
  • 网络local economy;indigeneous economy
  1. 缓慢食品运动,是本土经济的高质量产品产生对生态环境低影响的生活方式的一个范例。

    Slow food is an example of where high quality products from a local economy produce a low impact lifestyle .

  2. 本中心承诺对建筑设计作出研究,以期配合本土经济、居民生活习惯和周遭环境因素。

    CARE declares to explore building design in response to the local economy , people 's living habits and the environmental context .

  3. 大举进军亚洲市场将使得AIG有效抵御未来美国本土经济下滑的风险。

    A big move into Asia could provide AIG with , well , insurance against the next downturn stateside .

  4. 浅探我国本土经济型酒店竞争策略选择

    The Study on Competitive Tactics Choice of the Indigenous Economical Hotels of China

  5. 从蓝海战略反思本土经济型酒店的价值创新

    Reflections over Value Innovation of Budget Hotels in China with the Blue Ocean Strategy

  6. 在市场竞争中,本土经济型酒店必须注重品牌建设,提升竞争力。

    In the market competitions local economic hotels have to pay attention to brand construction to enhance its competitiveness .

  7. 晚上我们往寇立夜市稍作休息,藉此支持寇立的本土经济。

    We went to the market in Khao Lak onto for having a rest , in order to support the local economics .

  8. 这一规定正对亚洲、南美和非洲等地区产生影响,在这些地区,政府深度参与本土经济。

    This provision is impacting on regions such as Asia , South America and Africa where there is deep state involvement in the economy .

  9. 此外,亦会推动本土经济活动,藉此刺激本地消费,增加就业。

    Also , the Government will facilitate the development of the local community economy so as to help promote domestic consumption and also create employment .

  10. 这样一来,我们就可以推迟这种转移产生的社会影响,并帮助本土经济做好创造新就业机会的准备。

    Thus , we can delay the social fallout a bit longer and help the local economy to get ready in terms of creating new jobs .

  11. 所以,第三世界的国家应该去重建本土经济与文化,彻底摆脱帝国主义国家的控制,实现真正的独立。

    So , to be thoroughly independent , the third world should rebuild the economy and local culture to break away from the control of imperialist nations .

  12. 昨日发表的一系列声明没有说明谁将购买这些债券,而这是确定如此大规模债券发行对本土经济管理影响的关键点。

    A flurry of statements issued yesterday did not clarify who would buy the bonds , a key point in determining the impact of such a large issuance on domestic economic management .

  13. 而随着阿根廷物价上涨,再加上欧洲游客由于本土经济危机而减少出游,在过去十年曾经红极一时的旅游业也风光不再。

    Tourism , which has boomed in the past decade , has slowed down as Argentina became more expensive and many Europeans Limited travel due to a tougher economic climate at home .

  14. 改革开放以来,市场营销学、品牌学随着市场经济的逐步深入,从西方传到中国,并伴随着本土经济人文的独特需要有了一定的发展。

    Since the reform and opening , theories of marketing mode and brand have been spread to China from western countries as the deepening of Market Economy , and have had some development along with the special needs of native economics and humanism .

  15. 以四川宜宾为例,只要我们正确认识素质构成和素质教育的内涵,充分发掘本土的经济、历史、自然和人文景观资源,是完全可以实施素质教育,推进素质教育的进程的。

    For example , in Yibin of Sichuan , if only we realize the connotation of quality and quality education and fully explore the native economy , history , nature and artificial scenery resources , we can carry out the quality education completely and develop the progress of quality education .

  16. 从经济法的本土性看经济法责任

    The Function of Economic Law with Native Characteristics

  17. 劳动者也同样确信,外来移民的涌入对本土工人的经济状况不断造成损害。

    Labor was equally certain that the influx of foreigners continually undermined the economic status of native workers .

  18. 日本的连锁经营走的是一条具有本土文化和经济特点之路。

    S : Using the local culture and economy to manage is the characteristic of Japan 's chained management .

  19. 十多年来,城市商业银行坚持立足于本土为地方经济发展做出了重大贡献。

    For more than ten years , city commercial banks which adhere to service local customers , have made great contributions to local economy .

  20. 此外,中国本土持续的经济增长,加上人民生活质素改善,对成衣的需求亦会增加。

    Apart from that , the continuous economic growth in PRC together with improvement in living standards of residents boosts more purchasing demand for garment apparels .

  21. 长三角地区的FDI技术外溢、本土创新能力与经济增长

    Yangtze River Delta ′ s FDI Spillover , Local Innovative Ability and Economical Growth

  22. 我们不得不在本土更新自己的经济实力,这是我们在全球实力的基础。

    We have to renew our economic strength here at home , which is the foundation of our strength in the world .

  23. 城市商业银行作为我国银行业继国有银行和股份制银行的第三梯队,在创设之初主要的定位是服务本土企业、地方居民,支持本土经济发展,具有地方特色的中小型银行。

    As " the third echelon " of Chinese banking industry , city commercial banks mainly positioned itself as the small and medium-sized bank with local features which served for the local enterprises and local residents and supported the local economic development at the beginning of its foundation .

  24. 而通过我国本土事务所近几年的规模发展,有必要对本土事务所的规模经济效应再次进行情况,研究不同规模等级事务所审计质量之间的差异情况。

    The local firms in China in recent years by the scale of development , we need economies of scale in local firms the situation again , research firms in different scale differences between the situation of audit quality .