
fǎ lǜ rén ɡé
  • legal personality;juridical personality
  1. 清算中公司的法律地位。清算中公司与原公司具有同一法律人格,公司的法律人格不因解散而消灭;

    Liquidation company is the same juridical personality as original company .

  2. 国际组织法律人格探源blog信息源的信息组织与利用

    Root of Legal Personality of International Organization The Organization and Using of Blog Information

  3. wto具有法律人格,wto每一成员均应给予wto履行其职能所必需的法定资格。

    The WTO shall have legal personality , and shall be accorded by each of its Members such legal capacity as may be necessary for the exercise of its functions .

  4. 第一部分是法律人格概念的演进与其相对化。

    The first part is Revolution and relativity of legal personality .

  5. 论国际非政府组织国际法律人格的承认

    Study on the Recognition of International Legal Personality of Non-governmental Organizations

  6. 公司制度是公司法律人格之基础。

    Corporate capital system is the basis for corporate legal personality .

  7. 试论国际组织的国际法律人格及其与国家的关系

    The Legal Personalities of International Institutions and Their Relations with Other Nations

  8. 摘要非政府组织活动合法性的前提是取得相应的法律人格。

    The law base of NGOs is the law character .

  9. 论法律人格与人格权的发展

    Legal Personality and the Development of Right of Personality

  10. 论法律人格内涵的历史沿革

    On Historical Reforms of Connotation of Lawful Personality

  11. 论公司法律人格之本质要素

    The Essential Factors of Legal Personality of Corporation

  12. 第九条亚洲安全合作组织具有完全的法律人格。

    Article 9 . The ASCO shall have a complete and perfect international personality .

  13. 论法律人格的历史变迁及发展趋势

    The Historical Development and Trend of Legal Personality

  14. 西部开发与政府法律人格构建

    The Development in the Western Regions and the Personality Construction of the Government Law

  15. 独立的基本内涵是不依赖外力,不为外界束缚,是国家作为独立的法律人格所具有的一项基本属性,它主要有政治、经济和文化等三方面。

    The fundamental connotation of independence is independent of and freed from external force .

  16. 论我国公民法律人格的缺失与构建

    On the Lack and Construction of the Legal Personality Of the Citizens in Our Country

  17. 这一问题不论从理论上押或实践上都涉及国际组织的法律人格问题。

    The issue concerns the legal personality of international organizations in theory or in practice .

  18. 人格主要指个人的法律人格、心理人格、道德人格。

    Personality mainly refers to the legal , psychological and moral personality of an individual .

  19. 在我国,公司作为法人之一种,应当具有独立法律人格。

    As one kind of legal person , company should have independent corporate personality in china .

  20. 古代清官法律人格的内在精神主要体现在其道德品质、知识结构和价值追求上。

    The intrinsic direction in spirit consisted in their moral character , knowledge and value orientation .

  21. 论国际组织法律人格

    The Law Personality of International Organization

  22. 试论现代企业的法律人格

    On Legal Personality of Modern Enterprises

  23. 国际组织在国际秩序中的作用基于国际组织的国际法律人格。

    The roles of international institutions in the world order are based on their international personalities .

  24. 法律人格问题的比较分析

    Comparative Analysis on Legal Personality

  25. 法律人格的相对化分析

    Relative Analysis of Legal Personality

  26. 民法作为市民社会的基本调整规则,其与人的连接点就是法律人格。

    As an essence regulating rules in civil society , civil law and man 's connecter is personality .

  27. 法律人格理论始于罗马法,随着社会经济基础及社会思潮的变化,人格的内涵几经变化。

    Beginning from Roman law , the connotation of personality varies with development of economy and trend of thought .

  28. 欧盟宪政的发展过程实际上就是欧盟法律人格丰富与健全的过程。

    The development of European Union constitutionalism is the same as the plenty and perfection of European Union legal personality .

  29. 社会经济发展的现实需要促使立法对团体的法律人格予以确认和规范。

    The reality on social economic development urges the confirmation and regulation on the legal personality on groups from legislation .

  30. 可是一直以来人们认为权利平等的目标只是追求平等的法律人格。

    However , it has been that the goal of equal rights is the pursuit of equality of legal personality .