
  • 网络Economy of the Czech Republic
  1. 捷克经济也从长达18个月的衰退中复苏,该国4月至6月国内生产总值(GDP)较前一季度增长0.7%。

    The Czech economy recovered from an 18-month recession when its gross domestic product expanded 0.7 % in April to June from the previous quarter .

  2. 哈廷说,当邻国情况好转,你会想到捷克经济也会改善。

    You think about the Czech Republic economy improving as its neighborhood gets better , ' Mr. Harting said .

  3. 捷克公司在全球经济中成为竞争对手

    Czech Firms Become Players in the Global Economy

  4. 特别突出了捷克经验的新颖性和可借鉴价值,又由于捷克的转型经济体制与我国有相似之处,因此更具有借鉴意义,而这类分析在国内目前的研究中是较少的。

    Emphasize the experience of Czech , as its economic system is similar with China , and data of Czech is fresh for current domestic research .