
  • 网络Local enterprises;local company;local firm
  1. 曼德尔森表示,他昨日向中国官员指出一个事实,就是外国汽车企业只能通过与本土企业成立对半持股的合资企业这一方式,来进入中国市场。

    He said he raised with Chinese officials yesterday the fact foreign car companies could only enter China by means of a 50-50 joint venture with a local company .

  2. 1977年,印度政府采取了一个极具象征意义的举措——撤销一家可口可乐工厂的许可证,因为其拒绝和一家本土企业合资(同样富有象征意义的是,1993年可口可乐在印度经济自由化后很快重返该国)。

    In 1977 , in a highly symbolic move , the Indian government cancelled the licence for a Coca-Cola factory when it refused to go into a joint venture with a local company ( equally symbolically , Coca-Cola came back to India in 1993 , soon after the country 's economic liberalisation ) .

  3. 20世纪50年代,美国企业在英国的发展速度要比英国本土企业快得多。

    American business in Britain during the 1950s grew much faster than British business .

  4. 向中国本土企业学习发展导向为本(方案B)

    Learn from native companies in China Trend Base ( Scenario B )

  5. FDI溢出效应及其对本土企业技术能力提升的作用

    FDI Spillovers and Impact on Technology Capability Improving of Local Firms

  6. FDI后向关联对本土企业创新能力影响机制研究

    The Study on Impact Mechanism of Backward Linkages to Local Enterprises ' Innovation Capability of FDI

  7. FDI、技术差距与本土企业的研发投入&理论及中国的经验研究

    FDI , Technology Gap , and Local R & D : Theory and Experience Analysis of China

  8. 最近它还将矛头指向大型本土企业,如中国银行(BankofCHina)。在7月9日播出的一档节目中,央视指控中行帮助中国富人向海外转移财富。

    It has also targeted large domestic companies such as Bank of China , which CCTV accused of helping wealthy Chinese funnel their wealth offshore in a broadcast on July 9 .

  9. 加入WTO后,中国本土企业的竞争与外资企业竞争更加激烈化。

    After China join in WTO , competition be - tween Chinese native place enterprise 's and the foreign capital enterprise is intense .

  10. 中国本土企业中,只有江苏隆力奇集团(jiangsulongliqigroup)跻身市场前十之列。

    Only one domestic market company , Jiangsu Longliqi group , features in the top 10 .

  11. 发展中国家本土企业技术创新的路径选择&以韩国Samsung电子为例

    Technology Innovation Path Choice of the Local Enterprises in Developing Countries : Taking the South Korean Samsung Electron as an Example

  12. 新兴市场的竞争压力日益增强,这不仅来自传统对手美国公司,而且也有本土企业,比如电力工业的上海电气(shanghaielectric)、通讯设备方面的华为(huawei)等。

    Competition in emerging markets is increasingly coming from not only the traditional rivals of US companies but also local groups such as Shanghai Electric in power generation and Huawei in telecommunications equipment .

  13. 随着外资VC的本土化,风险投资家由于能够更方便地监控创业企业,倾向于增加投资本土企业的频率和力度。

    With more and more foreign VCs localized , VC would increase the frequency and the size when investing into local firms , because the monitoring became more and more convenient .

  14. 本文介绍的采访内容将有助于我国的本土企业去了解外国企业的状况,在全球经济的大环境下互通有无共同促进中国RFID产业的形成和发展。

    The contents described in this article will make help to let enterprises of China understand foreign RFID companies , and make then to cooperate each other in the global economic .

  15. 京东全球购(JDWorldwide)平台凸显了美国企业对进入由本土企业主导的中国电子商务市场的渴望。

    The platform , JD Worldwide , highlights the eagerness of US groups to enter the ecommerce market in China , which is dominated by local participants .

  16. 数家本土企业尤其在科技行业已开始招聘西方人,大多是为了在香港或美国进行首次公开发行(IPO)。

    Several local businesses , especially in the technology industry , have started hiring westerners , often in the context of an initial public offering in Hong Kong or the US .

