
  • 网络Sharing economy
  1. 支持者称,这些参与分享型经济(sharingeconomy)的明星公司,打破了已经变得贪婪和懒惰的垄断服务。

    Admirers say these stars of the so-called sharing economy are breaking up monopolies that have grown greedy and lazy .

  2. 总部位于旧金山的Uber周二发表声明称,马德里法官的裁定与西班牙及欧盟国家政府对分享型经济服务公司带来的益处的广泛认可存在矛盾。

    Uber , which is based in San Francisco , said in a statement Tuesday that the Madrid judge 's ruling was " inconsistent with broad political acknowledgment in Spain and across the European Union on the benefits of sharing economy services . ' "

  3. 有需求就可以租,这和“分享型经济”不是同一个道理吗?

    Isn 't that what the sharing economy is all about ? 10 .

  4. 再举一个例子:是否所有分享型经济企业应该合并为仅有的一家公司?

    Another example is : Should all the sharing-economy companies just be one company ?

  5. 这是因为,利用互联网为需要资金的借款者与贷款者牵线搭桥似乎带有“分享型经济”的特征。

    For the idea of using the internet to match borrowers who needed cash with lenders seemed to epitomise the sharing economy .

  6. 批评者称,这些初创公司令人讨厌,它们逃避监管和税收,而且分享型经济这个词本来就很荒谬。

    Critics say that the start-ups are unsavory efforts to avoid regulation and taxes , and that the very term sharing economy is ridiculous .

  7. 批评者称,这些初创公司令人讨厌,它们逃避监管和税收,而且“分享型经济”这个词本来就很荒谬。

    Critics say that the start-ups are unsavory efforts to avoid regulation and taxes , and that the very term " sharing economy " is ridiculous .