
  • 网络domestic company;domestic corporation
  1. 有些贷款贷给外国公司,有些则贷给本国公司以便其在国外经营。

    Some loans are made to foreign corporations , while others are made to domestic companies for overseas operations .

  2. 结果,在经济复苏缓慢和失业率上升的背景下,进一步保护本国公司和工作岗位的呼声日渐高涨。

    Calls to further protect domestic companies and jobs have grown only louder amid the slow recovery and rising unemployment .

  3. 澳大利亚的厂老板也指出中国不欢迎外国人收购本国公司。

    Australian bosses also point out that China does not welcome foreign takeovers of its firms .

  4. 有迹象表明,中国大陆已经开始担心本国公司的竞争能力。

    There are signs the Chinese are starting to worry about the competitiveness of key mainland companies .

  5. 今年,中国的本国公司在批准发明专利上面很有可能会超过外国公司。

    This year Chinese companies are poised to surpass foreign ones in receiving invention patents in China .

  6. 最后,欧元区外围国家压力重重的政府,可能会发现自己很难救助本国公司。

    Finally , a stressed government in the eurozone periphery may find it hard to help its companies .

  7. 投资海外的国家也会由于允许本国公司更好地服务于外国市场而获益。

    And countries that invest abroad gain as well , by allowing their companies better to serve foreign markets .

  8. 中国一直涉嫌为本国公司利益而窃取外国公司的知识产权。

    China has been accused of stealing the intellectual property of foreign companies for the benefit of its own firms .

  9. 对于发达国家的领导人而言,其中的经验教训是,要做好准备,抵抗反对新兴市场跨国企业收购本国公司的保护主义呼声。

    For leaders of advanced countries , the lesson is to prepare to resist protectionist calls against acquisitions of their domestic companies by emerging-market multinationals .

  10. 如果中国希望本国公司有更强的创新能力,就需要为知识产权提供更有力的保护。

    And if China wants its companies to be more innovative , it will need to provide stronger guarantees that intellectual property will be respected .

  11. 连月来,他与其他几家本国公司老总一直致力于新的计划,以应对一旦欧元区破裂甚至完全解体所陷入的混乱局面。

    For months he and other Portuguese bosses have been rehearsing plans for what to do if the euro zone fractures or breaks apart completely .

  12. 中国官员明白,并非所有的金融创新都是不利的,本国公司需要对冲风险,尤其是当它们更加国际化的时候。

    Its officials know that not all financial innovation is bad and that its companies need to hedge risk , particularly as they become more international .

  13. 尽管印度的外汇储备规模比中国的小得多,但它已拥有足够的资金,帮助本国公司为全球范围内的重大行动提供融资。

    Although India 's foreign exchange reserves are much smaller than China 's , it has enough funds to help Indian companies finance significant operations internationally .

  14. 全球富裕国家曾承诺,将对本国公司和公民在海外的贿赂行为进行打击,而上述消息再度引起外界对这些承诺的关注。

    The news has drawn fresh attention to promises made by rich countries to crack down on the involvement of their companies and nationals in bribery overseas .

  15. 韩国的外资跨国公司就是一个例子,他们利用本国公司的性别歧视,通过雇佣有才干,又苦寻体面职位的女性,来提高竞争力。

    Foreign multinationals in South Korea have learned to exploit large local firms'prejudices by seeking to hire talented women who would otherwise struggle to find decent jobs .

  16. 德国已经设立司法程序,允许政府从国家安全方面考虑,阻止任何超过本国公司价值白分之二十五及以上的外国投资行为。

    Germany has introduced legislation that would permit the government to bar , on national-security grounds , any foreign investment worth twenty-five per cent or more of a company 's value .

  17. 很多国家,尤其是法国和美国,最近都曾试图阻挠外国投资者收购本国公司,当交易涉及发展中国家的买家时尤为如此。

    A number of countries , notably France and the US , have recently tried to block or discourage foreign take-overs of domestic companies , especially where the deals involved developing-country buyers .

