
  1. 论音乐动机的预构发展

    On Development of the " Pre-design " in the Musical Motivation

  2. 因为你的(音乐)动机或者你画画的开始想法,代表你的品质—

    because for your motive , or your little initial idea for your drawing , it 's your character --

  3. 这两个阶段其实就是作曲家对从社会生活中获得的感性材料进行理性加工得到心理体验,从而萌发出音乐创作动机并运用作曲技法完成艺术作品的过程。

    Generally , composers obtain the perceptual materials from social life , and gain the psychological experience by processing it . Then , they sprout the motive of music creation , and complete the artistic work . That is how the two stages forms .

  4. 小学生的音乐学习动机中,掌握目标定向的水平高于表现目标定向,效能期望定向水平高于结果期望,而任务价值水平则介于目标定向与期望之间。

    The level of learning goals is higher than the level of performance goals , the level of efficacy expectation is higher than outcome expectation , and the level of task value is between goals and expectation in the music study motivation of primary school students .

  5. 福建省莆田市中学生音乐课学习动机现状调查及其对策研究

    The Survey of the Study Motivation in the Middle School Music Course in Putian Fujian and the Measure

  6. 音乐专业学生学习动机与学习策略形成的外在因素。

    External factor of formation of learning motivation and strategies .

  7. 这是让他踏上音乐之路的动机同样也是他的哲学。

    This was the motivation that set him on his path in music as well as philosophy .

  8. 其音乐主题和主题动机一般在前奏中以变型的方式得以呈示,并在曲中得以其原型出现,并在尾奏中再现。

    The music theme and the motive of theme are generally presented in the prelude in manner of transmutation , appear as its prototype in the melody and reappear in coda .