
  1. 政府财政预算信息公开是指一定的政府机关通过法定的途径和方式将本级政府财政预算的依据以及财政预算的编制、审批、执行、决算、内容等整个过程向公民、法人、其他组织公开。

    Government budget information disclosure is that government body disclose the basis of government budget and the process of budget preparation , approval , implementation , final accounts and contents to the citizens , legal persons and other organizations through legal ways and means .

  2. 预算修正权作为预算修正制度的一项核心内容,主要是指有关机关或者人员按照法定程序对本级政府提交的预算草案进行修改的权力。

    The right of budget revision as a core elements of the system of budget revision . Mainly refers to that the relevant authorities or personnel have the power of revise budget . And in accordance with legal procedures are submitted to the levels of government .