
  1. 企业再造是适应生存环境的必然选择

    The Necessity of Enterprise Reconstruction Implementation for Self-adjustability to Existing Environment

  2. 进化论的思想依据是适者生存并繁衍适应生存的后代。

    Evolution theory works on the idea that the fittest survive and produce fit offspring .

  3. 不能适应生存环境改变的物种会逐渐灭绝。

    The species that fail to adjust to the changing conditions of existence will gradually become extinct .

  4. 为适应生存环境,自然界中大多生物都有相当灵敏嗅觉系统。

    In natural world , most creatures have quite sensitive olfaction sensing in order to be adaptable to environmental change .

  5. 水力结构就是植物在特定的自然环境条件下,为适应生存竞争的需要所形成的不同形态结构和水分运输供给策略。

    The hydraulic architecture is the strategies of water transport and morphological structure of plants adapted to survival competition in the natural environment .

  6. 一个有文化素养人,不仅可以阅读,可以有效使用工具,适应生存的环境。

    The result of literate population is not only people can read , to utilize tools effectively , to go through their environment .

  7. 稻作文化是云南稻作民族能动地适应生存环境的社会成果。

    The culture of rice cultivating is a great social achievement of active fitting the living condition among the rice cultivating nations in Yunnan .

  8. 1岁内个体行为发育可划分为5个时期即完全依赖期、探寻外部环境期、融入社群期、适应生存期和逐步独立期。

    We divided infant behavior development into five stages : dependence period , exploration period , socialization period , adaption period and gradual independence period .

  9. 心理健康是一个人心理的认知、情感、意志等各种机能能够适应生存的需要,并在适应中不断发展的协调状态。

    Mental health is a person 's various mental functions , such as cognition , emotion and will , that are suitable to survive and continuously develop .

  10. 结论:医生应帮助照料者认识该病,了解照料技巧,适应生存环境及改善其负性心理;

    Conclusion : The family caregivers of the patients with AD should understand the skills of care , adapt to different environments , improve the negative mental status .

  11. “江湖话”是一种特殊的社会方言。它是旧时代“江湖中人”为了适应生存需要而自创的一套词语系统。

    Societal language is a kind of idiom in a certain society , originated from a term system produced by those who wandered about doing all sorts of jobs .

  12. 大多数动物身体的附属部位都有显而易见的用途,但是慢慢进化的身体部位为了适应生存环境而变异出了奇特的功能,从而使原有的部位获得了新的甚至是更神奇的功能。

    Most animal appendages have obvious uses , but the evolutionary dice that dictate all adaptations sometimes land quite oddly . Old parts occasionally gain new and awesome utilities .

  13. 历代各族人民在适应生存的实践中,找到了持续稳定地增长和利用生物资源的方法。

    In order to suiting the development of society and economy , people who lived in different dynasties found many ways from practice to make use of biological resources in contineous ways .

  14. 研究发现单倍体的甲基化水平高于对应的二倍体,是单倍体相对于二倍体甲基化模式经过重新调整,在其基因组中甲基化水平发生了总体变化以适应生存的必然结果。

    It showed that the general methylation levels of haploids was higher than that of their diploid partners , which were the outcomes of methylation regulation on genome level to adapt the haploidization .

  15. 这些古生物已经有上亿年甚至数十亿年的历史了,为了更适应生存环境,长久以来它们持续进化,至臻完美。

    These ancient organisms have been around for millions , or ever billions of years and have achieved apparent perfection in their environment . Millennia have passed , and they keep on keeping on .

  16. 今后,为了适应生存与发展环境的变化,国有工程咨询业企业文化必将进行创新,并影响企业管理变革。

    In the future , in order to adapt to the change that survives with the development environment , consultation 's corporate culture of the state-run project will carry on innovation , and influence business administration to be improved .

  17. 它涉及一系列基因的激活、表达以及调控等作用;它并不是病理条件下自体损伤的一种现象,而是为更好地适应生存环境而主动争取的一种井然有序的死亡过程。

    A series of activation , expression and regulation of genes is involved in the process , it is not a kind of self-injury in pathology condition but an active death process to pursuit a better accommodation to living environment .

  18. 依恋是人类适应生存的重要方式,是人类长期生物进化的结果,它会影响到成年后亲密关系的建立、人际社会功能的表达以及人格功能和人格特质的形成。

    Attachment is an important mode of adaptation and survival , and is the result of human evolution as well . It has impacts on the establishment of intimate relationship , the expression of interpersonal function and the formation of personality traits .

  19. 多倍体的广泛存在归因于多倍体物种和其二倍体祖先相比具有更广泛的生存环境和不稳定气候条件下适应生存的潜能,使得多倍体作为重要的物种形成过程而具有选择优势。

    The reason for widespread polyploidy is that polyploid species compared to its diploid ancestors have a wider range of adaptation and survival potential for living environment and unstable weather conditions , that makes polyploidy has the selective advantage as an important species formation process .

  20. 该项目背后的科学家表示,这一实验将有助于他们理解人类如何适应极端生存条件和彻底隔绝环境。

    The scientists behind the project say it will help them understand how people can adapt to extreme living conditions and being in complete isolation .

  21. 自适应性网络环境将成为未来Internet的不可缺少的重要构成部分,而生物网络由分散的、自治、移动的个体组成,能够自我调整、适应和生存。

    Adaptive network environments will become an indispensable important component of future Internet , while natural biological system is composed of dispersive , autonomous , and mobile biological individuals with self-regulation , adaptation , and survivability .

  22. 文章的实验结果表明,低温能够诱导中缅树鼠句BAT和肝脏重量和总RNA含量增加,从而使其适应性产热增加,能够更好地适应其生存环境。

    Our result suggested that cold exposure can induce the increasing of the RNA content in liver and BAT and strengthen the adaptive thermogenic capacity of tree shrews .

  23. 从个体和团体的层面上,早期基督教在不断地适应着生存环境的变化。

    Early Christianity constantly adapted itself to the changes of the environment .

  24. 风摧毁大橡树,但弱芦苇却平安无事(适应者生存)。

    A reed before the wind lives on , but the mighty oak falls .

  25. 生态适应与生存策略分析

    Analysis on Ecological Adaptation and Survival Strategy

  26. 这证明人们有能力适应各种生存环境。

    and it proves that people are able to adapt to any kind of situation .

  27. 提出一种对模式识别与人工智能系统都适应的生存期模型―树状模型。

    A life period model of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence systems-tree structure model is put forward in this paper .

  28. 人类要在新的时代获得最大可能的全面发展,则必须开掘与发展相适应的生存智慧。

    Human beings have to dig up living wisdom suitable to development in order to obtain the utmost all-round development in the new era .

  29. 本文主要内容就是研究如何对企业集团的组织结构系统进行设计,以适应集团生存发展的要求。

    The central content of my paper is how to devise the organization structure systematically to adept to the development of the corporation group .

  30. 原有的静止的、独立的、分散的风险管理方式已经不再适应企业生存的需要,而是需要一种新的、动态的、全面的、集成的风险管理思想和模式。

    The static , independent , disperse traditional risk management mode is outdated , which a new dynamic , comprehensive , integrative pattern becomes apparent .