. 第二章是保险集团的界定和保险集团公司的风险概述。

    The second chapter is the definition of insurance groups and insurance company risk .

  12. 但是专家指出,从短期来看,开放这个市场不会有大的影响,外国保险公司从平安或中国人民保险集团公司这样的大玩家手中抢走市场占有率还需要时间。

    But experts say , the opening of the market will not have big impact in the short term and it will take time for foreign insurers to steal market share from the big players like Ping An and PICC .

  13. 最后,从风险管理角度来看,本文认为我国保险控股集团在混业经营下应加强防范来自证券市场的风险,同时我国保险控股集团的公司治理结构也需要完善。

    China insurance holding companies should also improve corporate governance structure .