
  • 网络Loan principal and interest;Mortgage Payment
  1. 税后财务净现值(NPV)都大于零,认为项目在财务上是可以接受的,项目运营收入能保障运营成本支出和银行贷款本息偿还。

    Since the after-tax financial net present value ( NPV ) are greater than zero , the essay thinks that the project is financially acceptable and the project operation income can guarantee both the operation cost and repay of principal and interest of the bank loan .

  2. 借款人可用现金或其在中国银行的存款偿还贷款本息。

    The borrowers may use cash or deposits with the Bank of China for debt service .

  3. 它是指借款人不能履行合同按时足额偿还银行贷款本息而使银行资产遭受损失的可能性。

    It means the possibility that the borrower is unable to perform the contract to repay bank loans on time .

  4. 它不仅是指由于借款者主观违约不能如期偿还贷款本息,而使银行承担实际的违约风险,而且指由于客观原因造成借款者还款能力下降或信用等级降低,使银行面临的潜在的违约风险。

    It includes credit risk caused by credit rank degraded due to objective causes as well as by borrower 's default subjectively .

  5. 经贷款人同意,借款人可提前归还贷款本息。

    With the consent of the lender , the borrowers may repay the principal and interest of the loans ahead of schedule .

  6. 在中国农业银行开立个人结算账户,并同意银行从其指定的个人结算账户扣收贷款本息。

    Have opened personal settlement account in ICBC and agree that bank can deduct the principal and interest of loan from the specified personal settlement account .

  7. 该模型运用货币资金时间价值理论,假设高校可用于偿还贷款本息的非限定性净收入呈稳定增长的态势。

    With the timing value of cash theory , the model supposes that the unlimited net revenue which can be used to pay off the debt increases steadily .

  8. 关注:尽管借款人目前有能力偿还贷款本息,但存在一些可能对偿还产生不利影响的因素。

    " Concerned ": even though a borrower can repay the principal and interest of the loan now , there are some factors which may negatively affect the repayment thereof .

  9. 通过工程经济分析,提出以征收污水处理费来建设并维持小城镇污水处理厂日常运行、管理费用和支付银行贷款本息是可行的。

    Through engineering economic analysis , the result shows that it is feasible to build and manage small urban sewage plants and pay back bank loans through levying wastewater treatment taxes .

  10. 借款学生转学时,必须先还清在原经办银行的贷款本息,所在学校方可为其办理转学手续。

    When loan student transfer , must pay off the loan principal and interest that is in former agency bank first , place school just can deal with transfer formalities for its .

  11. 可疑:借款人无法足额偿还贷款本息,即使执行担保,也肯定要造成较大损失。

    " Doubtful ": a borrower can not pay the principal and interest of the loan in full , even though the guarantee is implemented , great losses will still be caused .

  12. 信贷风险是借款人不能按期归还贷款本息致使贷款人受到损失的可能性,农村信用社信贷风险是农村信用社经营中的重大风险,直接制约着农村信用社的正常运行。

    Credit risk is described as the possibility of losses caused by borrower who failed to pay on time , and it is a significant risk that affect business operation in rural credit cooperatives .

  13. 在借款人去世或者永久搬离后,该金融机构将获得房屋产权,对房屋进行处分,处分所得用以偿还贷款本息。

    When the borrower passes away or moves out permanently , the financial institution will obtain the ownership of the housing and then dispose the property . And the income of the housing property is used to repay the loan and interest .

  14. 到去年末,贷款的本息回收达到百分之百,累计实现利润一千万美元。

    By the end of last year , the return rate on loan principals and interests reached 100 % , and realized an accumulative total profits of 10 million US dollars .

  15. 根据不同期限贷款、债券的本息和风险情况以及项目各期末盈利水平,提出了一个使资金成本最低的贷款、债券组合筹资优化模型。

    Based on the interest and risk conditions of loans and bonds , and the profit levels of the project in different periods , an optimal model for fund raising by combining loans and bonds is proposed .

  16. MBS的运作工具有抵押贷款过手证券、担保抵押贷款证券和本息剥离债券,第三章对这三种运作工具的现金流进行了详细的分析。

    The third chapter analysis the cash flow of those operating tools in detail .

  17. 除了那些无力偿还贷款的房主以外,还有成千上万的美国人不能够每月按时交付贷款本息,面临银行收回房屋的危险。

    In addition to homeowners who have defaulted on their mortgages , hundreds of thousands of Americans are behind in their mortgage payments and are in danger of foreclosure .

  18. 银行贷款目前成为高校扩建及新校区建设的主要资金来源,巨额贷款的本息压力将导致高校陷入财务风险,使高校的各项发展受到严重制约。

    Bank loan is the main source of financing for university extension and the construction of new university campuses . The universities are highly burdened by the pressure of repaying the huge principal and interest and are facing financial risks that would considerably retard the development of the universities .