
  • 网络tempo
  1. 音乐速度逐渐加快的拍子。

    A gradually increasing tempo of music .

  2. 他的音乐速度快,旋律好听,节拍很强。

    It 's got a quick tempo , a nice rhythm , and a heavy beat .

  3. 你在练习模式中的一首歌中设置了5以外的音乐速度。

    You 've played in TRAINING MODE with the MUSIC SPEED not set at5 .

  4. 它有很多的帮助特性,例如减缓音乐速度,重复,转调等等。

    It has many help features , for example to slow down music , repeat , transpose , and so on .

  5. 音乐速度是影响音乐情感表达的重要因素,因此成为研究音乐认知及其脑机制的一个切入点。

    Tempo is a important factor which influences musical emotional expression , and thus it turned into a fundamental part in brain mechanism exploration .

  6. 对不同乐器演奏的、不同音乐速度的、不同节奏模式的音乐,本方法均能有效地提取节奏特征。

    The method can be used to extracting rhythm features effectively , in despite of different instrumental performance , tempo or even different rhythm pattern .

  7. 由音乐速度确定的时间长度必须被分割成一个一个可以听得见的声点(鼓点)。

    The measure of time established by the musical tempo must be broken down into audible taps . A metronome is normally necessary to measure the rhythm .

  8. 以音乐的速度因素作为诱发条件,心境一致性记忆不仅存在于外显记忆中,也存在于内隐记忆中。

    The speed of music as a factor inducing conditions , state of mind not only exists in the memory consistency explicit memory , and there is also implicit memory .

  9. 把实验二和实验三的结论相结合,得出音乐的速度对心境一致性记忆产生了显著的影响。(3)个体的心境一致性特征。

    Experimental two of the three experiments and the conclusions of combining the speed of the music come to mind memories consistency produced a significant impact . ( 3 ) Consistency of the individual characteristics of mind .

  10. 选手要使用现场指定的,由四个和弦构成的和声进行创作不少于四小节四轨的音乐片段,速度不限,风格不限。

    The players shall create music segment not less than four sections and four tracks using site-specified , four-chord formed harmonies , at any speed and in any style .

  11. 音乐调式与速度诱发情绪的脑电和自主神经活动研究电脑游戏诱发下自主神经活动的比较

    The Research for Brain Wave and Autonomic Nerve Activity of Emotion Evoked by Musical Mode and Tempo ; A Comparative Study of Autonomic Nervous Activation During Different Computer Game Periods

  12. 为了推进这一目标的实现,Spotify正在着力研发新的工具,以便使音乐库的运行速度更快,并使这项服务更加社交化,而不是像现在这样,只有播放列表的分享功能。

    To further that , the company is focusing on tools to build music libraries faster and make the service more social beyond the playlist-sharing features in the current apps .

  13. 进而研究产生消极和积极情绪的音乐结构因素&速度,是否对心境一致性记忆也产生了影响。

    To study the negative and positive mood music structural factors - speed , whether the consistency of mind and memory were also affected .

  14. 对于音乐作品来说,速度是时间层面上的一个重要维度,它直接决定着音乐作品音响呈现的基调,也影响着听众对音乐作品的情感体验。

    For music works , tempo is an important dimension level for the time , and it directly decides the stereo music works presented fundamental key .

  15. 某些音乐特征(如速度、音色)和某些个体差异变量(如性别、人格、音乐学习经验)都会对音乐喜好产生影响。

    Some music elements such as tempo and timbre , as well as the personal variables such as gender , personality , and experience of musical education also play important roles in preference to music .

  16. 不管你是听歌剧、古典音乐还是最新的劲爆锐舞音乐,重要的是要考虑音乐节拍的速度。

    It doesn 't matter if you listen to opera , classical or the latest rave music . It 's the speed of the beat that counts .