
  1. 各银行贷出去太多高风险贷款,目前无法收回,他们还进行地产投机,而地产的价值目前已经下跌了。

    The banks made too many risky loans which now can 't be repaid , and they speculated in property whose value has now dropped .

  2. 所以,亚行贷出去的款项也便非常无用了。

    As a result , loans from the Asian Development Bank are unnecessary .

  3. 你一定要注意把你的储蓄以高利率贷出去。

    Make sure you put out your savings at a high rate of interest .

  4. 症结在于银行没有足够的渠道把这些人民币资金全部贷出去,并收取利息。

    The problem : banks don 't have enough places to lend out all that yuan and earn interest .

  5. 也就是说,银行每收到一块钱存款,只能把七毛五分钱贷出去。

    That is , for every dollar a bank collects in deposits , it can only lend out 75 cents .

  6. 由于在经济繁荣时期贷出去的款项特别多,那么在泡沫破灭的时候银行的损失也将特别惨重。

    Due to the boom period of money lending out much more special , so in bubbles collapse bank losses will be particularly heavy .

  7. 银行们最初抱怨称,自己已经把钱全部贷出去了,并且超越了法律限制。这时,摩根发出了那句著名的喝斥:你有准备金。

    When the banks initially whined that they were loaned to the hilt and beyond legal limits , Morgan famously snapped , You 've got your reserves .

  8. 银行不能将这些存款全部贷出去,而如果将它们兑成美元贷出,就不得不进行对冲,代价将十分高昂。

    They can not lend them all out and , if they convert them back to dollars to lend , they have to hedge , an expensive proposition .

  9. 因此如果银行现在不得不多容纳30%的资金,则那将意味着有数十亿元他们不能贷出去促进经济运行。

    So if the banks have to hold up to30 % more capital now then that is billions that they cannot lend to get the economy going again .

  10. 银行在任何时候所贷出去的货币及投资,是超过法定存款准备金和最低现金规定的现金和银行存款余额。

    The money it can lend and invest , at any moment , is its excess of cash and bank balances over required reserves and minimum cash requirements .

  11. 但能够在美国以零利率借款,然后,比如说,在巴西以9%以上的利率贷出去,已经造成流入新兴市场的热钱大幅增长,而这可能害处很大。

    But being able to borrow at zero in the US and lend at , say , 9 per cent plus in Brazil has unleashed a possibly dangerous surge of hot money into emerging markets .