
yīn xíng
  • figure;sound-type
音型 [yīn xíng]
  • [figure] 能表达出特定的情意的节奏类型

音型[yīn xíng]
  1. 无词歌(songswithoutwords)是按照歌曲体裁和形式特点写作的小型器乐曲,常有一个歌唱性的旋律,配以抒情歌曲常用的伴奏音型。

    A song without words is a kind of minor instrumental music composed with characteristic of the type and form of songs . It has a singing melody with an accompaniment figure , which is always used in lyric songs .

  2. 基于音型数据库的钢琴自动伴奏系统的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Automatic Piano Accompaniment System Based on Figure Database

  3. 消音型金刚石圆锯片的研究动态钢琴即兴伴奏的音型与应用研究

    The Research on the Figure of the Piano Accompaniment Improvisation and Practice

  4. 一爵士固定音型;通常为一独奏即席创作提供背景。

    A jazz ostinato ; usually provides a background for a solo improvisation .

  5. 音型一组短而连贯的音符或和弦构成的基本音型,经常为一更大的乐曲或结构构成基础。

    A brief melodic or harmonic unit often constituting the base for a larger phrase or structure .

  6. 许多古典音乐家会戴著降低音量、但不会影响音型的耳塞来保护自己的耳朵。

    In fact , many classical musicians now wear earplugs that reduce the volume of sound without deforming it .

  7. 固定音型不断重复的短旋律或短句,通常在同一音高的同一部位。

    A short melody or phrase that is constantly repeated , usually the same part at the same pitch .

  8. 创造性的选择好、设计好伴奏音型是弹好歌曲伴奏准备工作中的重要内容。

    So choosing and designing accompany tonetype Creatively , it is an important contents to play song accompany well .

  9. 有什么独特的作曲技巧被使用吗?诸如:生动描述、固定音型、旋律次序、诵唱声部等等?

    Are there unique compositional techniques employed such as word painting , ostinato , melodic sequence , or sprechstimme , etc.

  10. 这是弦乐四重奏的模型,富有装饰性音型的引子不断持续,抹去了韵律的常规结构。

    This idea acts as a model for the string quartet whereby successive introductions of ornamental figures obliterate the regular structure of the verse .

  11. 为了追求音乐的模糊性,从而形成大量运用音型织体动机及短句旋律来构成主题的特点。

    In order to pursue the fuzziness of music , thus forms weave the body motive and the short phrase melody massively is used to figure the subject characteristic .

  12. 同时,对伴奏音型的整体设计和应用方法以及艺术实践中的制约因素等的论述也不够。

    At the same time , the theory on the overall design , applications of the figure of accompaniment , and factors on affecting art practice is also not enough .

  13. 本文第二章,为了解决第一个问题,笔者以伴奏音型的基本形态为基点对伴奏音型的拓展进行了深入研究。

    In chapter two , in order to solve the problems mentioned in Chapter one , author did thorough analysis on the evolvements of figure of accompaniment based on its fundamental methods .

  14. 在第二章,通过简单模仿与变化模仿、无终模仿与模仿模进、音型化对位、准赋格段四个方面,结合各乐章的实例从对位技法的视角逐一进行论述。

    According to examples from four movements , in second chapter , the techniques of counterpoint will be discussed in six parts such as simple imitation and variation imitation , perpetual imitation , figural counterpoint , imitation with sequence , quasi-fugato .

  15. 虽然简约音乐多半基于协和和声、匀速节奏、重复音型等简单的元素,但是它也包括附加方法、相移等更为复杂的特点,因此简约并非简单粗陋。

    Although minimalist music is based mostly on simple elements of consonant harmony , steady pulse , and repetitive patterns , it may include more complicated features such as additive process and phase shifting , so that simplicity does not mean crudity .

  16. 本文把旋律配和声看作是类似机器学习的一项任务,通过对于一系列样本的训练,构建了一个钢琴伴奏音型元结构数据库。

    Here we regard melody harmonization with piano accompaniment as a machine learning task . After a series of existing samples consisting of melody with piano accompaniment are inputted for training , we construct a database collecting the meta-structures of piano accompaniment figures .

  17. 第四节,把旋律进行的特征主要归为以下五个方面:小三度进行的旋律、全音进行的旋律、半音上行的旋律、固定音型式的旋律、长时值持续音和同音重复。

    Section TV , the characteristics of the main melodies into the following five areas : small three times the melody , the melodic whole tone , chromatic melody up , fixed the sound patterns of melodies , continue to sustain long homonym repeat value .

  18. 本文从即兴伴奏的定义及历史出发解读即兴;接着,在论述伴奏织体的三层次以及伴奏音型的三种基本形式的基础上,重点对伴奏音型的自身变化规律进行了研究。

    In this paper is given the definition and history of improvised accompaniment ; Then , on the base of discussing the three levels of accompaniment texture and the three basic forms of patterns of accompaniment is order to emphasis the patterns of accompaniment own variation .