
fǎn huán
  • return;restitution
  • return;give (or send) back
返还 [fǎn huán]
  • [return] 返回;退还

  • 返还成本

  1. 依照继承法取得他的财产的公民或者组织,应当返还原物;原物不存在的,给予适当补偿。

    Any citizen or organization that has obtained such property in accordance with the Law of Succession shall return the original items or make appropriate compensation if the original items no longer exist .

  2. 平台应对“打赏”设置延时到账期,如主播出现违法行为,平台应将“打赏”返还用户。

    It stated that the platforms should set a delayed arrival period for the reward , and if a host commits an illegal act , the platform should return the reward to the users .

  3. 在1月31日前购买这台电脑可获得200英镑的现金返还。

    There 's £ 200 cashback on this computer if you buy before January 31 .

  4. 那名管理人员出面让她返还所借图书馆的书。

    The official showed up to tell her to turn in her library books .

  5. 如果他们的工资或所得税返还不能兑现,这对他们来说将是晴天霹雳。

    It will come as a rude shock when their salary or income-tax refund cannot be cashed .

  6. 如果你签订契约定期捐赠,那么我们可以要求返还你这笔钱上交的所得税。

    If you make regular gifts through a covenant we can reclaim the income tax which you have already paid on this money .

  7. 当顾客真想扔掉裤子时,可以将它们返还商店,店里会将其重做再售卖。

    When customers do want to toss their pair , they can give them back to the store , which will repurpose and resell them .

  8. 1998年,经过执法部门的合作、诉讼及谈判,3000余件返还文物回国。

    In 1998 , over 3000 relics were returned to China after cooperation by law enforcement units , a lawsuit .

  9. 办法包含了月球样品保存、管理和使用的总体原则、信息发布、借用与分发、使用与返还、成果管理等方面内容。

    The regulations cover general principles for preserving , managing , using , borrowing and returning the lunar samples , as well as information release and research results management of the samples .

  10. results:一个请求返还的结果数。

    Results : The number of results to return for a single request .

  11. 自1987年至2007年,标准普尔500指数(StandardandPoor’s500)成分股企业利用股票回购返还给股东的金额增加了18倍。

    The amount distributed by Standard and Poor 's 500 companies using share buybacks increased 18-fold between 1987 and 2007 .

  12. 硝酸银沉淀-颗粒物返还法去除COD样品中的氯化物

    Removing chloride in sample of COD with Silver Nitrate

  13. 亿万富翁、对冲基金经理乔治索罗斯(georgesoros)即将对外部投资者关闭旗下的量子基金(quantumfund),并返还他们的资金。

    George Soros , the billionaire hedge fund manager , is closing his quantum fund to outside investors and returning their money .

  14. aig内部人士称,这一改变不会影响该公司返还纾困资金的计划。

    AIG insiders said that the change would not affect plans to repay bail-out funds .

  15. 就在北岩银行(NorthernRock)宣布计划向股东返还盈余资本仅仅数周后&但还没来得及实施,该银行的各分行门口就排起了挤兑的长队。

    Queues formed outside the branches of Northern Rock only weeks after the bank had announced ( but before it had implemented ) plans to return its surplus capital to shareholders .

  16. 在规模较大的一宗和解案中,南卡罗来纳州的联邦检察官于今年1月同意将57辆豪车,连同数十万美元返还给陈宏(音)和他名下总部位于弗吉尼亚州的美石集团(MayrockGroup)。

    In one of the bigger settlements , federal prosecutors in South Carolina agreed in January to return 57 luxury cars and hundreds of thousands of dollars to Hong Chen and his Mayrock Group , which is based in Virginia .

  17. 该实体店还开始对苹果iOS电脑进行折旧回收,返还店内积分。

    The brick and mortar chain also started accepting trade-ins of Apple IOS devices for store credit .

  18. 除非苹果按照首席执行官蒂姆??库克(TimCook)所承诺的,把部分现金返还给股东,否则到今年底,苹果的现金储备将达到1700亿美元。

    Apple will have $ 170bn by the year-end unless , as Tim Cook , its chief executive , promises , it gives some to shareholders .

  19. 卡尔伊坎(CarlIcahn)去年年初将其基金的外部资金返还给投资者之后,赚取了25亿美元。

    Carl Icahn made $ 2.5bn after returning the outside capital in his fund to investors early last year .

  20. 包括tpg、康多富和珀米拉在内的一些集团正在返还筹集的一部分资金。

    Some including TPG , candover and permira are giving back some of the money they had raised .

  21. 他持有江苏宁沪高速公路有限公司(jiangsuexpressways)的股票,他表示,该公司将大部分收益返还给了股东,“收益率”确实“很高”。

    The manager has holdings in toll road operator Jiangsu expressways , which he says pays out the vast majority of its earnings to shareholders and features some really " substantial yields " .

  22. 一种贸易机制,规定发展中国家在特定货物上可付较低的关税而不需向OECD返还优待。这是GATT惯例所允许的。

    A trading system in which developing countries pay lower tariffs on certain products without having to return the favor to OECD countries , which is permitted under GATT rules .

  23. RKC前投资组合经理坎农(RussellCannon)表示,他已经关闭了该基金,并将资本返还给了投资者。

    Russell Cannon , the former portfolio manager of RKC , says he has shut down the fund and returned the capital to investors .

  24. 卖方发出FCO,买方签字并返还给卖方,连带正式之“银行资信函”。

    The seller issues FCO , Buyer signs and returns it to the seller with official bank comfort letter .

  25. 家得宝随后宣布,将进行资本重组,计划(目前仅完成了一半)以出售HDSupply所得资金,通过回购225亿美元股票,向股东返还现金,并计划发行120亿美元债券。

    The retailer then announced it would restructure its capital , with plans currently only half completed to return cash to shareholders by buying back $ 22.5bn in shares , funded by the HD Supply sale and a planned $ 12bn bond issue .

  26. 作物固定碳量和可以返还到土壤的根茬和秸秆中有机碳量都以NPK、NP和1/2ON施肥处理最多。

    Treatments NPK , NP and 1 / 20M were the highest in both crop carbon fixation and organic carbon contents in crop straws and stubbles that can be returned to the soil .

  27. WebSphereXS悲观锁会在每次操作期间使用,控制权仅在操作提交到数据的主要和副本版本后才返还给用户。

    WebSphere XS pessimistic locking is used during each action , and control is returned to the user only after that action has been committed to the primary and replica versions of the data .

  28. 当向TL9000论坛管理员提交数据时,返还件和交运件应该只被报告一次。

    Returns and shipments should only be reported once when submitting date to the TL9000 Administrator .

  29. App2结束它的工作,将控制返还给App1,活动结束。

    App2 finishes its work and control returns back to App1 , and the activity is called to complete .

  30. 凯雷集团(carlylegroup)今年头九个月向投资者返还的资金达到创纪录的150亿美元,相当于其私人股本行业竞争对手黑石(blackstone)、kkr和tpg同期返还资金的总和。

    Carlyle returned a record $ 15bn to investors during the first nine months of 2011 , an amount equal to the combined payments made by private equity rivals Blackstone , KKR and TPG during the same period .