
  • 网络step bench mark
  1. 地面沉降测量与监测介绍了土层压缩性研究成果、放射性分层标技术、星载合成孔径雷达干涉监测技术及GPS和G1S在地面沉降监测中的应用。

    Measuring and monitoring of land subsidence includes soil and rock compressibility , radioactive marker technique and SAR interferometry , and GPS ang GIS application in land subsidence monitoring .

  2. 相对于水准测量、分层标、GPS等传统大地监测方法,InSAR干涉测量技术可以大范围获取高时、空分辨率的地表形变细节信息,精度可达到厘米级。

    Compared with the traditional methods of geodetic survey , such as Leveling , bedrock bench mark , GPS , etc. , InSAR interferometric techniques can obtain high spatial resolution surface deformation details in the large-scale , which precision can reach to the centimeter level .

  3. 可用于大型工程项目的沉降监测,如:城市高层建筑、地铁隧道、过江隧道、高速公路等建设项目的沉降监测,也可用于基岩标和分层标测量。

    The system could be used to automatically monitor foundation subsidence for such constructions as high buildings , railway tunnels , cross - river tunnels and highways , etc. , and could also be used for surveying of bedrock and layering marks .

  4. 历经数十年的探索与实践,建立起32座由一个基岩标和若干个分层标组成的监测站,形成上海市地面沉降监测系统,准确及时地反映上海市软土地层的沉降状况。

    A total of 32 monitoring stations each consisting of one bedrock bench marks and several step bench marks have been set up for decades of years to form the ground subsidence monitoring system in Shanghai , which reflects the soft ground subsidence in Shanghai accurately and in time .