
  • 网络Children's entertainment;entertainment for children
  1. 1994年,洛温斯坦创立了一个协会,即后来的娱乐软件协会(EntertainmentSoftwareAssociation)。当时,人们广泛认为视频游戏是充满暴力的儿童娱乐形式。

    When Mr Lowenstein founded what became the Entertainment Software Association in 1994 , there was a widespread perception that video games were violence-filled forms of amusement played by children .

  2. 西蒙把它改成了一个丰富多彩的儿童娱乐室。

    Simon transformed it into a colorful child 's playroom .

  3. 我们以童话故事使儿童娱乐。

    We beguiled the children with fairy tales .

  4. 本实用新型――五用秋千网板是关于儿童娱乐学习的一种玩具。

    A five purpose swing with a board belongs to a toy for children 's entertainment and study .

  5. 在安全性受到质疑的简单儿童娱乐列表中,加上了这一项:吃雪。

    To the list of simple childhood pleasures whose safety has been questioned , add this : eating snow .

  6. 如果不去数它你可不会成为丹佛市的第四个儿童娱乐承办商!

    You don 't become a number 4 kids ' entertainment purveyor in the Denver Metro area without counting !

  7. 工作而无娱乐使人愚钝。&豪威尔我们以童话故事使儿童娱乐。

    All work and no play make Jack a dull boy . & James We beguiled the children with fairy tales .

  8. 儿童娱乐室、音乐室、健身房及7个淋浴室,乘客将感觉登机之前的时光异常短暂。

    The children 's playroom , Bose music room , exercise room and seven showers will make the time fly till your boarding call .

  9. 万能智力积木涉及一种儿童娱乐用的积木。由多个单体积木组成。

    The utility model discloses universal intelligent building blocks , relating to building blocks used for the recreation of children , and composed of a plurality of single building blocks .

  10. 卡通片决不只是儿童的娱乐。

    By no means is cartoon only a entertainment of children .

  11. 酒店一层建筑面积3850平方米,靠近海滨的滨水地带,布置水上运动俱乐部和儿童戏水娱乐场;

    The1st floor of the hotel has a construction area of3850 m2 , closing to the seashore belt , and arranges aquatic sports club and children water amusement place ;

  12. 论儿童文学的娱乐精神和审美教育

    About Entertainment Spirit of Children Literature and Education of Esthetic Sense

  13. 引导儿童从事健康娱乐

    Guiding children to engage in recreation

  14. 计算的无处不在使得计算机已成为儿童学习、娱乐的工具,而设计和开发面向儿童的互动系统的主要瓶颈在于如何设计界面隐喻,使其更易于儿童理解和使用。

    The bottleneck of designing an interactive game for children is the design of suitable interface metaphors so that it can facilitate the children 's understanding and exploration .

  15. 据调查,目前中国绝大部分城市为儿童提供的娱乐景区相对较少,适应群体的年龄相对偏高,而且景观设计和娱乐项目的设计比较单一,缺乏创新性。

    According to an investigation , most cities of china provide a relatively few scenic areas for recreation for children , and the relevant age of the people is on the high side .

  16. 足球是世界上第一大运动,足球运动是全世界众多儿童的主要娱乐活动,是促进社会融合的特殊手段,是展示自我的绝佳舞台。

    As the largest sport in the world , football is the main recreational activity for many children around the world , the special means of promoting social integration , as well as the perfect stage to show themselves .

  17. 由于课业的压力日益加大,青少年对娱乐的需求是他们丰富业余文化活动的一个重要方式。目前适合儿童青少年收看的娱乐节目的制作和播出主要是电视媒介。

    The studying of mounting pressure on entertainment , are they in amateur cultural activities . at present an important way for young people to the entertainment of the production and broadcast mainly television media .

  18. 机器人正开始为儿童和老人提供娱乐和照管服务,它们还在餐厅准备食品和烹饪、保洁、挤奶以及在武装冲突中杀人,国防领域是非工业行业使用机器人最多的行业。

    Robots are beginning to entertain and care for children and old people , they are preparing food and cooking in restaurants , cleaning homes , milking cows and killing in armed conflict - defence is the biggest non-industrial user of robots .

  19. 在儿童成长过程中儿童娱乐设施发挥了重要作用,它不仅能让儿童在体力和智力上得到更大的发展,而且还为儿童的交流能力的发展提供了重要平台。

    In the process of growing up for children , the entertainment of children played an important role , it will not only allow children greater physical and mental development , but also provide an important platform for the development of communication ability .

  20. “儿童保育用品”是指:用于促进四岁以下儿童睡眠、娱乐、保健、喂食、吸吮及出牙的产品。

    " child care article " means a product that is intended to facilitate the relaxation , sleep , hygiene , feeding , sucking or teething of a child under four years of age .