
  1. 海上突发事件应对工作中的桌面演练

    Emergencies at sea to deal with desk exercise in the work

  2. 当前我国户外运动突发事件应对许多问题。

    Current of outdoor sports emergencies to deal with many problems .

  3. 高校辅导员工作中的突发事件应对方式研究

    A Study of Coping Styles of University Tutors in Sudden Events

  4. 北京奥运突发事件应对思考

    Responsive Thoughts on Emergencies during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

  5. 非常规突发事件应对与应急法的重构

    Response to Emergencies and the Reconstruction of Emergency Law System

  6. 第二章突发事件应对中政府信息公开存在的问题。

    Chapter one is the Introduction of Emergency response and the Government Information .

  7. 公务员公共突发事件应对能力提升初探

    Preliminary Analysis of Raising Public Servants ' Ability to Deal with Public Emergencies

  8. 浅议药品安全突发事件应对中公民知情权的保障

    On Protection of the Citizen 's Right-to-know in Settling Unexpected Drug Safety Events

  9. 网络突发事件应对中的公民财产权保障

    The Protection of Citizen 's Property Rights in the Process of Handling Network Emergencies

  10. 中小城市危机管理中的突发事件应对

    Medium and Small Urban Crisis Management Emergency Response

  11. 北京奥运会皮划艇激流回旋比赛突发事件应对研究

    Research on Respond to Emergencies in Canoe and Kayak Slalom Racing in Beijing Olympic Games

  12. 因此,政府信息公开在突发事件应对中就显得尤为重要。

    So the open government information system is extremely important to the solving of sudden situation .

  13. 浅析我国公共突发事件应对机制不足及其完善

    Analysis of the Disadvantage of Our country 's Management Mechanism of the Public Accident and Its Countermeasure

  14. 通过论述,致力于构建突发事件应对中政府与媒体的良性合作互动机制。

    Through the discussion , we should devote to establishing an optimum cooperation interactive mechanism in emergency .

  15. 我国目前尽管颁布了《突发事件应对法》,但从整体上讲,我国当前的危机管理立法仍然呈分散性的立法状态。

    Our country although promulgated " Thunderbolt To deal with Law ", but our country current crisis management legislation are still dispersive .

  16. 试析皮划艇激流回旋运动员的专项素质及技术能力北京奥运会皮划艇激流回旋比赛突发事件应对研究

    Event-related quality and technical points of slalom ; Research on Respond to Emergencies in Canoe and Kayak Slalom Racing in Beijing Olympic Games

  17. 有些安全专家问道:校方的危险应对机制和突发事件应对能力是否胜任?

    And more generally , some security experts wondered , was the school 's crisis planning and emergency communications system up to the task ?

  18. 应急演练对提高突发事件应对能力非常重要,一般分为实战演练和虚拟演练两类。

    Emergency drills make an essential part in improving emergency response capacity , which generally divide into two types of actual maneuvers and virtual practice .

  19. 信息公开不仅是平常时期法制建设的基本内容,更是突发事件应对中的一个重要课题。

    The information openness is not only basic content of legal system construction in normal period , but also is a very important term in emergencies .

  20. 通过以非典时期的追踪调查为基础,我们能够揭示和论证危机心理对于建立突发事件应对机制的意义。

    It can announce and prove the meaning of the crisis psychology for setting up the handling accident mechanism on the basis of track investigatation of SARS .

  21. 《突发事件应对法》的出台为我国公共危机管理实行法治确立了法律基础。

    The enforcement of the Act on Tackling Emergency Affairs has established the le-gal foundation for our country to cope with public crisis management according rule of law .

  22. 总结了我国当前应急管理法律体系,分析了《突发事件应对法》及配套法律法规的具体内容。

    This chapter summarizes our current legal system of emergency management , and analysis the " Emergency Response Law " and the specific supporting content of laws and regulations .

  23. 因此,在《突发事件应对法》出台之后,我国应对突发事件就应该以该法为主要依据。

    Therefore , after " Thunderbolt Should to Law " appears , our country should be supposed to take this law as the main basis to response to the thunderbolt .

  24. 结论为提高对突发事件应对能力应加强心理教育、强化技能训练、开展团体咨询、实施危机干预等干预措施。

    Conclusion In order to improve the armyman 's ability to copy with sudden accident , course education , skill training , group consultation , as well as crisis intervention should be strengthened .

  25. 第二部分阐述了突发事件应对中政府信息公开的基本理论,着重分析了在非常态下,即在有突发事件发生时政府信息公开所要遵循的特殊要求。

    The second part elaborated the emergency response in the openness of government information of basic theory , focuses on the analysis of the particular requirements in special conditions compared to normal conditions .

  26. 5.12汶川大地震给我国带来巨大损失和悲痛,也检验了我国政府的突发事件应对能力。

    Wenchuan earthquake has made a big loss to our country , and brought our nation great sadness . At the same time , it has test the emergency capability of our nation .

  27. 为此,在流行病预警和反应、妇女和儿童卫生、非传染病、烟草控制以及突发事件应对方面预算有所增加。

    To do so , the budget shows increases in the areas of epidemic alert and response , maternal and child health , noncommunicable diseases , tobacco control , and response to emergencies .

  28. 并对地铁突发事件应对体系的预防应对子系统、紧急应对子系统、事后恢复子系统进行了详细阐述。最后,提出了今后需深一步探索和研究的方向。

    This paper , based on the characteristics of the metro emergencies in the world , designs a frame of countermeasures against metro events and makes a further study on the details of this framework .

  29. 为此,研究供应链突发事件应对策略来最大程度降低突发事件对供应链的影响,对保持供应链系统的协调性与稳定性具有重要意义。

    For this , the research to coordinate and management the emergency of the supply chain , to reduce the incident ' simpact on supply chain , keep the stability and coordination of supply chain system .

  30. 但从社会实际情况出发,以汶川地震为例,我们看到的是整个社会的力量无法在突发事件应对中有序的释放,社会公益力量不能形成一股合力面对危机。

    The actual conditions of society , take the case of Wenchuan earthquake , we found the power of the community can not form into a joint force in the face of crisis and release in orderly .