
dài xué jīn
  • student loan
  1. 奖贷学金子系统的目的是提供透明的奖贷学金管理,学生可以查看每年的奖贷学金的发放情况,奖贷学金的发放标准,这种透明方式有利于公平公正。

    Award for Student Loan subsystem is designed to provide transparent management of award student loans , students can view the release of the annual award of student loans , study loans issuance of award criteria , which is conducive to fair and transparent manner .

  2. 获得贷学金及助学金的学生,应当履行相应的义务。

    Students who obtain loans and grants-in-aid should fulfill corresponding obligations .

  3. 如何尽快建立适合中国国情的贷学金体系

    How to Establish the Tuition Loan System Suitable for China as Soon as Possible

  4. 制定和完善贷学金的相关政策和法规。

    To formulate and improve the policies and regulations relevant to the tuition loan system .

  5. 美国贷学金制度是对学生进行资助的重要形式之一。

    The system of National loan aid to the university students is perfect in US .

  6. (二)按照国家有关规定获得奖学金、贷学金、助学金;

    To receive scholarships , student loans or subsidies in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State ;

  7. 国家通过实行奖学金和贷学金制度来调节毕业生流向。

    The direction in which graduates will go is to be regulated by the system of scholarship and loan in our country .

  8. 华人教育的重要推动力量&马来西亚华人社团奖助贷学金分析

    A Kind of Important Power Which Pushes Forward Chinese Education & An Analysis On The Scholarship In The Associations of Overseas Chinese in Malaysia

  9. 《1997年纳税人救助法》主要包括了“希望奖学金”课税扣除、“终身学习”课税扣除、教育储蓄计划、贷学金利息扣除等内容;

    The act contains " hope scholarship tax credits "," lifetime learning tax credit ", education savings plans , loans interest deduction and so on .

  10. 他总结说,唾手可得的贷学金、固步自封的评审程序,还有全国法学院排名,都助长了这种一刀切式的法学院体制,而这种体制并不适合大多数的学生。

    Readily available student loans , lock-step accreditation processes , and national law school rankings also have helped create a one-size-fits-all law school system that does not suit the majority of students , he concludes .

  11. 为此,工党政府于1998年采取了谁受益,谁承担成本的原则,对高等教育的经费制度进行了改革,取消了助学金制度,引入了学费和贷学金制度。

    The labor party adopted " who benefits , who pays " as the principle to reform the financial system of higher education in 1998 as follows : cancelling the grant system and introducing tuition fees and loan system .