
  • 网络separator;separation zone
  1. 进而从设施位置的选择、标志和标线的设置,以及中央分隔带开口位置的确定三个方面给出了服务设施及其相关路段交通安全设计的建议。

    And then safety design principle of this kind of establishment and their correlative highway sections was given considering aspects of position choosing of service establishments , traffic sign and surface marking establishing and peristomes position choosing of median separator .

  2. 结合我国互通式立交的设计要求和工程实例,提出了集散车道的长度、横断面布置和分隔带设计的方法,为集散车道的详细设计提供相应了的理论依据。

    According to the request of the interchange design and engineering instances , this paper puts forward the design methods of length , transect disposal and the lane separator about the collector-distributor lane , offering theoretical basis the detailed design of the collector-distributor lane .

  3. 出入口管理是对连接道(driveway)、中央分隔带及其开口、立体交叉口、小街道与主要道路的连接处的位置、间距、设计和运行的系统控制。

    Access management is the systematic control of the location , spacing , design , and operation of driveways , median openings , interchanges , and street connections to a roadway .

  4. 谈谈公路中央分隔带的排水设施

    Discussing the Drainage Equipment of the Central Mall in the Highway

  5. 具有中央分隔带公路弯道外侧超车车道的视距

    Passing lane stopping sight distance outside of median divider in freeway

  6. 浅谈公路中央分隔带地下排水渗沟的设置

    A Brief Talk on Installation of the Blind Drain under Highway Median

  7. 高速公路中央分隔带槽形混凝土护栏的开发研究

    Development Study of Trough Concrete Median Barriers of Expressway Divider

  8. 高速公路中央分隔带景观生态绿化设计

    Ecological Landscape Greening Design of Central Separate Belt of Highway

  9. 高速公路单坡面中央分隔带混凝土护栏开发应用研究

    Single Slope Surface Compartmentation Cingulum Concrete Exploitation Apply and Research in Expressway

  10. 远引掉头方式下中央分隔带开口间距

    Median opening space under the condition of indirect left turn

  11. 中间分隔带街道中间的一条狭窄的经过绿化的地带

    A narrow strip of landscaped earth in the middle of a street

  12. 超深灌注桩在高速公路中央分隔带内的施工

    Construction of Super-depth Perfusion Pile Built in Central Isolation Belt of Expressway

  13. 这个女孩撞上了分隔带。

    Girl slammed into the center divider on the95doing80 .

  14. 关于中央分隔带护栏立柱基础的探讨

    Study on Post Foundation of highway medium guardrail

  15. 黑龙江省哈大高速公路中央分隔带绿化树种调查与选择

    Investigation and Choice of Median Separator Greening Plants along Harbin-Daqing Freeway in Heilongjiang Province

  16. 高速公路中央分隔带积水的危害与防治研究

    Study on the Injury and Prevention Cure of the Waters in Central Separate Belt of Expressway

  17. 高速公路中央分隔带设计

    The Design of Expressway Central Strip

  18. 这是一条双向交通街道。路中双向交通分隔带。

    This is a two-way street .

  19. 高速公路中央分隔带护栏形式选择

    Selection of Median Barrier Types

  20. 沈大高速公路K62+322&K88+000段中央分隔带种植设计

    Planting Design of Median Strip in K62 + 322 & K88 + 000 Section of Shenyang-Dalian Expressway

  21. 呼包高速公路中央分隔带绿化栽植桧柏苗木成活性能的研究

    Study on the Surviving Performance of Sabina Chinensis Seedling Planting on Central Separation Belt of the Hu-Bao Highway

  22. 本文介绍了高速公路中央分隔带积水的危害及防治措施。

    This paper introduces the injury and measures of prevention cure of waters in central separate belt of expressway .

  23. 分析表明,黄土地区公路超高路段排水不宜采用中央分隔带开口漫流方式;

    The results indicate that the hatch overflow is not suitable to drain water of center strip in superelevation section .

  24. 文章结合多年的工作经验,阐述了搞好高等级公路中央分隔带、碎落台、上下边坡、护网、服务区、互通立交区等不同绿化区域的树种选择方法。

    With many years of experience , the author has proposed how to choose trees for different areas of high-level highways .

  25. 该体系评价指标主要包括:中央分隔带防眩能力、边坡防护能力、路侧生态防护性以及景观效果;

    The main evaluation indices include anti-glare capability , soil stability enhancement capability , environmental ecologic protection capability , and landscape quality .

  26. 还包括道路设计应用,例如中央分隔带的设置、附加车道和交通信号的合理间距。

    It also involves roadway design applications , such as median treatments and auxiliary lanes , and the appropriate spacing of traffic signals .

  27. 太旧高速公路中央分隔带的绿化是太旧高速公路管理养护中的一个重要内容。

    The greening of the centre separation belts is an important issue in the maintenance and management of an express highway in China .

  28. 绿色的菜地像一条绒线镶嵌在渣砖房间,在分隔带,在的士货车拥堵污染的马路边。

    Leafy green beds sit plush between cinder-block homes and shacks , on median strips , and along roads crowded with pollution-spitting taxi vans .

  29. 接缝布置依靠于经验,同时要考虑分隔带、车道、设备孔、排水孔的布置。

    The joint layout depended on the experience , and raked into consideration the layout of the separate belt , lane , and embedded fixtures .

  30. 通过对大保高速公路的绿化实践,提出了边坡、立交及中央分隔带绿化的具体理论和技术。

    On the basis of the practice of Dabao highway greening , practical greening theories and technics of side slopes , interchange and central reserve are summarized .