
  • 【法】abuse of the power of agency
  1. 并且,对日常家事代理中代理权行使的法律效果以及滥用代理权和超越代理权的法律后果进行的分析,包括在日常家事范围内行使和逾越日常家事范围的法律后果。

    Furthermore , the daily chores agent in the legal effect and exercise authority beyond his agency authority and abuse of the legal consequences analysis , including in daily chores exercise inside limits and daily chores range Passover the legal consequences .

  2. 保险代理人滥用代理权,未被追认的无权保险代理行为等不能产生保险代理的法律效力,应由保险代理人个人承担民事责任。

    If the insurance agent abuses of the power of agency and the non-acknowledged act unauthorized insurance agency is emerged , the result will be that the legal effect of insurance agency is not elicited and the insurance agent must accept the due civil liability .