
  • 网络abuse of dominant position
  1. 跨国零售滥用市场优势地位及其法律规制

    Transnational Retailers Abusing the Preponderant Status and Statutory Regulations

  2. 论金融控股公司滥用市场优势地位的法律规制

    A Discussion on the Legal Regulation of Financial Holding Company 's Abuse of Market Advantageous Status

  3. 反垄断法主要规制联合限制竞争协议、滥用市场优势地位和企业结合。

    Antimonopoly law mainly regulate the united restrict competition agreement , abusive market dominant place and combination of enterprises .

  4. 笔者先对大型超市滥用市场优势地位的危害性进行分析,从而得出对其进行反垄断规制的必要性。

    It is essential to regulate with anti-monopoly law after analyzing the harmfulness of large-scale retail enterprises abusing market advantage position .

  5. 第三章对滥用市场优势地位的主体&企业、市场优势的界定及构成、滥用的构成要件进行了探讨。

    Chapter III discusses the subject of abusing of dominant position , the definition of market predominance , and the composing essential of abuse , comparing three concepts , i. e.

  6. 由于金融产品的强关联性和金融资源的弱相关性,使得金融业更容易造成金融市场的垄断,尤以滥用市场优势地位最为突出。

    The fact of strong connection among financial production and the weak connection among financial resources makes financial industry easy to be monopolized , especially the abuse of market advantageous status .

  7. 而随着经济全球化和一体化的发展,在经济组织滥用市场优势地位限制竞争的情况下,各国为了维护本国利益,纷纷突破传统的管辖范围,主张本国反垄断法的域外效力。

    But with the development of the economic globalization and integration , many economy organizations are abusing the market advantage position to limit competition . Countries are breaking the traditional rule and claiming the application outside the country in order to protect benefit .

  8. 最后,严厉地追究滥用市场相对优势地位行为的行政法律责任。

    Finally , we should strictly call to account the abuse of market relative dominant position behavior by the administrative punishment .

  9. 应当从实体的合理性和关联性角度来考量收取的通道费是否构成了反垄断法所规制的滥用市场相对优势地位行为。

    The rationality and relevance of the entity should be the criterions to consider whether slotting fees collecting breaks the anti-monopoly regulation by abusing the market relatively dominant position .

  10. 笔者主张通过完善《反垄断法》、《反不正当竞争法》的可操作性,实现对大型零售商滥用相对市场优势地位的有效规制。

    Anti-monopoly Law and the Law against Unfair Competition should be improved to increase the operability , so that competition law can regulate behaviors of abusing comparative advantage position by major retailers effectively .

  11. 我国《反垄断法》以市场支配地位的法律概念涵盖了双重法律涵义,对经营者滥用相对市场优势地位的规制包含在禁止具有市场支配地位的经营者滥用市场支配地位的法律条款中。

    The legal concept of dominant position has double meaning in China ' sAnti-monopoly Law . Regulation on behaviors of abusing comparative advantage position is included in the legal provisions about prohibiting operators who has a dominant position abusing dominant position .

  12. 大型零售商相对于中小供应商的市场优势地位,主要体现在合同中,依据合同法的基本原理难以从根本上规制大型零售商滥用相对市场优势地位的行为。

    To small and medium suppliers , major retailers are in a market advantage position , and it is embodied in the contract . It is difficult to regulate the behaviors of abusing the comparative advantage position by major retailers based on the basic principles of contract law .

  13. 不过此类案件迄今做出过的最高额罚款远远低于这个数字:目前的纪录是2009年创下的,当时英特尔(Intel)因滥用电脑芯片市场绝对优势地位被罚11亿欧元。

    But the largest single fine yet levied in such a case falls well short of that mark : The record is 1.1 billion in 2009 against Intel for abusing its dominance of the computer chip market .