  17. 自中国加入WTO以来,我国本土企业面临着跨国公司的激烈竞争,走出国门、走向世界成为其生存发展的必经之路。

    Since China joined the WTO . Chinese enterprises are facing the fierce competition with transnational corporations . Go out of the country and to the world market is the only way which must be passed for its survival and development .

  18. 攻击持续了数周。有人认为央视企图通过此举打击这家科技巨头在中国的声誉,以利于联想(Lenovo)之类的中国本土企业。

    The attack on lasted weeks , and was viewed as an attempt to erode the tech giant 's cachet in China , to the benefit of home grown companies such as Lenovo .

  19. 淘宝则是一家年轻的本土企业,在面对来自eBay的强大竞争的同时,还要应对业内众多与自身类似的小型竞争对手。电子商务行业那时的进入门槛很低。

    As a young , domestic entity , Taobao was taking on a huge rival while also fending off many similar small competitors in the sector , where barriers to entry were low .

  20. 据一名内部人士透露,aig第二次出售尝试成功的可能性应该更大,因为潜在竞购者都是监管机构熟知的本土企业。

    AIG should have more success with its sale the second time around , according to one person involved , because the prospective bidders are local groups who are well known to regulators .

  21. 成都市ABC房地产开发公司,作为一家多年来从事房地产开发经营的成都中小房地产本土企业,面临市场低迷、销售量价齐跌、资金压力加大等方面的困境。

    The Chengdu ABC real estate company , as a small and medium-sized real-estate enterprise who is focused on real estate items operation , is facing with sluggish market , sales and price down and the pressure on fund .

  22. 安永(ErnstYoung)的主管合伙人黎俊伟(NigelKnight)说,安永发现该公司近年来有一部分――细流,不是洪流――员工离开该公司,加入到中国本土企业。

    Nigel Knight , a managing partner at Ernst Young , said the advisory firm has seen ' a trickle , not a flood ' of workers leave the company in recent years to join domestic enterprises .

  23. 安永(Ernst&Young)的主管合伙人黎俊伟(NigelKnight)说,安永发现该公司近年来有一部分――细流,不是洪流――员工离开该公司,加入到中国本土企业。

    Nigel Knight , a managing partner at Ernst & Young , said the advisory firm has seen ' a trickle , not a flood ' of workers leave the company in recent years to join domestic enterprises .

  24. 在北京,最大的食品零售商是一家名为物美(wumart)的本土企业,其英文名称表明了该企业抄袭低价文化的出处。

    In Beijing , the biggest food retailer is a local firm called Wumart a name that indicates from where it copied its low-cost culture .

  25. 不过已有文献对BOP资源开发型商业模式构成要素、创新内涵及创新绩效评价等的研究才刚刚起步,针对中国本土企业开发国内BOP资源的研究更是少之又少。

    However , literatures on elements of BOP resource developed business model , innovative content and innovation performance evaluation have just started ; the researches for local companies to exploit domestic BOP resources are even fewer .

  26. 由于BPO是一种高门槛的业务模式,所以目前真正从事这类业务的本土企业还很少,相关的理论研究也刚刚开始。

    For its high bulwark , few domestic companies involve BPO business totally at present , and the theory study for BPO also just starts . Secondly , this article focuses on the common strategy for BPO .

  27. 而对于发展中国家的本土企业而言,以代工方式参与国际品牌企业所主导的全球价值链(GVC)分工体系,也成为进入国际市场的一个主要途径。

    However , for the native enterprises in developing countries , GVC division system led by participation into international brand enterprises through OEM / ODM has also been a key way entering into international market .

  28. 本文呼吁中国本土企业管理者应当从战略的高度重视六西格玛管理。

    Domestic enterprises should attach strategically attention to Six Sigma Management .

  29. 国际合资关系中本土企业知识获取机制研究

    Research on the Knowledge Acquisition of Local Firms in IJV Relationship

  30. 组织间学习研究:本土企业的视角

    A Study of Inter-organizational Learning : from Local Firm 's Perspective