
  • 网络Overvaluation of currency;currency of over valuation
  1. 人民币币值高估或低估的标准分析

    The RMB Currency Value Overestimates The Standard Analysis of Which or Underestimated

  2. 币值高估在货币国际化进程中对货币的发展有着巨大的不利影响,是国际货币由盛到衰的转折点。

    Overvaluation is an enormous disadvantage to the development of currency in the process of internationalization , and it is the adverse turning point of the international currency .

  3. 亚洲金融危机以来,人民币币值是否高估成为全球经济学家和政策制定者关注的问题,回答这一问题的关键是寻找人民币的均衡汇率水平。

    Economists and policy designers have been caring about whether RMB is overvalued globally since Asia financial crises .

  4. 如果有这样一个高收入大型经济体,它的债务水平很高,实行固定汇率制且本币币值被高估,而它企图缩减债务规模并恢复竞争力,那会产生怎样的后果?

    What happens if a large , high-income economy , burdened with high levels of debt and an overvalued , fixed exchange rate , attempts to lower the debt and regain competitiveness ?