
  • 网络Music Studio
  1. 上世纪90年代中期,金宝曾任音乐工作室设备制造商AMSNeve的营销高管,他经常到亚洲参加贸易展,亚洲的强大活力令他感到鼓舞:我卖掉了房子,搬到了新加坡。

    As a marketing executive for AMS Neve , which makes music studio equipment , in the mid-1990s Mr James travelled to Asia regularly for trade shows and was inspired by the sheer energy he saw : I sold the house and moved to Singapore .

  2. 在2005年,他创立了自己的音乐工作室。

    In2005 , he set up his own music studio .

  3. 因为每间主要的音乐工作室都有一台Mac电脑

    because every major studio Has a mac computer in it .

  4. 60年代末期,凯瑞与季诺维也夫和考克柔一起建立了EMS(电子音乐工作室)。

    By the end of the60s , Cary joined forces with Zinovieff and Cockerell to establish EMS ( Electronic Music Studios ) .

  5. 1966年,创建了第一间电子音乐工作室。

    He established the first electronic music studio in1966 .

  6. 在英国伯明罕的大学一个关于电声学音乐工作室的指南。

    A guide to the Electroacoustic Music Studios at University of Birmingham , UK .

  7. 她被埋在他的音乐工作室下面。

    She was buried under his studio .

  8. 现在我在香港开了一家“和声”公司,还有一个音乐工作室。

    Now I run Harmony Productions and a studio in Hong Kong , and have my own band .

  9. T6A是强大的独立双功放、近场监听系统的理想选择,适合专业和家庭录音室、音乐工作室、安装、环绕声监听。

    X-T6A is a powerful bi-amplified nearfield monitor system ideal for professional and home studios , workstations , installations , and surround sound monitoring .

  10. 德吕克曼任教于茱莉亚音乐学院,巴德学院,邓肯;此外,他所导演的电子音乐工作室和教授组成,在布鲁克林学院。

    Druckman taught at the Juilliard school , bard college , and tanglewood ; in addition he was director of the electronic music studio and professor of composition at Brooklyn college .

  11. 本文从电脑音乐制作技术的应用性和电脑音乐制作技术的商业价值两个方面,阐述了高等院校开设电脑音乐制作课程和创建电脑音乐工作室的必要性。

    The article expounds the necessity for universities offering a course of computer music making and building a studio for the computer music from two aspects : its practical applicability and its business value .