
  1. 相比之下,此前获得12项奖项提名的电影《七月与安生》却是意外爆冷,在本届金像奖之中只获得了“最佳原创电影音乐奖”。

    In contrast , " Soul Mate , " though a nominee for 12 awards , only took home one , for Best Original Film Score .

  2. 由香港导演曾国祥执导的《七月与安生》获得了包括最佳摄影、最佳导演、最佳女主角等奖项的提名,两位女主角分别由周冬雨与马思纯饰演。

    Recognitions for the film by Hong Kong director Derek Tseng include Best Picture , Best Director and two Best Actress nominations for its female leads Zhou Dongyu and Ma Sichun .

  3. 本年度香港电影金像奖于日前公布了入围名单,爱情片《七月与安生》凭借12项提名领跑榜单。

    This year 's Hong Kong Film Award has announced its nominees , and love story " Soul Mate " has become a runaway favorite , topping the list with 12 nominations .

  4. 周冬雨因她在爱情片《七月与安生》中的出色表现得到最佳女演员奖,她说第二届金砖国家电影节让人印象深刻,因为这次电影节为行业内部人士提供了交流想法的平台。

    Zhou Dongyu received the Best Actress award for her performance in the romantic drama " July and Ansheng , " She said she was impressed by the opportunity that the 2nd BRICS Film Festival offered since it a platform for industry insiders from various cultures to exchange ideas .