
  1. 一代音乐传奇人物迈克尔·杰克逊天命之年去世。

    On the verge of a comeback tour , music legend Michael Jackson dies at50 .

  2. 音乐传奇黛安娜罗斯的儿子音乐家和演员的伊万也是个人选。

    Music legend Diana Rosss son Evan , an actor and musician , could also be a fit .

  3. 这时候盖•里奇与美国的音乐传奇人物麦当娜结婚了,麦当娜比他要大上10岁。

    It was about this time that Ritchie married American music legend Madonna , who is nearly a decade older than him .

  4. 乡村音乐传奇歌手多莉·帕顿表示,她有些疼痛但是还好,这位67岁的歌手在车祸中受了轻伤,今天刚刚接受完治疗出院。

    Country legend Dolly Parton says she 's a little sore but ok , the 67-year-old was treated and released from a hospital today , after suffering minor injuries in a car crash .

  5. 在这项为庆祝即将到来的情人节的评选中,乡村音乐传奇歌手约翰尼-卡什在妻子琼-卡特65岁的生日上写给这位他见过的最伟大的女人的情书被认为是最感人的。

    In the Valentine 's Day poll , the country music legend Johnny Cash 's letter in which he writes to ' the greatest woman I ever met ' on his wife June Carter 's 65th birthday was regarded as the most moving .

  6. 在这项为庆祝即将到来的情人节的评选中,乡村音乐传奇歌手约翰尼-卡什在妻子琼-卡特65岁的生日上写给这位“他见过的最伟大的女人”的情书被认为是最感人的。

    In the Valentine 's Day poll , the country music legend Johnny Cash 's letter in which he writes to ' the greatest woman I ever met ' on his wife June Carter 's 65th birthday was regarded as the most moving 。

  7. 杰克逊是流行音乐的传奇人物之一。

    Jackson be one of the legend of pop music .

  8. 音乐界传奇人物吉米·埃尔文在苹果年度开发者大会上登场,称这一此前广受期待的产品为“革命性的音乐服务”。

    Calling it a " revolutionary music service , " legendary music industry figure Jimmy Iovine took the stage at the company 's annual conference for developers to unveil what had been widely expected ahead of the event .

  9. 据李健称,二人都非常欣赏彼此的音乐,而《传奇》也是王菲亲自挑选的一首歌曲。

    According to Li , they admire each other ` s music and Wong chose the song herself .