
  • 网络Termination of Legal Person
  1. (五)作为被代理人或者代理人的法人终止。

    Or ( 5 ) when the principal or the agent ceases to be a legal person .

  2. 第四十条法人终止,应当依法进行清算,停止清算范围外的活动。

    Article 40 When a legal person terminates , it shall go into liquidation in accordance with the law and discontinue all other activities .

  3. 商业银行市场退出的核心特征表现为商业银行法人资格的终止。

    The key characteristic of Commercial banks withdraw from the market is shown as the lapse of the legal personality of commercial banks .

  4. 有权提起诉讼的法人或者其他组织终止

    A legal person or any other organization that has the right to bring a suit terminates

  5. 作为原告的法人或者其他组织终止后,其权利义务的承受人放弃诉讼权利的。

    After the legal person or other organization as plaintiff was terminated , the successor of the rights and obligations gives up litigation rights .

  6. 作为一方当事人的法人或者其他组织终止,尚未确定权利义务承受人的;

    A legal person or any other organization as one of the parties dissolves , and the party succeeding to its rights and obligations has not been determined ;

  7. 受害的法人或者其他组织终止,承受其权利的法人或者其他组织有权要求赔偿。

    Where the aggrieved legal person or other organization has terminated , the legal person or other organization which succeeds its rights shall have the right to claim compensation .

  8. 作为被执行人的法人或者其他组织终止的,由其权利义务承受人履行义务。

    Where the legal person or other organization serving as the person concerned ceases to exist , the person acquiring the rights and undertaking the obligations shall carry out the commitments .

  9. 法人的民事权利能力和民事行为能力,从法人成立时产生,到法人终止时消灭。

    A legal person 's capacity for civil rights and capacity for civil conduct shall begin when the legal person is established and shall end when the legal person terminates .