
  • 网络return the property;return of property
  1. 第一百一十七条侵占国家的、集体的财产或者他人财产的,应当返还财产,不能返还财产的,应当折价赔偿。

    Article 117 Anyone who encroaches on the property of the state , a collective or another person shall return the property ; failing that , he shall reimburse its estimated price .

  2. 而本案就属于房屋由家长一方出资,产权由未婚夫妇双方共有,在未婚夫妇最终没有缔结婚姻的情况下,实际出资一方要求未出资一方返还财产的典型案例。

    This case is a typical case that the actual funding party asks not funded one return the property when lovers did not get married but the house funded by one parent by the total property .

  3. (四)返还财产;(五)恢复原状;

    Return of property ; ( 5 ) restoration of original condition ;

  4. 试析合同无效时返还财产的法律性质关贸总协定与我国复关

    Research on the Legal Nature of Restitution of Property After Contract Being Void

  5. 合同无效而返还财产的限制

    Restriction of Restitution of Property for Invalidity of Contract

  6. 董事侵权责任的承担方式有停止侵害、返还财产和赔偿损失等。

    The methods to bear include stopping tort , the return of property and damages compensation .

  7. 论诉讼时效制度对返还财产请求权的适用&兼论对物上请求权是否应当适用诉讼时效制度的研讨应当仅针对返还财产请求权来进行

    On Application of the Rule of Limitation to the Right of Claim for Return of Property

  8. 首先,先总结出返还财产责任统一的不要求过错这一要件。

    Firstly , to summarize the unity of return of property liability does not require this element of fault .

  9. 合同无效或被撤销后,有关当事人要求承担返还财产、赔偿损失等民事责任。

    For the void contract or voidable contract , the possible remedies include restitution and paying tor the damages .

  10. 最后,通过系列案例分析验证了返还财产责任统一的理论。

    Finally , through analyzing a series of case I verifies the theory of return of property liability of unify .

  11. 从责任形式上讲,董事对公司主要承担返还财产、赔偿损失的责任,此外,公司还可对董事违法所得行使归入权。

    With regard to the kinds of civil liability , there are the main two : returning property , compensation for damages .

  12. 第三,明确董事违规利益冲突交易的责任形式,应是返还财产和赔偿责任相结合。

    Thirdly , to clear the form of violation of directors in Interest-conflicting trade , should be the return of property and liability combination .

  13. 民事行为无效产生返还财产、给付不当得利和损害赔偿请求权的法律后果。

    Invalidity of civil behavior is accompanied by returning the property , paying the unjustified enrichment and the right of requesting for compensation for damage .

  14. 第二十五条被撤销死亡宣告的人有权请求返还财产。

    Article 25 A person shall have the right to request the return of his property , if the declaration of his death has been revoked .

  15. 包括停止侵害、返还财产、赔偿损失、所得收入归公司所有等。

    Including the cessation of the infringement , the return of property , compensation for the losses , the proceeds belong to the company and so on .

  16. 既然被撤销死亡宣告的人有权请求返还财产,那么也应该承担原有的财产义务。

    Since a person the declaration of whose death has been revoked has the right to request the return of his property , he shall fulfill his original obligations on the property .

  17. 现今各国对于返还财产的适用限制都有不同的规定,笔者结合我国司法现状以及实践中存在的问题对此提出了自己的建议。

    At present , countries have their own requirements for the return of property of the applicable restrictions , according to the practice of forensic situation and problems , I puts forward my own proposal .

  18. 以无效合同返还财产的法律性质为例,笔者认为应采用所有物返还请求权与不当得利请求权的竞合的观点,并阐述了理由。

    For example , about legal nature of recovery of property , I think we should adopt all of the right to restitution and unjust enrichment claim of concurrence of opinion , and presented the reasons .

  19. 再次,分析了无因管理制度中的返还财产,这类返还请求权可以纳入到物权返还请求权或者是不当得利返还请求权中去分析。

    Again , I analyse the return of property in negotiorum gestio system . The right to request can be incorporated into the Claim of right in rem or the restitution of unjust enrichment claim to analysis .

  20. 但事物是发展的,当行为人误认为行为有效而进一步行动时,就可能引起返还财产、赔偿损失的间接后果,这显然区别于无效民事行为本身。

    The answer was that the party has mistaken the conduct as valid and performed , that is to say , returning property and compensation were not a direct but an indirect consequence of void civil conduct .

  21. 结合各国立法现状和我国司法实践,对因合同无效而返还财产的限制的立法意义及其各种表现形式进行了学理探讨。

    Linking with each country 's legislative current situation and our country 's judicial practice , this article is inquiring on theory into the legislative meanings and various manifestations of the restriction of restitution of property for invalidity of contract .

  22. 与此不同的是,传统上被视为物权请求权的返还财产、排除妨害和消除危险,基于我国的立法模式和现实需求,也可作为债权请求权看待。

    This difference is that has traditionally been regarded as a real right to claim the return of property , removal of obstacles and eliminate the danger , based on the mode of the legislative and practical needs of our country , but also claim as a creditor look .

  23. 应当返还的财产灭失的,给付相应的赔偿金;

    In case of destruction of the property which should be returned , corresponding compensation money shall be paid ;

  24. 该案例存在的争议主要有两点:一是原告的赠与财产行为是否属于附条件赠与;二是被告拒不返还赠与财产的行为是否构成不当得利。

    There are two controversies in this case : First , whether the plaintiffs gift of property is conditional gift ; second , whether the defendant conducts for refusing to return the gift of property constitutes unjust enrichment .

  25. 第一百九十四条撤销权人撤销赠与的,可以向受赠人要求返还赠与的财产。

    Upon revocation of the gift , the person with the revocation right may claim restitution of the gift property from the donee .

  26. 构建非原物返还类型的返还财产责任以不当得利的返还为中心。

    Construction of this type return of property liability needs to center the return of unjust enrichment .

  27. 非原物返还类型的返还财产责任主要指涉及金钱等经济利益的返还责任,准确地讲,其具体形式应为价值补偿。

    This type return of property liability mainly refers to the return of money and economic interests , accurately speaking , its concrete form should be the compensation in value .

  28. 这个问题从夫妻一方处分行为的性质、财产返还请求权的行使和返还财产的份额对涉及的法律问题进行探讨。

    This problem from the return of the spouse of the nature of the disposition of property to claim share of the exercise and return of property to discuss the legal issues involved in .