
fǎ lǜ wén shū
  • legal instruments;legal papers;legal red tape
  1. 最后,开发商未能提供相关的法律文书。

    Finally , the developers failed to provide the relevant legal instruments .

  2. 体现多边贸易谈判乌拉圭回合各项结果的法律文书;

    Legal instruments embodying the results of the Uruguay round of multilateral trade negotiations ;

  3. 调解书和其他应当由人民法院执行的法律文书,当事人必须履行。

    The parties concerned must comply with the conciliation statement and other legal documents that are to be executed by the people 's court .

  4. 美英法律文书中的brief译名

    Translations of the Term Brief in Anglo-American Legal Documents

  5. brief是英文法律文书中的一个常用法律术语。

    Brief is a common term in English legal documents , however , its Chinese translations are confusing-there exist various substandard translated terms .

  6. 但facebook表示,在澳大利亚这一案件中使用该社交网站送达法律文书,据信是此类案例中的第一桩。

    However , Facebook said the use of the networking site in the Australian case was thought to be the first of its kind .

  7. 完成法律文书后,我们和造型师Julie一同前往新娘的房间开始做发型和化妆。

    Once the legal paperwork is finished , we go to the Brides room to commence hair and makeup styling with Julie .

  8. 本着孤证不足信的原则,本文通过多种词典定义,分别探讨美英法律文书中brief的本质属性,分析译名混乱的原因,在此基础上建议合适的中文译名。

    Based on the principle of single evidence cannot be trusted , this paper is to explore its intrinsic attribute , to analyze the causes of such confusions and to propose proper Chinese translations through different definitions of dictionaries .

  9. 一澳大利亚法庭准许一位律师通过社交网站Facebook,向一对拖欠房屋贷款的夫妇送达法律文书。该网站认为,这是第一次出现这种案例。

    An Australian court has allowed a solicitor to use Facebook to serve legal documents on a couple who defaulted on a housing loan in what the social networking site believes is the first case of its kind .

  10. 法律文书教学与学生素质培养

    The Teaching Of Legal Writ And Cultivating The Student 's Makings

  11. 反差与引证:控辩法律文书的个案解读

    Contrast and Quotation : analysis of legal document in particular case

  12. 经授权代表企业签署法律文书;

    With authority empowered , representing company to sign legal writs ;

  13. 本文的附录提供了一些简单的法律文书范本&这将有助于你理解这些招数。

    The Appendix provides a few sample forms to illustrate these tips .

  14. 规范法律文书证据写作的法理分析

    Analysis about Principle of Law in Writing Stationery Proofs of Code Law

  15. 马尼托瓦克的律师们在展会上向兰宁递交了法律文书。

    Lawyers for Manitowoc served him papers at the show .

  16. 论司法机关法律文书中的语言运用

    On Language Application of Legal Documents in Judicial Agencies

  17. 英语法律文书的文体特征及翻译要领

    Stylistic Features of Legal Documents and Techniques of Translation

  18. 英语法律文书的歧义现象分析

    A Tentative Analysis of Ambiguity in English Legal Documents

  19. 执行是生效法律文书确定的权利义务实现的过程,是当事人借助国家强制力实现其民事权利的过程。

    Enforcement is the realization of the rights given by the effective law .

  20. 本文主要论述英语法律文书的语言特点。

    The following paper concentrates on linguistic characteristics of legal documents in English .

  21. 高职生学习民用法律文书写作的重要性及应注意问题

    The Importance and Advice of Learning Applied Writing of Civil Law Official Dispatch

  22. 法律文书立法问题初探

    A Simple Exposition on Legislation Problems of Law Documents

  23. 语言描述视野中的刑事诉讼&论刑事法律文书对案件事实的还原描述

    Criminal Litigation Within the Visual Field of Language Description

  24. 论利用法律文书完善权利告知制度

    On the Perfection of the System of Information of Rights by Using Legal Documents

  25. 论法律文书语言的构成

    On Constitution of the Language of Legal Documents

  26. 法律文书语言运用简论

    Brief Discussion on Linguistic Usage in Legal Documents

  27. 而那张告知当事人其被提起诉讼的法律文书就是传票。

    The paperwork notifying you that you are being sued is called a summons .

  28. 法律文书应以法律形式予以确认已成必要。

    This paper points out the necessity of affirming legal instruments in legal form .

  29. 关于工业事故越界影响的法律文书

    Legal Instrument on Transboundary Impacts of Industrial Accidents

  30. 浅析法律文书语言的精确性与模糊性

    Analyzing the Accuracy and Ambiguity Legal Document