
  • 网络Loan investment;Banking and Finance Consumers Support Association;distressed investment
  1. 接下来6周,aca在高盛撮合下,与保尔森反复进行讨论,最终敲定了构建cdo的90只基础抵押贷款投资。

    ACA spent the next six weeks in to-and-fro discussions with Paulson , brokered by Goldman , finalising a list of 90 underlying investments for the CDO .

  2. SLGreen总裁安德鲁马蒂亚斯(AndrewMathias)表示:中国银行拥有庞大的资产负债表,相比其它银行,它更愿意持有大额的抵押贷款投资。

    Andrew Mathias , president of SL Green , says : Bank of China has a large balance sheet and is prepared to hold large mortgage investments in mortgages compared to other lenders .

  3. 疯狂成为常态:在德国,贷款投资一家酒店的贷款价值比(loan-to-value)达110%,而借款方既不懂酒店,也不懂德国;

    Madness became routine : the 110 % loan-to-value financing for a hotel in Germany , offered to a borrower with no knowledge of either hotels or Germany ;

  4. 房地产项目贷款投资评估体系研究

    Study on Real Estate Loan Project Investment Appraisal System

  5. 房地产贷款投资渠道住房抵押后余值贷款

    Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit home equity loan

  6. 印度工业贷款投资公司

    Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India

  7. 贷款投资船舶,是当今国际航运船舶资金的主要来源。

    Loans invested in vessels are the chief financial source of the contemporary international shipping business .

  8. 房地产贷款投资渠道

    Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit

  9. 英国因帕公司进行股份和贷款投资,投资创立期新建公司和通过启动生长期来培育创立期公司。

    We make equity and loan investments in early stage start-ups and nurtures early-stage companies through the initial growth phase .

  10. 预计上述两家银行第一季度的业绩,将受到其抵押担保证券和杠杆贷款投资组合巨额减记的影响。

    First-quarter results at the two banks are expected to be hit by huge markdowns on their portfolios of mortgage-backed securities and leveraged loans .

  11. 特别受人青睐的交易包括用日元贷款投资澳元或新西兰元,以瑞士法郎贷款投资冰岛资产。

    Favourite trades included borrowing in Japanese yen to invest in Australia or New Zealand , and borrowing in Swiss francs to invest in Icelandic assets .

  12. 凭借着初始资金和诸如土地之类的抵押物,这些投资机器把这些贷款投资建设当地的桥梁、隧道以及房地产行业。

    With the help of some initial capital and collateral , like land , these investment vehicles directed the lending into local bridges , tunnels and real-estate ventures .

  13. 其中包括银行客户经营风险的可变、银行贷款投资项目的建造风险的可变和自然因素造成的贷款项目的可变。

    The changing consists of bank customer operating risks changing , the construction risk changing of investment project by loan , and the loan project changing by natural factors .

  14. 上海和深圳股市今年的疯狂上涨,在很大程度上是由融资交易推动的,即以购买的股票为担保,向券商贷款投资股市。

    The frenzied rallies in Shanghai and Shenzhen this year have been largely fuelled by margin lending , where loans to invest in the market are secured against the stocks purchased .

  15. 该行还表示,会将旗下300亿欧元Alt-A级抵押贷款投资组合的大部分转售给荷兰政府;Alt-A级抵押贷款的风险比次级抵押贷款低,但高于最优级投资产品。

    It also said it would transfer to the Dutch state the bulk of its30 billion euro portfolio of Alt-A mortgages , which are less risky than subprime , but riskier than prime-rated products .

  16. 银行、学子及其家长对教育贷款投资特性、经济价值的认识差异,是助学贷款供需难以沟通的症结所在。

    Banks , students and their parents have different understanding on investment features of the education loan , which stands in the way of the supply and the demand and stops them from joining hands .

  17. 政府外债项目是指我国各级政府借用国际金融组织和外国政府贷款投资建设的基础设施、社会发展等项目,我国政府外债项目几乎涉及所有行业和部门。

    Projects financed by government foreign debts mean that governments at each level borrow funds from international financial organizations and foreign governments to invest in infrastructure construction and social development . These projects in china benefit nearly all industries and social sections .

  18. 介绍Excel财务函数在储蓄、贷款和投资等财务问题中的应用。

    This article focuses on using examples to introduce the applications of the finance functions of Excel in finance affairs .

  19. 比如LendingClub和Wealthfront这两家公司分别颠覆了银行贷款和投资的传统模式。

    For example , startups such as Lending Club and Wealthfront are picking apart the traditional model for bank loans and investing , respectively .

  20. 可以贷款和投资的古典绝对破产模型的Gerber-Shiu折现罚金函数

    The Gerber-Shiu discounted penalty function of the classical absolute ruin model with investment and loan

  21. 即便是QE2,恐怕更多的作用也只是吹大了新兴市场的泡沫,而不是给美国国内带来多少新的贷款或投资。

    Even that probably did more to contribute to bubbles in emerging markets , while not leading to much additional lending or investment at home .

  22. 美国第四大银行Wachovia正面临股东和债权人的压力,他们对其1200亿美元抵押贷款证券投资组合的担心与日俱增。

    Wachovia , the fourth largest bank in the US , was under pressure from equity investors and bondholders on growing fears over its $ 120bn portfolio of mortgage securities .

  23. 伦敦最为成功的对冲基金之一昨日爆出问题,PelotonPartners将其旗舰基金20亿美元的资产进行标售,并冻结了其剩余的资金。此前抵押贷款相关投资使得该基金无力满足贷方的需求。

    One of London 's most successful hedge funds imploded yesterday when Peloton Partners put the assets of its $ 2bn flagship fund up for sale and froze its remaining fund after geared mortgage bets left it unable to meet lenders ' demands .

  24. 然而,在正常情况下,12家FHLB约有40%的资产是以直接抵押贷款和投资的形式持有的。

    However , in normal times the 12 FHLBs have roughly 40 per cent of their assets in direct mortgage holdings and investments .

  25. 我国投资估算方法与世界银行贷款项目投资估算方法的比较

    On Comparison of Investment Estimate Method in China with that in World Bank

  26. 财务利差:即贷款和投资的收入减去借款成本。

    Financial spread : Income from loans and investments minus cost of Borrowing .

  27. 香港是对中国贷款和投资于新企业的资本的来源。

    Hong Kong is both a source of debt and equity capital for China .

  28. 贷款融资投资船舶决策分析

    Ship investment decision-making analysis under loan financing

  29. 同意关于私营部门贷款和投资决策的一般廉洁审核原则;

    Agreement on general integrity due diligence principles relating to private sector lending and investment decisions ;

  30. 资金用于偿还贷款,投资理财以及工作人员支出。

    The funds were found being used for loan repayments , unrelated investments and staffing expenses .