
  • 网络Planting;planting design
  1. 模拟地带性森林群落的种植设计程序

    The Process of Planting Design that Imitates Zonal Forest Community

  2. 布查花园的种植设计解析及其启示

    The Planting Design of Butchart Gardens and its Revelation

  3. 结论:将CT扫描技术与有限元方法相结合,建立的三维有限元模型能较真实地模拟实际情况,为口腔生物力学的研究和临床种植设计提供了研究手段。

    Conclusion : The three-dimensional finite element model combining the CT technology with finite element method can simulate mandible bone with dental implant inserted actually , and provide method for the researches of biomechanics .

  4. 浅谈草坪植物的种植设计

    A Brief Remark on the Growing Design of Lawn Plant

  5. 最后通过实践,对节约型种植设计进行了实证研究。

    Finally , economical designing of planting was studied with practical examples .

  6. 城市住宅小区绿化种植设计

    Design of Afforestation and Planting for Urban Residential Area

  7. 传统园林种植设计理论研究

    A Study on Traditional Chinese Garden Planting Design Theories

  8. 园林绿化种植设计初探

    Probe into the Planting Design for the Garden Greening

  9. 总结归纳传统园林种植设计的理念和理法。

    The dissertation sums up concepts and methods of traditional garden planting design .

  10. 浅议城市滨水区绿地种植设计

    Discussion on the Planting Design of the Green Space in the Urban Water Front

  11. 青岛国华园鉴湖梅溪水景区的种植设计

    Planting Design of Waterscapes Jian Lake and Plum Brook of Guohua Garden in Qingdao

  12. 浅谈园林植物的种植设计

    Talking about the Planting of Garden Plants

  13. 种植设计施工图;

    Construction Blueprint of Landscape Planting ;

  14. 沈大高速公路K62+322&K88+000段中央分隔带种植设计

    Planting Design of Median Strip in K62 + 322 & K88 + 000 Section of Shenyang-Dalian Expressway

  15. 高尔夫球场的植物种植设计,对于我国的景观工作者是一个全新的领域。

    The design of golf course plants landscape is a brand new field to our domestic landscape workers .

  16. 屋顶花园发展现状及北方屋顶绿化植物选择与种植设计

    A Study on Present Situation of Roof Garden , Plant Select and Planting Design in Northern Roof Garden

  17. 现代园林在近百年里发生了一系列变革,种植设计同样经历了这样的过程。

    As well as in modern landscape architecture , the latest century has seen a series of evolutions in planting design .

  18. 增城绿道北部种植设计分为生态景观走廊和绿道林带两部分。

    Zengcheng green road planting design is divided into the northern ecological landscape corridor and green road forest belt two part .

  19. 以珠海海洋温泉旅游度假村为例,探讨种植设计中树种选择的程序与方法。

    This article , taking Zhuhai Ocean Hot Spring Resort for example , exploited the ways in trees chosen of planting design .

  20. 种植设计的前期工作&树种选择的学术研究不多,实践中也被轻视。

    The research on the beginning works of planting design-trees chosen is seldom , and in practice , it 's a often low-concerned work .

  21. 初步探析传统园林种植设计民族特色的形成历程,以及与中国传统文化的渊源关系。

    Also an initial analysis is made on the forming of traditional garden planting 's national features and its relationship with traditional Chinese culture .

  22. 在种植设计中,充分利用紫薇的观赏特性,与其他植物进行色彩组合与协调;

    In the design of planting , the ornamental qualities of crape myrtle can be fully utilized to combine and coordinate with the colors of other plants .

  23. 通过中外比较,在世界园林文化的背景下探讨中国传统园林种植设计艺术的民族特色和重要地位。

    Through comparison between China and foreign countries , the national features and position of traditional Chinese garden planting design are discussed under the background of world gardening culture .

  24. 种植设计中,苗木规格的表述五花八门,许多表述与植物的生物学特性相违背,造成苗木难以采购或种植后效果极差;

    In planting design , so much express of plants specification , and many of them are disobey with biology characteristic , so the plants are hard for purchase or the result is very bad after plant ;

  25. 根据其特别的气候和土壤,初步筛选耐盐碱地和抗台风的园林绿化植物品种,指出相应种植设计的特点和苗木规格、工程技术以及养护管理的要求。

    Special alkali-resisting and typhoon resistant ornamental plant species are initially selected and relevant design for planting , standard for nursery stock and requirements for engineering technique and management are pointed out , based on the special climate and soil conditions .

  26. 论文试图通过研究,探求居住区节约型种植设计的合理性和必要性;从节水、节能、节地、节材等方面对资源进行合理有效利用的可行性;分析节约型种植设计的实施策略和设计方法。

    This paper attempts to study the reasonableness and necessity of economical planting design in residential district . From different aspects of resources-saving exploring the feasibility of rational and effective use . And analysising the implementation strategy and design method of economical planting design in residential district .

  27. 第六章结合住宅阳台进行了模块式家庭种植的设计。

    Chapter six combines residential balcony for a modular home grown design .

  28. 模拟三维技术在种植方案设计中的辅助应用

    Simulate Three-Dimensional Technique Being Applied in the Auxiliary Design of Implant Plan

  29. 下颌无牙颌种植修复设计体会

    Management Design of Implants Prostheses to the Mandibular Edentulous Patients

  30. 种植体设计对即刻种植与即刻负荷成功的影响

    Effects of Design of Dental Implant on Immediate Implant and Immediate Loading