
  • 网络Sound quality evaluation;assessment of sound quality
  1. 1387-1中的模型输出参数进行多变量分析和融合,得到了联合客观音质评价的参数COE(CombinationofObjectiveaudioEvaluation)。

    1387-1 , to get the important parameter Combination of Objective audio Evaluation ( COE ) .

  2. RBF神经网络及其在基于输出的客观音质评价中的应用

    RBF Neural Networks and Their Application to Output-Based Objective Speech Quality Assessment

  3. 分析结果与厅堂评价等级结果相符合,而且音质评价较好的厅堂的LpF值与其优选范围相一致。

    The analyzing results are accord with the hall evaluation class . Moreover , the LpF of the hall which has the good sound quality evaluation is consistent with the preferred scope .

  4. 比较了四种距离估算方法和主观音质评价(MOS)的相关性,结果表明该方法的综合评价与MOS得分的相关性最好,相关系数为0.954,取得了客观评价方法与主观评价方法一致的结果。

    The correlations between 4 sorts of objective distance measure and the subjective quality evaluation ( MOS ) have been compared ; the experimental results show that this objective measure is the best among the 4 sorts of objective distance measure , and the correlation coefficient is 0.954 .

  5. 音响系统的音质评价及其理论基础

    The Quality Appraisement and the Foundations of Theory for Sound System

  6. 汉语通信系统客观音质评价方法

    A measure for objective speech quality evaluation of Chinese communication channels

  7. 关于主观音质评价听音标准的回顾

    Review on the Standard of the Subjective Assessment for Sound Quality

  8. 加权倒谱距离用于普通话客观音质评价

    A Weighted Cepstral Distance Measure for Objective Quality Evaluation of Mandarin

  9. 用于客观音质评价的扩展巴克谱失真测度

    Extensive Bark Spectral Distortion Measure ment for Objective Speech Quality Assessment

  10. 音乐厅形体发展沿革及其音质评价初探

    Analysis on Shape Evolution of Music Hall and Acoustics Evaluation

  11. 基于感知模型的美尔谱失真测度用于客观音质评价的扩展巴克谱失真测度

    Mel-Spectral Distortion Measure Based on Perception Model for Objective Speech Quality Assessment

  12. 厅堂音质评价参量的相关性分析

    Correlative Analysis of Parameters for Evaluating Auditorium Acoustic Quality

  13. 汕头大学大礼堂的音质评价

    The Acoustical Appraisal of Assembly Hall of Shantou University

  14. 可听化技术在厅堂音质评价中的应用

    Application of Auralization Technology in Auditorium Quality Evaluation

  15. 全数字化小尺度封闭空间音质评价研究(二)客观评价方法

    Research of Full Digital Sound Quality Evaluation in Small Enclosures Part ⅱ: Objective Evaluation

  16. 基于听觉掩蔽效应的客观音质评价研究

    Research on Objective Measures of Speech Quality Based on Masking Properties of Auditory System

  17. 一种改进的客观音质评价方法

    Modified assessment of objective speech quality

  18. 混响时间是厅堂音质评价中的一个重要客观参量。

    Reverberation time is one of the important objective parameters for evaluating acoustics in concert halls .

  19. 通过主观评价实验得到了不同音质评价术语的等级量表。

    Subjective evaluation test was conducted to give the perceived sound quality described with six adjective words .

  20. 语音通信中的音质评价

    Quality Evaluation on Speech Communication

  21. 文中以多频声作为测试信号,研究电声系统中感知倒谱距离与音质评价的关系。

    Relationship between perceptual cepstrum distance and sound quality evaluation of audio system is studied with multitone .

  22. 可以推断这些测度作为对语音系统进行的客观音质评价,会具有好的有效性和实用性。

    We can conclude that these measures have certain validity and utility to appraise the quality of speech systems .

  23. 主要讨论了一种使用语音频谱动态特性的倒谱距离测量对通信系统或通信设备进行客观音质评价方法。

    This paper studies briefly a distance measure for objective quality evaluation of speech communication channels using instantaneous and dynamic spectral features .

  24. 本文主要讨论使用一种加权倒谱距离测量对通信系统或通信设备的话音质量进行客观音质评价。

    This paper describes briefly a weighted cepstral distance measure for objective quality evaluation of Mandarin to facilitate the test of speech communication systems .

  25. 结果表明,这种人工头传输系统可以作为国内厅堂音质评价研究的一个有效工具。

    The results verify that this kind of transfer system with an artificial head could be one of effective tools in acoustical evaluation researches for halls .

  26. 建立了一个语音质量客观评价系统。它是采用一个符合汉语统计规律的语音数据库,并进行了规范的主观音质评价得到的结果作为基础而建立成的。

    Based on a well-prepared speech signal database and some results of thorough subjective assessment , we have built up a system of speech quality objective assessment .

  27. 通过对三峡大学室内体育馆空场混响时间的测试及对满场混响时间的推算,给出了定量的音质评价。

    The quantitative evaluation of the timbre is given by testing the empty yard reverberation time and calculating the full yard reverberation time of the gymnasium in China Three Gorges University .

  28. 厅堂音质评价是一个十分重要的问题,它对于搞好厅堂音质设计,促进厅堂音质研究具有重要作用。

    The subjective evaluation of concert hall timbre is an important problem which not only does good to the design of concert hall timbre but also improves the study of timbre .

  29. 由于音质评价的研究不仅涉及到信号处理领域,还涉及到心理声学知识,因此,本文在研究音质客观评价以前,对人类的发音系统和听觉系统作了详细介绍。

    Then , human pronunciation system and acoustical system are presented for the research of speech quality measure involves not only the knowledge of signal processing but also that of psychologic acoustics .

  30. 描述了利用人耳的听觉掩蔽效应来对巴克谱失真距离测度进行改进,并将这些测度应用在客观音质评价中,以提高主客观音质评价的相关度。

    This paper briefly describes a modified method for Bark Spectral Distortion distance measures with the auditory masking effects to improve the measurement relativity and applies the measures to ( objective ) assessments of speech quality .