
  • 【交】organic soil
  1. 温室有机土栽培CO2浓度变化规律及增施CO2对番茄生长发育的影响

    Rules of CO_2 concentration change under organic soil cultivation and effects of CO_2 application on tomato plants in solar greenhouse

  2. 一般情况下,亲油的固体微粒(如有机土)倾向于稳定W/O乳状液;

    In general , the oil-wet particles such as organic clay tend to stabilize W / O emulsions .

  3. 实验分析了有机土栽培下温室内CO2浓度变化规律,研究了增施CO2对温室番茄植株生理效应、产量、果实品质的影响。

    The change rules of CO_2 concentration in greenhouse and tomato physiological effects were analyzed under organic soil cultivation .

  4. XRD及TEM研究表明改性有机土呈部分剥离和部分插层分散在聚合物基体中。

    XRD and TEM showed that the MMT was partly intercalated and partly exfoliated in the polymer matrix . 4 .

  5. 将有机土分散在液体石蜡中,改变水相中的盐浓度,发现随着水相中盐浓度的增大,W/O乳液的稳定性降低,当水相中盐浓度超过一定值时,不能形成稳定的乳液。

    The stability of emulsions decreased with the salt concentration , and stable emulsion could not be prepared when the salt concentration was above a certain value .

  6. Na2CO3作为改型剂使钙基土的CEC(阳离子交换容量)提高了26.7%,钠化改型后所制得的有机土的粘度达到0.840Pa·s。

    The CEC of calcium base bentonite can be increased by 26.7 % with Na2CO3 , the viscosity of organobentonite is 0.84Pa · s.

  7. 有机土对Cr(VI)的吸附主要通过离子交换和络合物沉淀方式,酸改性膨润土对Cr(VI)吸附主要依靠晶层端面电荷的表面吸附。

    The Cr ( VI ) adsorption of organic soil mainly through the ionic exchange and the complex compound precipitation way , the sour modified bentonite adsorbs mainly dependence on the upper edge surface electric of crystal .

  8. 通过XRD、TGA等表征手段对这些中间产品和成品进行了分析测试,考察了不同链长的中性胺、不同的有机土等对材料合成的影响。

    The synthesized materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction / XRD , thermogravimetric analysis / TG techniques , and the influences of the different amines and different modified bentonites on the synthesized material were studied .

  9. 用单因素实验轮换法考察固液比、配料比、时间、温度及PH值等实验条件对改性效果的影响,同时借助XRD衍射、热失重及红外光谱对有机土的结构和性能进行了表征。

    Single factor experiment with the rotation of inspected the ratio of solid to liquid , the ingredients , time , temperature and pH value on the impact of organic soil conditions . and Analysis the structure and performance of organic soil using XRD , TG and FTIR .

  10. 设计一个环氧树脂防腐涂料配方,研究了添加剥离后的有机土(Hy-clay)对环氧树脂防腐涂料性能的影响:添加有机土后,涂料的粘度增大,触变性得到了改善;

    Design an epoxy resin anticorrosive coating formula , research the influence on the properties of epoxy resin coating of exfoliated organic montmorillonite ( Hy-clay ): after adding organic montmorillonite , its viscosity enhances a time ;

  11. 有机土栽培对小白菜品质和产量的影响

    Effects of Organic Soil Cultivation on Quality and Yield of Pakchoi

  12. 温室有机土栽培番茄营养吸收特性研究

    Nutrients absorption characteristics of tomato cultivated with organic substrate in greenhouse

  13. 柴油和白油基钻井液用有机土性能研究

    Organic Bentonite for Use in Diesel and Mineral Oil Based Drilling Fluids

  14. 有机土栽培对生姜生长及产量品质的影响

    Effect of Organic Substrate Cultivation on the Growth , Yield , and Quality of Ginger

  15. 最终,一份土壤的分析显示与传统的土壤相比,有机土中含有更多的微生物。

    And finally , a soil analysis showed that the organic plots contained more than conventional acreage .

