
  • 网络Currency stability;be a stable currency
  1. 第四部分利用VAR模型,采用1998年到2011年的月度数据进行实证研究,分析了货币政策与币值稳定、经济增长的关系。

    The fourth part develops VAR models to do empirical study by using the 1998-2011 monthly data of China and analyses the relationship between monetary policy and currency stability , and between monetary policy and economic growth .

  2. 释放升值压力保持币值稳定

    Releasing the Pressure of Appreciation and Keeping the Stability of Monetary Unit

  3. 而且,大多数的当地经济学家认为,与货币政策弹性相比,币值稳定更加重要。

    And most local economists reckon that currency stability is more important than monetary-policy flexibility .

  4. 衍生金融工具显示人们为保持币值稳定而做出的努力。

    Financial derivative tools reflects the effort that the people made to keep the stable of currency .

  5. 金融宏观调控水平明显提高,人民币币值稳定。

    The financial macrocontrol level has increased considerably , and the value of the Renminbi ( RMB ) has remained stable .

  6. 交易员表示,本周或可看出俄罗斯央行有多大决心将卢布币值稳定在新的水平上。

    Traders said this week could test how far the central bank was committed to stabilising it at the new level .

  7. 以币值稳定为基础,历史成本为原则的传统模式的现行会计因物价变动而使会计信息失真已是严峻的现实问题。

    Traditioanal accounting , with stability of money value as its base and historical cost as its principle , has been challenged by price changes .

  8. 反之,联系汇率制度有利于港元币值稳定,亦即是确保营商环境的稳定。

    On the contrary , the linked exchange rate system stabilizes the value of Hong Kong dollar , which is to ensure a stable business environment .

  9. 中央银行的目标是保持币值稳定并在此基础上促进国民经济协调发展。

    The goal of Central Bank is to maintain the currency value to be stable , and promote the national economy to develop coordinately on this foundation .

  10. 然而他真正的担保人却是一种感觉,即大部分印度人想要的是币值稳定的货币,即使这要以暂时低增长为代价。

    Its real guarantor , though , is a sense that sound money is what most Indians want , even at the price of temporarily lower growth .

  11. 传统会计是以币值稳定为基础的,物价变动给传统会计带来了一个普遍性的信息失真问题。

    The foundation of the traditional accounting is a stable currency . The fluctuation of price brings up a problem of common information false to the traditional accountant .

  12. 为保持人民币币值稳定和防范通货膨胀,中国人民银行多次实施货币冲销政策,试图将外汇储备增加产生的通货膨胀效应降低到最低程度。

    To keep its currency stable and prevent inflation , the PBC has been implementing monetary sterilization policies many times in an attempt to minimize inflationary effects produced by increased foreign exchange reserves .

  13. 而中国目前经济稳定发展、外汇储备充足、人民币币值稳定,表明建立人民币自由汇兑圈的时机已经成熟。

    Meanwhile , the steady economic development , sufficient foreign exchange reserve , and stable exchange rate of RMB suggest that it is the right time for forming an RMB free exchange circle .

  14. 利率较低、币值稳定、政府对开发的监管严格,这些因素加在一起,助长了数年来的需求,同时在香港总是稀缺的可建设土地继续萎缩。

    A combination of low interest rates , currency stability and stringent government regulations on development have fed years of demand while buildable land , always scarce in Hong Kong , continues to shrink .

  15. 中国通过购买外汇来保持人民币币值稳定,同时又通过对原材料的巨大需求而抬高它们的价格,不论制造商把商品卖到哪里,他们都会从中受益。

    Its purchases of foreign assets keep the cost of capital down and its appetite for raw materials keeps their price up , to the benefit of commodity producers wherever they sell their wares .

  16. 这两次金融危机再次警示我们,只有不断改革和完善现行国际货币体系,推动国际储备货币向着币值稳定、总量可调、供应有序的方向完善,才能从根本上维护全球经济金融稳定。

    The two financial crisis warning us again , only reforming and perfecting the existing international monetary system , making the international currency stable , adjustable and orderly , can the global economy and finance maintain stable .

