
qī xī
  • Qixi;the seventh evening of the seventh moon;the seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the Cowherd and the Weaver Maid meet in Heaven)
七夕 [qī xī]
  • [the seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the Cowherd and the Weaver Maid meet in Heaven)] 农历七月初七的晚上,神话传说天上的牛郎、织女每年在这个晚上相会

七夕[qī xī]
  1. 七夕诗:自然燃烧和温暖诗人灵魂的火焰

    Poems in Praise of the Seventh Evening of the Seventh Moon : the Flame of Natural Burning and the Soul of Warm Poets

  2. 七夕诗展现了民俗习尚的风情画,体现出民族情感的人文意蕴。

    Poems in praise of the Seventh Evening of the Seventh Moon reveal a picture of folk customs and a sense of humanity of national feelings .

  3. 婚姻登记处处长表示,在七夕前后,他们将延长办公时间。

    The director of marriage registry office says they will extend opening hours around Chinese valentine 's day .

  4. 去哪网旅游部CEO高兴表示:“从上周开始,'七夕'和'浪漫'成为了去哪网搜索量最高的两个词,这一势头甚至一直保持了两到四天之久”

    Starting last week , " Qixi " and " romance " have become top key search words on qunar.com . Trips lasting for two to four days make up their highest sales , said Gao Xing , CEO of the holiday department of the website .

  5. 因为有了中国的七夕,才会有外国的圣诞。

    Because of China 's Tanabata , the only foreign Christmas .

  6. 我在等属于我们的七夕之夜。

    I belong to us , such as Night of Tanabata .

  7. 祝天下有情人七夕节快乐!

    Wish all the lovers a happy Chinese Valentine 's Day !

  8. 今天是农历的七月初七(七夕)。

    Today is the seventh day of the seventh lunar month .

  9. 七夕情人节,与我无关。

    Qixijie Valentine 's Day , nothing to do with me .

  10. 七夕使转瞬即逝的短暂的时刻得以永恒。

    Qixi immortalizes one moment that is ephemeral and fast fleeting .

  11. 七夕节并不是中国的公休节假日。

    The Double-Seventh Day is not a public holiday in China .

  12. 这里贴了星星,因为它与七夕节有关。

    I used the star because it was collected to Star Festival .

  13. 七夕这天是中国节日中最浪漫的一天。

    This day is the most romantic one of the Chinese festivals .

  14. 古老的七夕情人节,缔造了一段不朽的佳话。

    Tanabata ancient , enduring a period of building a much-told tale .

  15. 爱有来生计划在中国的情人节(七夕)上映。

    Eternal Beloved is scheduled to open near Chinese Valentine 's Day .

  16. 这才想起,一年一度的中国情人节&七夕又到了。

    This reminds me , the annual Valentine 's Day in China-Tanabata again .

  17. 仙台的七夕庆典是日本最有名的庆典之一。

    The Tanabata Festival in Sendai is among the most famous in Japan .

  18. 七夕的夜晚充满了浪漫的气息。

    The evening will be full of romantic smell .

  19. 七夕节,对我现在来说还没有什么意义。

    I do not know what I am doing .

  20. 跨文化视野下的中国七夕节和西方情人节

    Chinese Tanabata Festival and Western Valentine 's Day under Perspective of Intercultural Communication

  21. 是“七夕有谁愿意为我唱首歌”?

    Valentines Day who is willing to do to me sing a song ?

  22. 今天是一年一度的七夕,是个令人喜悦又悲伤的日子。

    Today is the annual poems is a matter of joy and sorrow day .

  23. 宝贝,七夕节快乐。

    Happy Chinese Valentine 's Day , Baby .

  24. 中国七夕在日本诗歌中的接受与流变

    On the Acceptance and Change of the Festival of Qi Xi in Japanese Poetry

  25. 七夕节来自一个中国的传说。

    The Star Festival is an all-Chinese myth .

  26. 今天是中国的情人节,也叫七夕节。

    Today is the Chinese valentine 's day which is also called Qixi festival .

  27. 七夕诗属于节令诗,以牵牛织女传说和七夕节日为主要描写对象。

    Its main description object is the legend of Qianniu and Zhinv and Qixi festival .

  28. 大家都知道几乎没有喜鹊会在七夕这一天出现。

    It is well known that very few magpies are seen on the Double-Seventh Day .

  29. 在中国,许多人把“七夕节”当成本族的情人节。

    The Double-Seventh Day in China is considered by many the Chinese Valentine 's Day .

  30. 七夕,想起你。

    Tanabata , I think of you .