
ér tónɡ chuánɡ
  • crib;child's cot
  1. 婴儿可以与母亲在同一个的房间内,睡在安全的儿童床或者摇篮里。

    Babies may sleep in a safe crib , bassinet , or cradle in the same room as the mother .

  2. 心碎的杨女士后来又生下一个儿子,发誓要将他带在身边抚养。她在小店中塞进了一张儿童床,刚学走路的孩子在人行道上玩耍时,她会小心地看着他。

    Heartbroken , Ms Yang bore a second son and vowed to raise him in Beijing , stuffing a crib into her tiny shop and keeping a close eye as the toddler played on the pavements .

  3. 室内横跨规模从小洞穴样的儿童床到房间中央的高天花板。

    The interior spans in scale from the small cave-like children 's beds to the high-ceilinged central room .

  4. 房间里摆着一张儿童床、两只箱笼、两把安乐椅、桌子、儿童茶几,还有一把安德烈公爵正坐着的小椅子。

    In the room were a couple of armchairs , a child 's crib , a table and a child 's table and a little chair , on which Prince Andrey was sitting .

  5. 遇有带孩子的夫妇,双人房内通常还可以加辅或加儿童小床。

    For families with children , extra beds or cribs for infants can usually be placed in a double room .

  6. 其中儿童理发椅,儿童理发镜,儿童洗头床,沐足桶等是公司的主营产品。

    Which children barber chairs , barber mirrors children , children shampoo bed , foot barrels is the company 's main products .