  17. 更有利的大环境可能导致印度出现持久的良性循环&通胀水平降低有助于维持币值稳定,进而为印度央行降息提供可能性。

    A more benign environment could lead to a sustained virtuous circle in India , in which lower inflation promotes a stable currency and makes it possible in turn for the central bank to cut interest rates .

  18. 高额外汇储备对外汇管理提出挑战,外汇储备的过度增长更对人民币币值稳定、货币政策效果具有重要影响。

    The high FER proposes the challenge to the management of FER itself , and the excessive growth of FER has an important influence on the stabilization of RMB exchange rate and the effect of monetary policy .

  19. 为了保证多重货币政策目标的实现,应该对币值稳定、经济增长两大目标加以量化,实施通货膨胀率、经济增长率双目标制。

    For guaranteeing the realization of multiple objectives for monetary policy , we should take the quantification into the currency value stabilization and economic growth and take measure of double objectives system of inflation rate and economic growth rate .

  20. 如果忽视股票市场对货币需求的影响而实施货币供应调控,将会导致货币供给大于货币需求,从而使得币值稳定和经济增长目标难以实现。

    If the effect of stock market on money demand is ignored when adjusting money supply , money supply will be more than money demand , thus making it difficult to realize the target of stable currency and economic growth .

  21. 事实上,要保持币值稳定,必会导致资产价格、土地价值、房屋价值和股票价格下降。

    That has created an economic downturn and the fact is that when you defend a currency the result would be asset price deflation , deflation in the value of land , homes , as well as the stock market .

  22. 我国国情的基本状况决定了应实行目前人民币币值稳定的汇率政策,在外汇供过于求的情况下,汇率政策目标实现较为有效的工具则为政府的市场干预行为。

    The specific situation in China has decided the present exchange rate policy of RMB 's value stabilization , and in the case of more supply of foreign exchange than demand , governmental market intervention becomes an effective policy tool .

  23. 本文通过实证分析指出:科学合理地界定币值稳定的内涵,不仅是完善货币政策最终目标体系的需要,而且直关货币政策操作的效果。

    The paper points out from concrete analysis that to define currency stability rationally and scientifically doesn ′ t only meet the needs of perfecting the final target system , but brings about a striking effect on monetary policy as well .

  24. 在通货膨胀时代,对币值稳定的假设的否定产生了物价变动会计或现时成本会计;在信息时代,会计主体假设的外延被扩展。

    During the era of inflation , the deny of assumption on stable currency produce the account of price fluctuation or the modern cost control ; in the age of informative , the extension of account basic body assumption is being expanded .

  25. 中央银行独立性程度与该国币值稳定呈正相关,中央银行法定职能与具有国际统一性的市场经济密不可分。

    The independence of the central bank casts a positive corporation on the stability of the state 's currency . And the statutory functions of the central bank relate closely with the market economy , which takes international unity as an integral part .

  26. 根据我国政治、经济与金融体制及当前面临的经济形势与任务,我国货币政策目标应该是多重目标,其中主要是币值稳定与经济增长。

    According to the politics , economic and financial system and the facing economic situation and task of China at present , China 's monetary policy objective should be multiple objectives and the primary objectives should be the currency value stabilization and economic growth .

  27. 货币国际化是市场选择的结果,它要求货币发行国在政治上强大且稳定、经济实力雄厚、国际贸易和投资有较大的市场份额、金融市场发达、货币币值稳定等。

    It serves as a result of market alternation , requiring that currency issuing country should be politically strong and economically powerful , as well as possess a relatively greater market share in international trade and investment , developed financial markets and stable currency value .

  28. 在我国货币政策理论中争论最多的一个难题就是货币政策目标的选择问题,货币政策的最终目标应该是币值稳定的单一目标还是币值稳定与经济增长的双重目标?

    It is a puzzle about the dispute in theory of monetary policy which the final target of monetary policy should be the only target of " the stability of the currency " or the dual target of " the stability of the currency and the increase of economy " .

  29. 金融稳定是经济健康发展的基础,其根本在于币值的稳定。

    As the basis of healthy economic development , financial stability hinges on a stable currency .

  30. 但如何在汇率稳定的同时保持人民币币值的稳定?

    But how can we maintain the stability of the exchange rate of our currency while keeping its value stable ?