  16. 增大改性剂用量,有机土的层间距增大,热稳定性降低。

    If the amount of surfactant was increased , the thermal stability of the organoclay would decrease .

  17. 实验结果证明,最佳改性土是利用3%H2O2预处理,经4%CTMAB改性的有机土。

    The results indicated that the modification bentonite by3 % H2O2 and4 % CTMAB is the optimal absorbent .

  18. 类似的,森林化湿地的土壤从矿物质土到深层有机土有各种不同变化,而且这种变化伴随着水文地形的变化而变化。

    Similarly , forested wetland soils can vary from mineral soils to deep organic soils , and their occurrence often co-varies with the hydro-geomorphology .

  19. 在海拔高度相同、距离相近的纤维正常有机土与草毡寒冻雏形土地区,虽然区域气候一致,但二者地温具有显著的分布差异。

    The climate change difference of Mat-Cryic Cambisols and area in south and north Qinghai is significant because of different elevation and geological environment .

  20. 因此,在有机土中加入少量蛭石和珍珠岩而制成的混合土是祁术人工栽培较为理想的基质。

    Therefore , the mix earth made of organic soil and a little vermiculites and pearlite is a more ideal matrix to cultivate this plant .

  21. 而加入相容剂和未加相容剂的聚乙烯/有机土复合材料的损耗温度谱表明:介质损耗的极性松弛极化特征是由烷基铵盐有机化的蒙脱土引起的。

    From the dielectric loss spectrums of polyethylene / montmorillonite composites with or without compatilizer , they show that the polarity relaxation polarization characteristic is caused by introduced organically modified montmorillonite dealt by ammonium salt .

  22. 这些颗粒状物质包括膨润土、有机土、高岭石粉、重晶石粉、两种颗粒尺寸不同的碳酸钙粉、两种具有不同润湿性的硅石粉以及新研制的固体乳化剂。

    The substances used include bentonite , organophilic clay , kaolinite , barite , two kinds of calcium carbonate with different particle sizes , two kinds of silica with different wetting behaviors , and a newly developed solid emulsifier .

  23. 借助光学显微镜和扫描电镜等分析手段,对三种有机土进行结构表征,有机土在外相中的空间结构与分散相液滴的结合对乳状液的稳定起到了关键作用。

    With optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy and other analytical tools for structural characterization of three type organic clays , the steric configuration of organic clay in external phase and a combination with the dispersed droplets also play a key role in the stability of the emulsion .

  24. pH值对有机蒙脱土吸附苯酚的影响

    Affect of pH on adsorption of phenol to organic montmorillonite

  25. 在相同pH条件下,吸附在有机蒙脱土上苯酚的数量随着其改性量的提高而增加。

    Amounts of phenol adsorbed to organic montmorillonite decreased when pH became high .

  26. 通过XRD测试研究有机蒙脱土/环氧树脂复合体系的插层行为及剥离机理。

    First , intercalation and exfoliation behaviors of organ clays in epoxy resin has been investigated by XRD .

  27. 将功能化聚乙烯蜡/有机蒙脱土插层复合母粒与聚丙烯(PP)共混,制备了有机蒙脱土填充的聚丙烯。

    Organic montmorillonite filled polypropylene was prepared by blending functionalized polyethylene wax organic montmorillonite intercalated master batches with polypropylene .

  28. TGA分析表明,苯乙烯-丙烯酸丁酯/有机蒙脱土纳米复合材料的热稳定性有所提高。

    TGA results indicate that thermal stability of composites is enhanced .

  29. FT-IR的结果表明有机蒙脱土的加入对不饱和聚酯树脂的固化反应有一定的阻聚作用。

    The FT-IR results show organic montmorillonite has inhibition to the curing reaction of unsaturated polyester .

  30. 尼龙6/EPDM/有机蒙脱土三元体系增韧增强的机理研究

    Study on the toughening and reinforcing mechanism of nylon 6 / EPDM / clay ternary nanocomposites