
  • 网络Organic Light-Emitting Materials;oled;organic material
  1. 利用STM和CV方法测定有机发光材料的能带参数

    A Novel Numerical Algorithm for Dopant Profiling Based on CV Data Energy-band Structures of Organic Light-emitting Materials by STM and Cyclic Voltammetry

  2. 程序有如下特点:①能进行三维能带结构计算;利用STM和CV方法测定有机发光材料的能带参数

    This program has the following advantages : ( 1 ) Three-dimensional energy-band structures can be calculated ; Energy-band Structures of Organic Light-emitting Materials by STM and Cyclic Voltammetry

  3. OLED、柔性、透明化显示技术及有机发光材料的发展和挑战

    The Developments and Challenges in OLED , Flexible and See-through Display Technologies , and Organic Luminescent Materials

  4. 采用紫外光电子能谱(UPS),分析了不对称四苯基四苯乙炔基环辛四烯(COT-H)有机发光材料与金属之间的界面电子结构,研究了在金属/COT-H界面上的逸出功变化。

    The electronic structure of the interface between cyclooctatetrene ( COT H ) and Ru metal is studied by the ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy ( UPS ) .

  5. 基于α-肉桂酰环乙烯酮二硫缩酮的一类新型D-A有机发光材料的理论

    Theoretical Investigation on Novel Donor-acceptor Materials with Organic Light-emitting Diodes Based on α - Cinnamoyl Cyclic Ketene Dithioacetals

  6. 实验研究了多孔硅/多孔氧化铝与有机发光材料(DBO-PPV,PVK,Alq3)复合后的光电特性。

    The optical and electrical properties of the composites of porous silicon / alumina and organic luminescence materials ( PVK , Alqs , DBO-PPV ) were also discussed .

  7. 蓝色有机发光材料LiBq4的合成及其发光特性

    Synthesis and Luminescence Properties of Blue Organic Light-emitting Material LiBq_4

  8. 一种新型有机发光材料的光致发光和电致发光

    Photoluminescence and Electroluminescence of a New Organic Light Emitting Material

  9. 新型蓝色有机发光材料苯-吡啶共聚物的光电性能

    Optical and electrical properties of new-type blue electroluminescence materials of phenylene-pyridine copolymers

  10. 有机发光材料的能级结构及性质的研究

    Investigation of the Energy Levels and the Properties of Organic Luminescent Materials

  11. 一种蓝色有机发光材料的合成及性质

    Synthesis and Property of an Organic Blue Luminescent Compound

  12. 多孔硅与有机发光材料复合的光电特性

    Optical and Electrical Properties of the Composites of Porous Silicon and Organic Luminescent Materials

  13. 有机发光材料和荧光传感器的设计、合成和性能研究

    Organic EL Materials and Fluorescence Sensors : Design , Synthesis , Properties and Applications

  14. 有机发光材料8-羟基喹啉钕的合成、表征和薄膜制备

    Synthesis , Characteristics and Film Growth of Organic Light-Emitting-Material Tris - ( 8-hydroxyquinoline ) Neodymium

  15. 随后介绍了常用的有机发光材料与其能带结构和发光机制。

    In common use organic light-emitting materials and their energy band structure expression method are described .

  16. 其中有机发光材料可分为有机小分子、聚合物分子、金属配合物和稀土配合物四类。

    Organic light-emitting materials contain organic small molecule materials , polymers , metal chelates and lanthanon chelates .

  17. 因此设计合成具有高固体荧光效率的有机发光材料仍然是一项极具挑战性和重要意义的工作。

    Therefore , the rational design of such emissive organic solids is still a challenging and interesting issue .

  18. 展望了21世纪有机发光材料的应用前景和商业化可能性。

    Application prospects and the possibility of commercialization for organic light emitting materials in the 21st century are forecasted .

  19. 随着合成与组装技术的发展与更新,有机发光材料也不断被应用到电致发光领域中。

    With development and updating of synthesis and packaging technology , organic luminescent materials are interruptedly used in the field of electroluminescence .

  20. 进行了宽荧光谱有机发光材料和窄荧光谱稀土配合物材料的在微腔结构中的发光比较研究,观察到了明显的微腔效应。

    Emissions from microcavitys made with organic materials with broad and sharp optical spectra were compared respectively , apparent microcavity effects appeared .

  21. 有机发光材料的光电特性、光物理、光化学过程直接决定了有机发光二极管的性能。

    OLEDs ' performance is essentially and directly determined by the organic semiconductor materials and photo-physics / chemistry processes in the materials .

  22. 由于有较高的发光效率和宽的发光颜色范围,有机发光材料已经引起了人们巨大的研究兴趣。

    Organic luminescence materials , due to their high efficiency and the wide range of the luminescence spectra , have attracted more attention .

  23. 本文主要研究了有机发光材料、有机非线性光学材料及双光子吸收材料。

    In our paper , organic luminescent materials , organic nonlinear optical materials and two-photon absorption materials are all theoretically studied using modern computational quantum chemistry .

  24. 经过二十年的研究,有机发光材料及器件已经逐渐从实验室走向市场,开始进入应用化阶段。

    After two decades of research , organic light-emitting materials and devices have come from the laboratory to the market , and begun to enter industrialization .

  25. 随着信息时代的来临,有机发光材料在光通讯、光信息处理以及平面显示等领域发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    The coming of information times , the organic luminescence materials play more and more important roles in the fields of optical communication and flat panel display .

  26. 与无机物相比,有机发光材料具有高荧光效率、色的广泛选择性及易成膜性。

    The advantages of organic materials over inorganic materials are high fluorescent efficiency , wide selection of colors and the easiness in the fabrication of large films .

  27. 8-羟基喹啉的金属离子配合物作为有机发光材料,是目前研究的热点之一,其原因是以该类材料制备的发光器件具有驱动电压低、发光效率高等优点。

    Organic luminescent materials prepared by 8-hydroxyl quinoline metal chelate complexes are ongoing research hotspots , which have general-accepting advantage of low driving voltage and high luminous efficiency .

  28. 有机发光材料往往以固态薄膜的形式出现在发光器件中,所以研究和探索高效固态发光的有机材料具有重大意义。

    The organic light-emitting materials are practically used as thin films in OLEDs , so it is of great significance to study and explore organic materials with highly efficient solid state emission .

  29. 有机发光材料具有增益系数高、自吸收系数小等突出的优点,是一种性能优越的激光增益材料,可以用来制作有机半导体激光器。

    Organic / polymer luminescent material is a kind of superior gain material with high gain coefficient and low self-absorption coefficient , which could be applied in the fabrication of organic semiconductor lasers .

  30. 有机发光材料是一类非常重要的有机光电功能材料,广泛应用于有机电致发光器件、有机固体激光器以及有机传感器等领域。

    Organic fluorescent materials are a very important class of organic optoelectronics materials . , which have been utilized in a wide range of fields , such as organic light-emitting diodes ( OLEDs ), organic solid-state lasers and organic fluorescent sensors .