  18. 不过,为本国公司繁荣发展创造环境的各国政府,至少要确保它们更有可能成为“掠夺者”,而不是在欧洲资本主义当前的剧变中沦为“猎物”。

    But governments that create an environment in which their companies can flourish will at least ensure they are more likely to be predators rather than prey in the ongoing shake-up of European capitalism .

  19. 但是也存在例外:那些因种种原因让监管机构深感担忧、政界人士颇为恼怒的少数交易。这些原因包括保护本国公司不受外国竞争者的伤害。

    But there are also outliers : those rare deals that raise substantive concerns in regulators and raise hackles among politicians for any number of reasons – including the protection of a domestic competitor against a foreign rival .

  20. 这种态度转变的原因可能包括,小公司与有业务往来的银行关系更为紧密,并且金融机构不愿意发放大额贷款,同时更愿意与本国公司打交道,而不是跨国集团。

    Possible reasons put forward for this shift in attitude include smaller companies enjoying a better relationship with their banks , and financial institutions shying away from making large loans and preferring to deal with local groups , rather than multinationals .

  21. 我们只是要保护拥有新技术的本国公司,因为在我们的前沿技术和管理战略方面,我们面临着来自不发达国家和发达国家日益加剧的挑战。

    We just want to protect our companies with new technologies , because we face growing challenges from under-developed countries as well as advanced ones , regarding our cutting-edge technology and management strategies , says Lee Choon-sang , an adviser to Ms Park .

  22. 但中国更进一步,它不仅要求本国航空公司不遵守该项政策,而且还威胁要取消采购欧洲飞机制造商空客(Airbus)价值逾140亿美元客机的订单。

    But China has gone further by ordering its carriers not to comply and threatening to cancel more than $ 14bn in aircraft orders from Airbus , the European aerospace company .

  23. 其它有关税务事项,应由金融控股公司及本国子公司分别办理。

    Other tax matters should be handled separately by a financial holding company and its domestic subsidiary .

  24. 同样尚不清楚的是,在同台竞争的情况下,纯粹的本国基金公司是否会比这些新基金更受偏爱。

    Nor is it clear whether purely domestic funds would be favoured over these new funds in competitive bidding situations .

  25. 因为投资母国也会影响本国跨国公司的投资流向,其中包括跨国公司对发展中国家投资地点的选择。

    Home countries also influence FDI flows , including the relative prospects that their TNCs will select developing country investment sites .

  26. 越南要求,购买该国上市公司股票的所有外国投资者,必须拥有交易代码,以便政府官员跟踪外国投资者在本国上市公司中的持股状况。

    Vietnam requires all foreign investors buying listed equities to have trading codes , which officials use to track foreign ownership in listed firms .

  27. 国家机构,例如美国海外私人保险公司只为本国的公司提供保险。

    National agencies , such as America 's Overseas Private Investment Corporation , tend to sell cover only to companies from their home country .

  28. 其次介绍了发达国家对外资并购本国上市公司的法律规制,在分析、比较的基础上归纳总结出其对我国的外资并购立法可资借鉴之处。

    In part two , based on the analysis and comparison to the legal regulations on ITM of foreign capital in developed countries , it points out the reference significances for our legislation .

  29. 最新事故发生后,韩国国土交通部表示,在8月25日之前将对本国航空公司的运营展开专项检查,同时敦促各航空公司对飞往起降难度大的机场的飞行员进行强化训练。

    Following the latest incident , Korea 's transport ministry said it would conduct a special inspection into operations of local airlines until August 25 , urging carriers to conduct intensive training for pilots who fly to airports with difficult take-off or landing conditions .

  30. 近年来,大陆法系国家在借鉴英美成熟判例法的基础上,也逐渐将公司机会规则导入本国的公司法理论之中。

    In recent years , the civil law countries , by utilizing the mature Anglo-American law , gradually have began to introduce the corporate opportunity doctrine into its own corporate law theories . The corporate opportunity doctrine is not adopted in traditional Chinese corporate law .