
  1. 在行为人的无权代理行为产生表见代理后,行为人从相对人处暂时取得属于本人的财物,应当及时移交给本人。

    In the behavior of the human right to act to generate the table sees the proxy , behavior person from relative person to obtain a temporary get my property , it shall timely transfer to me .

  2. 对民法上通过承认而得到补正的民事行为进行重新分类可以发现:对无权代理行为的承认,实质上是对自己行为的承认;

    From a wholly new angle , the author classifies the civil act in civil law that can be complemented and corrected through recognition and points out that the recognition on non-right agent act is essentially the recognition on his own act ;

  3. 保险代理人滥用代理权,未被追认的无权保险代理行为等不能产生保险代理的法律效力,应由保险代理人个人承担民事责任。

    If the insurance agent abuses of the power of agency and the non-acknowledged act unauthorized insurance agency is emerged , the result will be that the legal effect of insurance agency is not elicited and the insurance agent must accept the due civil liability .

  4. 无因管理、无权代理和侵权行为是私法领域的三项重要制度,这些制度的创设包含着道德的、经济的、法律的多层面的价值考量。

    Non-management , agents , and violations are not entitled to three important areas of private law system , the creation of these systems contain a moral , economic , legal multi-level value of the consideration .

  5. 无因管理与无权代理、侵权行为相似,都是没有法律义务而干涉他人之事务,其法律制度的内容和体系存在千丝万缕的联系。

    Non-management with the right agent , similar violations , there is no legal obligation to interfere in the affairs of others , the content of its legal system and the system there are inextricably linked .