
wú xiào mín shì xínɡ wéi
  • void civil act
  1. 但对于因此类无效民事行为而引发的法律后果,各国规定却不尽一致。

    The legal effects resulted from these kinds of invalid acts are different .

  2. 论无效民事行为的法律后果

    On Legal Consequences of Void Civil Conducts

  3. 由此认识出发而考察我国民事法律所建立的有关无效民事行为的法律制度时,不难发现其存在的不合理性,文章将就此作进一步的探讨。

    With close observation , some unreasonable rules concerning invalid civil law behaviors are discovered with further discussion in this paper .

  4. 欺诈行为在我国民法上规定是无效民事行为,但在合同法上规定为可撤销行为。

    However , it is defined as a revocable act in Contract Law , aiming to protect the fairness of agreements and remedy the possible flaws .

  5. 但事物是发展的,当行为人误认为行为有效而进一步行动时,就可能引起返还财产、赔偿损失的间接后果,这显然区别于无效民事行为本身。

    The answer was that the party has mistaken the conduct as valid and performed , that is to say , returning property and compensation were not a direct but an indirect consequence of void civil conduct .

  6. 为维护法律适用的统一性,立法时应在明确诉讼时效客体的基础上,明确规定时效中断、分期履行合同和无效民事行为的诉讼时效以及法院应否主动援引诉讼时效等问题。

    In order to maintain the consistency in law application , when making laws , the expiration of the legal limitation , fulfilling contracts by stages , the time period for invalid litigations and whether law courts should invoke statute of limitations should be stipulated clearly .

  7. 无效民事法律行为转换的若干问题探讨

    The Transformation of the Invalid Civil Law Behavior

  8. 对无效之民事行为,法院对其拒绝加以保护。对当事人因不法原因而为的给付,法院对给付人的返还请求权予以拒绝,对不法当事人予以间接制裁。

    Courts may punish the unlawful party indirectly by refusing to protect the void civil-law acts .

  9. 无效的民事行为,从行为开始起就没有法律约束力。

    Civil acts that are null and void shall not Be legally Binding from the very beginning .

  10. 私法自治与国家强制&法律强制性规范与无效民事法律行为关系之分析与构建

    Self-government with Private Law and State Compulsory Government & analysis and reconstruction of the relationship between legal compulsory standardization and invalid civil legal acts