
  1. 双方应用好7000多亿元人民币本币互换机制,发挥在欧洲的4个人民币清算行作用,健全RQFII制度,让金融合作成为双方利益融合的牢固纽带。

    The two sides may make good use of the currency swap arrangement of over 700 billion yuan , give play to the role of the four Renminbi clearing banks in Europe and improve the RQFII scheme to ensure that financial cooperation become a bond that link our common interests .

  2. 中国与哈萨克斯坦达成金额相当于10亿美元的双边本币互换协议,此举将加强两国金融合作,便利两国之间的跨境贸易。

    China and Kazakhstan have agreed a $ 1bn currency swap that will boost financial co-operation and facilitate trade across their common border .

  3. 中国已同匈牙利、阿尔巴尼亚等国签署了本币互换协议,为彼此企业融资和结算提供了更多便利。

    The signing of local currency swap agreements with Hungary and Albania has made financing and trade settlement easier for the companies of the two sides .

  4. 中国、巴西、秘鲁决定合作探讨建设连接太平洋和大西洋的两洋铁路,中阿签署双边本币互换和核电合作协议。

    China , Brazil and Peru decided to jointly discuss the construction of the Two-Ocean Railway that connects the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans . China and Argentina have signed agreements concerning bilateral currency swap and nuclear power cooperation .

  5. 中方愿推动与中东欧国家互设金融分支机构,签署更多本币互换和结算协议,为各国企业贸易投资提供更多便利。

    China is willing to work with CEE countries to promote the opening of financial branch institutions in each others countries , sign more agreements on local currency swap and settlement , and provide more facilitation for the trade and investment activities of our companies .

  6. 五是加强金融合作,共同防范新的风险,扩大双边本币互换的规模和范围,增加跨境贸易本币结算试点,强化清迈倡议多边化合作等。

    Fifth , we need to strengthen financial cooperation to jointly guard against new risks . We need to increase the size and scope of bilateral currency swap , expand the pilot program of settling cross-border trade with local currencies and enhance cooperation on the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization .