
  • 网络legal succession
  1. 论法律继承

    On the Legal Succession

  2. 属于、关于或涉及继承权的(尤指法律继承权)。

    Of or relating to or involving a reversion ( especially a legal reversion ) .

  3. 上周四签署的这个法律继承了苏联时代的克格勃联邦安全局的做法,对它认为即将犯下罪行的人进行拘留或是发出警告。

    The law signed on Thursday gives the Federal Security Service , the successor of the Soviet era KGB , authority to detain or issue warnings to people it believes are about to commit a crime .

  4. 我国现行法律对继承回复请求权的规定及不足。

    Second , the regulations of effective chinese law on the requesting right of recovering inheritance .

  5. 遵守宪法和国家法律,继承和弘扬中华民族传统文化。

    Abide by the constitution and laws , state to inherit and carry forward the Chinese traditional culture .

  6. 封建法律在继承、婚姻、刑法等各方面规定了男女的不平等,完全剥夺了妇女的法律地位。

    Feudal laws stipulated unequality between men and women in inheritance , marrage and criminal laws , depriving women of their status in law .

  7. 杨璐依加拿大相关法律已继承杜晓伟位于加拿大的房屋及杜晓伟于加拿大的个人账户存款。

    As provided by the laws of canada , Yang Lu had inherited Du xiaolei 's house property in Canada and Du xiaolei 's personal savings account in canada .

  8. 论西塞罗对古希腊法律思想的继承和发展

    Discussion on Cicero 's Inheritance and Development of the Ancient Greek Law Thought

  9. 根据已经确立的遗传规则(通常是法律规则)继承来的或者可以继承的。

    Inherited or inheritable by established rules ( usually legal rules ) of descent .

  10. 形成原因一方面主要体现为对传统自然法律思想的继承,以国家间相互吸收和借鉴为主要传播途径。

    The formal reason , one aspect is the heritage of the nature law thoughts and spread it by the mutual absorbing of different country .

  11. 继承公证是公证处根据法律规定和继承人的申请,依法证明继承人的继承行为真实、合法的活动。

    Inheritance notary is a kind of activity , which according to legal provisions and heirs application , to prove the authenticity and legitimacy of the succession .

  12. 个人承包,依照法律允许由继承人继续承包的,按照承包合同办理。

    Contracting by an individual , if permitted by law to be continued by the successor , shall be treated in accordance with the terms of the contract .

  13. 现代大陆法系国家的法律大多都继承了罗马法的自然债务制度,并在法律中都有具体的规定,但是我国法律中并没有自然债务制度的一般规定。

    Modern civil law countries mostly inherited the Roman law of natural obligation system . However , the law of our country has no the general rules of natural obligation system .

  14. 一个办公室救生包应该包括以下用品:个人承包,依照法律允许由继承人继续承包的,按照承包合同办理。

    Assemble a survival kit for the workplace with the following supplies : Contracting by an individual , if permitted by law to be continued by the successor , shall be treated in accordance with the terms of the contract .

  15. 在秦朝赎刑的基础上,汉代的赎刑无论是在使用范围、适用对象、适用罪名、取赎方式还是在适用原则上都有了进一步发展和完善,体现出了法律制度的继承性和发展性。

    The penalty-ransom of Han dynasty , based on the penalty-ransom of Qin dynasty , develops and improves further , the range , the target , the charge and the mode of atonement and principles of application , which reflects the continuation and development of the legal system .

  16. 有关继承关系的法律制度是家庭继承制度的重要组成部分,汉代继承法律制度规范的主要是身份继承关系。

    The legal system of Inheritance standardized inheritance of identity .

  17. 传统法律中的财产继承在原理上是排除女性的,女儿没有继承权。

    On principle , women are excluded from the estate heritance of traditional law , women have no succession .

  18. 谁能拥有谢里曼黄金古希腊文化财产归属之争的法律解决女性财产继承权的历史考察法原理与法习惯方面的纠葛

    Legal Solution of A Greek Cultural Heritage Dispute Historical Considerations of Women 's Succession Conflict Between the Legal Principles and its Institution

  19. 韩国的法律制度是在继承了英美法系的判例法传统并对其不断进行改善以适应时代需要的基础上建立并完善的。

    The legal system of South Korea is carrying on Anglo-American law system , and makes it better on the basic of the needs of time .

  20. 根据荷兰法律,有王位继承资格的皇室成员必须通过政府和议会的同意才能结婚,内阁有权约束他们的行为。

    Under Dutch law , royals who aspire to the throne must receive permission from the government and parliament to marry as the cabinet will bear responsibility for their actions .

  21. 在现代继承法律制度中,继承人有权选择是否接受继承,以及接受什么类型的继承。

    Under legal rules of succession in modern society , the inheritor can decide to accept or disclaim succession , and has the right to choose different types of succession .

  22. 至现代社会,各国都重视遗嘱继承制度,大多数国家的法律都对遗嘱继承制度作出了明确具体的规定。

    To the modern society , various countries pay attention to the system of testate succession , have made the clear and concrete regulation to the system of testate succession in the laws of most countries .

  23. 在继承法律制度中,继承的放弃是关涉到继承权能否实现、遗产所有权能否转移、债权人利益能否合理地予以保护的重要制度。

    In inherits in the legal regime , inherits whether is giving up realizes , the inheritance property rights the concern relation to the right of inheritance whether to shift the important system which , whether the creditor benefit does protect reasonably .

  24. 作为中国传统法律最末的继承者和学习西方近代法律的开启者,清代司法在中国司法制度的发展史中居于承前启后的重要位置。

    As the last successor of the Chinese traditional law and the opener of studying the Western modern times law , the judicature in the Qing Dynasty resides in the key position of " carries on the task " in the history of Chinese legal system .

  25. 这座城市将百无禁忌的消费文化、与中国古老传统的紧密联系和强健的法律制度结合在了一起。香港的法律制度继承自英国,尊重并保护知识产权。

    Here is a city that combines a no-holds-barred consumer culture , a strong bond to China 's old traditions , and a robust legal system , inherited from the British , that respects and enforces intellectual property rights .

  26. 声明不保证拍卖法律制度是对古老的按现状拍卖法律规则的继承和发展,是拍卖行业的重要国际规则之一。

    The statement did not guarantee the auction law system is to ancient " according to the present situation auction " the legal rule continuation and development , auctions one of profession important international rules .

  27. 中国古代的家庭财产继承法律制度发展到宋代,达到其顶峰时代,这一时期的法律对财产继承制度的规定之详尽,是其他朝代所无法比拟的。

    When development to Song , ancient family property inherited legal system reached its peak times .