
  • 网络aerobics;aerobic;Aerobic Exercise
  1. 我再不做有氧健身操了——太累人了。

    I don 't do aerobics any more ─ it 's too knackering .

  2. 散步不像有氧健身操那样需要交纳昂贵的费用来参加健身班或俱乐部。

    Unlike aerobics , walking entails no expensive fees for classes or clubs .

  3. 走路,如果方法正确的话,也是一种有氧健身运动。

    Walking , done in the right way , is a form of aerobic exercise

  4. 有氧健身操有助于增强耐力。

    Aerobic exercise helps to build up stamina .

  5. 有氧健身操对大学生网络成瘾干预效果的研究

    Curative Effect of Oxygen Setting-up Exercise for Internet Addiction College Students

  6. 有氧健身操对妇女围绝经期综合征症状及激素水平的影响

    Influence of Aerobic Exercises on Perimenopausal Syndrome Symptoms and Hormone Levels

  7. 有氧健身操锻炼对青少年体质和形体的影响

    Effect of Aerobic Calisthenics on Constitution and Shape of Teenager-By Taking

  8. 研究健身房有氧健身课运动强度的控制。

    This study investigated the exercise intensity control during aerobics classes .

  9. 有氧健身操锻炼对中年女性的健身作用

    Effect of aerobic body exercise on building up health in middle-aged women

  10. 高校体育教学中有氧健身操对学生形体塑造的研究分析

    Study of Students ' Shaping by Aerobics in Physical Education in Colleges

  11. 对水中有氧健身操动作编排的分析研究

    Research on Basic Action Layout of the Oxygen Calisthenics in the Water

  12. 小学生有氧健身操运动处方的研制与效果观察

    Primary Aerobic Exercise Prescription for Health Effects Research and Observation

  13. 慢跑和有氧健身操在那年风行一时。

    Jogging and aerobics were all the rage that year .

  14. 说明有氧健身运动处方是高校大学生一种有效的体育锻炼方法或减肥方法。

    The physical exercise prescription training is an effective method .

  15. 析水中有氧健身操的编排

    The Arrangement and Design of Aerobic Health Exercise in Water

  16. 有氧健身操对临沂师范学院女大学生心理健康影响的研究

    Influences Of Aerobic Gymnastics On Psychological Health Of College Girls

  17. 有氧健身操对增强中年女性心肺功能的作用

    Effects on improving heart and lung function for middle-aged females by body-building exercise

  18. 这和我的有氧健身班有冲突。

    It 's gonna conflict with my strip-aerobics class .

  19. 在个小时的有氧健身操之后你将汗流满面。

    After an hour of Aerobics your face will be beaded with sweat .

  20. 我们的妈妈在产前有氧健身班认识的

    our mothers met at a prenatal aerobics class .

  21. 你为什麽不去参加一个有氧健身班呢?

    C.why don 't you attend an aerobic class ?

  22. 普通高校女学生水中有氧健身运动的探讨

    The Discussion on the Aerobic Exercise in Water for the Girls in University

  23. 浅析有氧健身操对人体脂肪的影响

    The Influences of Aerobic Dancing on Body Fat

  24. 并给出了有氧健身操的最终应用系统。

    And provides the final aerobic application system .

  25. 说明太极柔力球运动是一项良好的有氧健身项目。

    Tai-chi softball is a favorable fitness item .

  26. 我参加了有氧健身班。

    I 've joined an aerobics class .

  27. 今晚你来参加有氧健身吗?

    Are you coming to aerobics tonight ?

  28. 温州经营性健身场所有氧健身操开展状况调查

    A Survey on the Status Quo of the Aerobic in the Commercial Gyms in Wenzhou

  29. 有氧健身运动对老年性骨质疏松的影响

    Effects of aerobic exercise on senile osteoporosis

  30. 有氧健身操运动对中年女性激素水平的影响

    On the effects of the aerobics upon the sex hormone of the middle aged women